Award: No specific amount given, but last year over 715 awards totally over $1 million were given out.
- High school senior
- Seniors with family union affiliation are eligible for multiple scholarships while those without are only eligible for the Massachusetts AFLCIO Scholarhsip
- The application process is the same regardless
- Sign up for the test and fill out the application with Mrs. Troy in guidance by December 12th.
- Take the AFLCIO exam on Wednesday, Februarly 6, 2013 (will be given at the high school)
- 40 multiple choice questions and one essay question with a response of 250-500 words
- YOU NEED TO STUDY! Here is the study guide: http://www.massaflcio.org/sites/massaflcio.org/files/2012_updated_study_guide.pdf
1. Savannah College of Art and Design
Award: $20,000 per year
- Must be applying to Savannah College of Art and Design
- Minimum 1220 SAT combined math and critical reading score, or ACT composite score of at least 27
- G.P.A. of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale
- Outstanding visual arts, performing arts, writing or riding capabilities
- Honors and awrds for competitions or other recognition
- Leadership skills demonstrated through co-curricular or extra-curricular involvement
- make sure to include awards/honors you've received
Deadline: February 1, 2013