Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello From Washington DC!

It was a beautiful day here in Washington DC, but Sheila Blair and I spent most of it inside attending fantastic workshops.  We heard from Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan's Chief of Staff about Department of Education initiatives.  We had the opportunity to speak to Department of Education staff members about what we see as challenges facing schools across the country.  The highlight of the day was spending time with other Blue Ribbon Schools principals and teachers in roundtable discussions groups listening to what other schools have done to improve the education of their students.  Shelia and I will not only be bringing home our Blue Ribbon flag, but will also be bringing back lots of ideas as to how Hull High School can just keep getting better!!

The awards ceremony is at noontime tomorrow.  It is being streamed live starting tomorrow at noon at if you are interested in watching.  We will post pictures tomorrow and let you know about our plans for next week, when we raise our Blue Ribbon flag outside Hull High School for the first time.

I'll end with a quote from Frederick Douglass that I heard today.  It really spoke to me about why we do what we do every single day.

"It is easier to to build strong children then to repair broken men."

Have a great night!