Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mock Trial Team News

The Harvard Mock Trial Association's annual high school seminar program, now in its 11th year, is slated to host 350 students from 15 different states between October and November. Represented regions include the East Coast, the Midwest, the Southwest, the West Coast, and Alaska. Additionally, in past years, we’ve hosted students from Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Nevada, Colorado, Delaware, and even Canada, bringing our total reach to 21 states and two different countries. Overall, the Harvard Mock Trial Association has trained thousands of students for mock trial success since its inception. After coming to our program, schools have gone on to win state championships and place at the national level.

See below, two photos from the event.  The first includes Harvard student and Hull High Class of 2016 graduate Tommy Saide.  Tommy met the team for lunch to talk about his Harvard experience.