Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mr. Devine's Comments on the First Day of School

Good morning please welcome Class of 2018 President Christian Oliveri to the stage to lead us in the pledge of allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
 and to the republic for which it stands
 one nation under God indivisible
 with liberty and justice for all.

Thanks, Christian.

Now, please welcome Class of 2016 President Ricky Barone to the stage to officially start off the 2016 2017 school year.

Thanks, Ricky.

It is so great to have you all back this year.  This school is very quiet and very lonely during the summer without you here.  We accomplished so much last year and I am really looking forward to working with you and your teachers to achieve even more this year.

We have several new teachers joining us this year and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce them to you.
·       Teaching English Mr. Marshall.
·       Teaching mathematics Mrs. McNamara.
·       Teaching mathematics Mrs. Stallbaum.
·       Our new Guidance counselor working with those of you whose last names are in the second half of the alphabet -  Mrs. Burke.
·       As a paraprofessional please welcome back to high school Mrs. Meager.
·       Although he was with us as a substitute last year he is officially on the payroll this year. Mr. Mackenzie that younger.
·       Also joining us as a paraprofessional this year Hull High School alumna -  Miss Vierra.

Due to some late job switches, please join me in welcoming back Mr. Lloyd who will be serving as the TBL teacher until we hire a replacement for Miss McCusker and Mr. Scott will be our wellness/physical education teacher until a replacement for Mrs. Torres is hired.

I am sure that you have I'm sure noticed our school is looking great to start the school year. The floors are shining, the windows are clean and everything is set and ready to go thanks for the hard work of our custodial staff. Mr. Sailor and Mr. Mu+rphy won't be here until later this afternoon but let's give a big round of applause for Mr. MacGonable for all of his hard work this summer in a very very hot building.

I also need to recognize two women who have worked all summer to get ready to make sure school opens today. Let's give a huge round of applause to Mrs. Troy and Mrs. Condon.

It has become a tradition here at whole high school that at our opening assembly we recognize the athletic team that had the greatest percentage of students earn a spot on the on the honor roll during their season.  Please join me in congratulating the 2015-2016 Scholar-Athletes – the Lady Pirates Basketball team.

To our freshman - the members of the class of 2020 -  welcome to Hull High School. You have now entered a new chapter of your life. You get to decide who you will be and what you will accomplish. Middle school doesn't matter anymore. You are now a Hull High School Pirate and you, only you, will determine what your choices will be when you graduate from our school in four very quick years. Make the most of every experience.  Ask questions of your teachers and upperclassman and know that if you give it your all you will do great things while you are here.  And when you get lost today, as you surely will, just remember that our building is just one big square.

To our sophomores - welcome back for your second year as a part of our community.  You are no longer the youngest in our school and so this year you will be given more responsibility.   This is a very important year as you prepare to take the ELA and mathematics MCAS this spring.  Your class had a great year last year.  Work together to make this year even better.

Juniors -  the Class of 2018 -  welcome back.  You have now entered the 2nd half of your high school career.  Though your class is small – you have made our school a better place over the past two years.  Awesome involvement – great MCAS scores – so much kindness to others - winning the Class Cup two years in a row.  You have shown that you are a fantastic class.  This is a huge year for you with PSATs that count, SATs in the spring, the last full-year grades that colleges will see.  You have done great work already.  Keep it up.

And for the first time to the members of the class of 2017 I say hello seniors.  To be very honest with you I am really having a hard time excepting the fact that you were seniors. It really seems like just yesterday you were walking through our doors lost and nervous. But over the past three years you have shown us all time and time again that you have amazing talents, skills and gifts. You have already been leaders in so many ways and our school is a better place because you are here.  I know that you will continue to be the leaders that you have already been and that you will have an incredibly successful senior year and will set a great tone for our community. 

Now let's hear from Miss Nosik about what the rest of today will look like.

It has been quite a summer here in our country.  We have heard that black lives matter, that blue lives matter and that all lives matter. We have seen unarmed African-Americans killed by police officers and we have seen police officers – black and white - protecting others, including protesters – being murdered simply because they wore the uniform.   We have seen dozens of Americans killed just because they chose to go to a gay nightclub.  We have seen a woman for the first time be nominated as the presidential candidate from a major political party and we are now watching the most divisive president campaign in modern times.   As a learning community – it is our obligation to talk about the state of affairs in our country and to help you decide where you stand on the issues of the day.  But – I have faith that here at Hull High School we will do a much better job than many in our country at doing this in a respectful way that does not vilify someone just because their beliefs are different than yours.

Last year my message to you was be kind.  This year – my message to you is persevere.  No matter who wins this upcoming election – the United States of America will continue to be great because for 240 years the American people have shown perseverance and a willingness to listen to others – even those with whom they disagree.  We are great because we have worked together – even with those with whom we disagree – to make our country stronger.  We are a great nation because when the going gets tough – we put aside our differences and see that we have a lot more in common then we have differences. 

The same can be said for our school.  We will disagree – we will discuss – we will listen – and we will come together to make our school even greater than it already is.   I am so proud to be the leader of this educational community because each and every day all of us persevere to do the best that we can.  We work together to help those who are in need.  We come together to celebrate the accomplishments of all of the members of our community.  We celebrate differences and work together to make our community where all feel valued and welcome.  This isn’t always easy but we persevere and do it.

Let’s work together to make this year the best that our school has ever seen.