Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Monday, April 28, 2014

Governor's Statewide Youth Council

The Governor's Statewide Youth Council is currently recruiting for the next class of membership.
From their website: 
"The Council is made up of 28 young people, 2 from each of the Commonwealth's 14 counties, age 14-20. It is an excellent opportunity for students who are interested in leadership and representing the voice of their fellow young people. It is not just for students interested in politics or student government. We have students interested in becoming everything from doctors to teachers to lawyers. I hope you will encourage students who may be interested in this opportunity to apply."
If you have any questions about the Council or application process students can reach out to Anny Jean-Jacques Domercant, the Director of Community Affairs in the Office of the Governor. Her information is on the application.