Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A GREAT First Day of School

WOW!  What a great start to the 2012-2013 school year!  We started the day as a community in the auditorium and hear from Class of 2013 President Sam Campbell about getting involved and making the most of your time at HHS.  Students then went off to classes, pictures and meetings.  As always, our students were fantastic and it is so great to have them back here filling the hallways and classrooms at Hull High School!

Two pieces of information and one favor to ask you:

1. Most teachers are sending home a sign-off sheet with your student(s) today.  Please take the time to read them carefully, sign them and have your son/daughter(s) return them tomorrow.
2. Teachers will no longer be posting homework on their web pages.  Starting next week, teachers will be posting them on their Aspen pages.  More information will be coming to you about this next week.

1. Help us spread the word about this blog.  We will again be using this as the primary way to communicate with parents this year.  Please help us by telling your friends and neighbors!

OK – enough for today.  We will be posting here at least four times each week, so watch here for more important Hull High School news and information.

Have a great night and welcome back to school!