Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sophomore Guidance Project

During the month of February the sophomore students spent a couple weeks working on a project with the guidance counselors.  They took a personality profile and career interest survey, completed research on a career of their choice, and made a poster about a college.   If you are interested in viewing the results of your son/daughter's personality profile, please send an email to his/her guidance counselor.  The report is accessible online and may offer some great insight into your student's learning style, as well as some of their strengths and blindspots. 

The personality profile is a shorter version of the Myers & Briggs test, which is most commonly used to help people assess what career they might be best suited for based on their personality type.  According to Myer's & Briggs, we all fall into one of sixteen personality types.  Here is a link to some more information on the test itself and the specific personality types: Myers & Briggs

The sophomores are assigned to their counselor based on last name.  Here is how they are broken down, along with email addresses should you like to view the report: