Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SAT Test Prep

We recently passed back the PSAT to all our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students and one of the biggest questions we were asked was "How do I improve my scores?" 

For ninth and tenth grade students we would suggest that they open a College Board account and take advantage of all the free online practice questions.  Their PSAT score card gives them an access code to the site that will set them up with an individualized study plan.  It also allows them to pull up the PSAT questions they answered incorrectly so they can find out why they got it wrong.

For eleventh graders the fastest and most significant way to improve scores is to register in a prep course.  Below are links to three different companies that have group classes or private tutoring in the area.  These classes usually begin about 6 weeks before a scheduled SAT day and will include many practice tests.  They tend to be expensive, but we would encourage you to call the company and see if they have any reduced rates and/or scholarship opportunities.  Many of the companies also offer an online class which might be a good option for those students with busy schedules.