Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Reading

Hull High School
Summer Reading 2015

Honors English 9:  Students are required to read Bleachers by John Grisham. They should then complete one of the assignments.  This will be a graded assignment.

College Prep English 9:  Students are encouraged to read Bleachers by John Grisham.  They should then complete one of the assignments.  This assignment will be graded for extra credit.

Honors English 10:  Students are required to read The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore.  They should then complete one of the assignments.  This will be a graded assignment.

College Prep English 10:  Students are encouraged to read The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore.   They should then complete one of the assignments.  This assignment will be graded for extra credit.

Honors English 11:  Students are required to read The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  They should then complete one of the assignments.  This will be a graded assignment.

College Prep English 11:  Students are encouraged to read The Help by Kathryn Stockett. They should then complete one of the assignments.  This assignment will be graded for extra credit.

Honors English 12:  Students are required to read All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald.  Please see enclosed assignment sheet with additional extra credit assignments.

College Prep English 12:  Students are encouraged to read All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald. They should then complete one of the assignments.  This assignment will be graded for extra credit.

Books are available at the Hull and Hingham Public Libraries and are all available for $13 or less on

Summer Reading Assignments

Create a soundtrack to the book you read. Choose ten songs that you feel correspond with the themes of your book. Explain four of the songs, why you chose them and how they relate to the book.  Please cite specific lyrics to show evidence of this shared theme.  Each one of your four analyses should be a 1/2 page. 

Write a creative dialogue between a character in your novel and a character from a different novel you have read in one of your past English classes. You may want to choose a character with similar viewpoints or a character foil (a character with opposite attributes).  In a concluding paragraph explain why you chose the character you did and how he/she relates to the character from your summer reading novel. Your written piece should be approximately 2-3 pages.

Find a current newspaper article on-line that relates to an issue in your novel. Briefly summarize the article and include it for your English teacher’s perusal.  Explain how it is addressed in the novel as well as your thoughts on the issue.  Your written piece should be approximately 2-3 pages.