Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Friday, October 21, 2011

Live... from Hull High School's Homecoming!

What a great night!  First, our Pirates had a FANTASTIC win in overtime against the Randolph Blue Devils.  Then, 200 of our students entered the gym for a night of dancing and fun.  Less than 20 minutes ago, Jen Farrell (Homecoming Queen 2010) crowned this year's Hull High School Homecoming King and Queen... Jake Botelho and Nathalia Fonseca!  Congratulations to our new Hull High School royalty!

The students are still in there dancing as I am typing this.  They are doing their usual fantastic job, proving once again that Hull High School students are outstanding young adults.  Moms and Dads and guardians - you have every reason to be so proud of your Hull High School students!

A HUGE shout out to Mr. Sivo and the Student Council for putting on a great Spirit Week, rally and dance.

Also - thanks to Ms. Wescott, Mrs. Connors, Mrs. Grosso, Coach Q, and Mr. Lidington for chaperoning the dance with us tonight.  That gym is hot and loud!

Have a fantastic weekend and good luck to our Pirate Cheerleaders as they compete tomorrow in Marshfield.