Hull High
School’s annual Open House will be held on
Wednesday, September 13 from 7 pm to 9 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to
follow your student’s schedule so you can meet all their teachers, learn about
the curriculum, and become familiar with the expectation for each course.
This year we
also have a special feature, Hidden in
Plain Sight, sponsored the
Hull Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Addiction. Parents
are invited to search a staged student bedroom to educate themselves about
signs of alcohol and drug use that may be “hidden in plain sight.” The program
will include 60+ props that could potentially signal substance abuse. Emerging
local drug use trends will be highlighted. The goal of this initiative is to enlighten
parents and to encourage them to have honest and candid discussions with their
children about substance abuse.
I look forward
to meeting you this coming Wednesday.
Paula Girouard