Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Guidance Counselors, Senior College Night & SAT Registration

Welcome Back & Happy Start of the School Year

This year both Mrs. Kelliher and Ms. Vaughan are back in the guidance office.  Our counselor assigments are listed below and are decided by the first initial of the student's last name:

Ms. Vaughan 
Email: 1122
Caseload:     Grade 9:    A - M
                     Grade 10:  A - K
                     Grade 11:  A - L
                     Grade 12:  A - O

Mrs. Kelliher (in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays)
Email:  Extension: 1121
Caseload:     Grade 9:    N - Z
                     Grade 10:  L - Z
                     Grade 11:  M - Z
                     Grade 12:   P - Z

This year our annual Senior Parent College Application Night (I know, wordy title!) will take place on Thursday, Septmeber 27th in the Exhibition Room at 7 PM.  All seniors and their families are encouraged to attend.  We'll be reviewing the college application process and answering any questions you may have about how and when to apply.  We hope everyone can make it!

SAT Registration is now available online at  Most students in the class of 2013 created a College Board account during their sophomore year.  If they have any questions about their username or password they should come to the guidance office and ask their counselor.  Please do not create two accounts (this can make score sending very complicated)!

Here are the dates for some upcoming tests:

October 6 - register by 9/7 (FRIDAY)
November 3 - register by 10/4
December 1 - register by 11/1

Fee waivers for students on the Free and/or Reduced Lunch Program are available in the guidance office.