All scholarships are posted in the Guidance Office on the Scholarship Board.
Order of the Sons of Italy
Deadline: February 1, 2017
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Deadline: 12/16/2016
Student Scholarships
Deadline: rolling
Science Sleuth
Deadline: November 30
AXA Achievement Scholarship
Deadline: December 15
The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Thanksgiving Rally Info
Our Thanksgiving Rally will be held on Wednesday, November 23 at 9:50. Parents can plan on checking in at the Main Office at 9:40.
The Thanksgiving Day Football game is at Cohasset at 10AM. Tickets: Adult $10, Students/Seniors $7.
Happy Thanksgiving and Go Pirates!
The Thanksgiving Day Football game is at Cohasset at 10AM. Tickets: Adult $10, Students/Seniors $7.
Happy Thanksgiving and Go Pirates!
A Letter from Mr. Devine
November 11,
Dear Parents
and Guardians,
One quarter
of the 2016-2017 school year is now behind us.
I don’t know about you but I find this very hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday I was welcoming
our students back to school. But the
chill in the air and the brilliant colors on the trees are sure signs that it
will not be long until it is time to get out those snow shovels.
The seemingly
never-ending presidential election is now over and our students have
demonstrated that citizenship is a core value that they have embraced. I have had so many conversations with our
students about the issues facing our country and the strengths and weaknesses
of the men and women who ran for the presidency this year. In each of those conversations, our students
showed that they had a good grasp of the issues and had thought seriously about
their own beliefs. Our students created
political videos and art work and watched attentively as students from the AP
Government class held a debate where the positions of the candidates were
presented. On the day after the
election, Trump supporters and Clinton supporters continued to debate the
issues while treating each other with respect.
Your sons and daughters set a wonderful example that so many could learn
When our
students were faced with the saddest of news last month, they embraced each
other and pulled together to help those who were in the most pain. They turned out in huge numbers to support
our teams. They waited hours in line to
pay their respects and helped fill a church to celebrate a young life taken too
soon. They even checked in with their
teachers and their principal to make sure that the adults in our school were
alright. They remembered and honored
their classmate, yet continued to go to class, knowing that they had to
persevere through their grief. The
entire Hull community should be so proud of these young men and women. They truly are such amazing people and they
make me so optimistic about the future of our town and our country.
Next week is
Thanksgiving and we all have a great deal for which to be thankful. I know that being the principal of this
outstanding learning community is something that I am very thankful for.
Very truly
Michael F.
Hull High
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Parent/Teacher Conferences
are currently scheduling Parent-Teacher Conferences. Afternoon
conferences will take place on Monday, November 14 from 1.30PM to 3.20PM, and
evening conferences will be on Thursday, November 17 from 5.30PM to
8.20PM. We hope you will take advantage of this time to see all of your
students’ teachers.
year, Hull High School will be using the online service: to make
signups for parent-teacher conferences more efficient. Please enter the
following web address into your browser window or go to the Hull High website
for the link:
will be brought to a website where you can select which teachers you would like
to schedule conferences with. (Please check ASPEN for the teachers’ names prior
to logging into PTC.Fast for conferences.) Once you have made your
selection, you will be prompted to enter the name(s) of your student(s), and to
register using a valid email address.
you complete the registration process the website will send you an email with
an entry code for your conferences. In some cases, it may take up to an
hour to get your email, so please be patient. You may also check your
spam folder to see if the email was channeled there.
you receive your entry code follow the link in the email to select times. If
you selected multiple teachers, you can use the left/right arrow keys to move
between columns to see available appointments. After you have made your
selections, click on the “submit” button at the bottom of the screen to
complete the process and receive an email confirmation.
If you
find that you are unable to attend a conference you have scheduled, please
return to the website to choose a different time or remove your name from the
If you
do not have internet access or have difficulty scheduling conferences please
call Fran Troy at 781-925-3000 x1112 and she will be happy to assist you in
scheduling your conferences.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Slam Poetry Competition Photos and Info
Slam poetry is a form of poetry that follows a free verse style, which means that the authors are not obligated to follow a particular rhyme scheme. That being said, slam poetry does have specific rules for the performance.
On Monday, November 7, student's participated in a slam poetry competition. Student' in the competition wrote and performed their poems to a select group of staff judges and the entire student body. Students were chosen to compete in the competition. The winner of the competition was awarded a $300 scholarship and the title of Hull High School Poetry Slam Champion!
Mia Lugo-Colon
Melody McBride
Julianna Smith
Cali Mullen
Amanda Mueller
Kiernan Leahy
Ethan Wagner
Bella Palermo-Cristaldi
Salvatore Tarara
Jessica Batts
Jamie Froio
Brianna Bennett
Aidan Leahy
Erin Shea
Bryan Ramos-Martinez
Lynh Chau
Nolan Palma
Joe Coffey
Hull High School House Band: Envy Drew and the Canyons
Drums: Drew Menice
Bass Guitar: Cody Preston
Keyboard: Amanda Mueller
Director: Mr. Barkon
Brianna Bennett: Slam Poetry Champion-Awarded $320
scholarship Poem Titled "Testing"
2nd Place: Jamie Froio Poem titled "Donor 473"
3rd Place: Bella Palermo-Cristaldi Poem titled "My
Our judges for the event were:
HHS Theatre Director: Mr. Sullivan
History Teacher: Mr. Mullin
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Nosek
English Teacher: Mr. Marshall
Guest Judge:
Slam Poet/Artist: Neiel Israel
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Parent - Teacher Conference Pot Luck Dinner Donations Needed
conferences are around the corner. For teachers, this means hours of
preparation and days of back-to-back meetings.Please consider supporting the
teachers by donating to the potluck dinner the evening of the conference,
organized by the PTO. See the sign up links below to make a donation. Thank
Elementary School, Nov. 15
Middle School, Nov. 16
High School, Nov. 17
Monday, November 7, 2016
Massachusetts AFL-CIO Scholarship Awards Program
Applications are available in the Guidance Office for the 59th Annual Massachusetts
AFL-CIO Scholarship Program. Applications are due in Guidance by December 16. The test will be administered on Thursday, February 2, 2017.
More information is available at:
AFL-CIO Scholarship Program. Applications are due in Guidance by December 16. The test will be administered on Thursday, February 2, 2017.
More information is available at:
Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
The Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce believes that an educated public leads to a more prosperous business community. A strong business community working with and supporting a strong school system can define a town. To that end, the Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce awards two $1,000 scholarships to two graduating Hull residents who have displayed intellect, involvement, and commitment.
Deadline: April 25, 2017
Applications are available in the Guidance Office.
Information is available in the
Guidance Office on the following Scholarships
December Deadlines:
Boston University Trustees Scholarship
December 1
Entrepreneur Foundation
Deadline: December 18
American Legion Oratorical Contest
Deadline: December 31
January Deadlines:
Profile in Courage Essay Contest
Deadline: January 4
February Deadlines:
David Thoreau Scholarship
Deadline: February 1
Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: February 14
February Deadlines:
Nantasket hamber of Commerce Scholarship
Deadline: April 25
Websites to check out:
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Upcoming Band Fundraisers
Nickles to Washington Can and Bottle Drive
The Hull High School Band is participating at a music festival in Washington D.C. this coming April. Support the student musicians by dropping off your cans and bottles. Your deposits will help reduce the cost of the trip!
November 12, 2016
9 - noon
A Street Bus Lot
Snackin' in the USA Band Fundraiser
The Hull High School Band is participating in a music festival in Washington D.C. this coming April. The money raised from this fundraiser will help reduce the cost of the trip for our student musicians. The fundraiser is running until November 17. ALL snacks are $7. Orders can be placed through any of the Band students or at the high school in the Main Office. These snacks make great gifts for the December holidays and excellent party treats!
The Hull High School Band is participating at a music festival in Washington D.C. this coming April. Support the student musicians by dropping off your cans and bottles. Your deposits will help reduce the cost of the trip!
November 12, 2016
9 - noon
A Street Bus Lot
Snackin' in the USA Band Fundraiser
The Hull High School Band is participating in a music festival in Washington D.C. this coming April. The money raised from this fundraiser will help reduce the cost of the trip for our student musicians. The fundraiser is running until November 17. ALL snacks are $7. Orders can be placed through any of the Band students or at the high school in the Main Office. These snacks make great gifts for the December holidays and excellent party treats!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We are currently scheduling Parent-Teacher Conferences. Afternoon conferences will take place on Monday, November 14 from 1.30PM to 3.20PM, and evening conferences will be on Thursday, November 17 from 5.30PM to 8.20PM. We hope you will take advantage of this time to see all of your students’ teachers.
This year, Hull High School will be using the online service: to make signups for parent-teacher conferences more efficient. Please enter the following web address into your browser window or go to the Hull High website for the link:
You will be brought to a website where you can select which teachers you would like to schedule conferences with. (Please check ASPEN for the teachers’ names prior to logging into PTC.Fast for conferences.) Once you have made your selection, you will be prompted to enter the name(s) of your student(s), and to register using a valid email address.
After you complete the registration process the website will send you an email with an entry code for your conferences. In some cases, it may take up to an hour to get your email, so please be patient. You may also check your spam folder to see if the email was channeled there.
Once you receive your entry code follow the link in the email to select times. If you selected multiple teachers, you can use the left/right arrow keys to move between columns to see available appointments. After you have made your selections, click on the “submit” button at the bottom of the screen to complete the process and receive an email confirmation.
If you find that you are unable to attend a conference you have scheduled, please return to the website to choose a different time or remove your name from the schedule.
If you do not have internet access or have difficulty scheduling conferences please call Fran Troy at 781-925-3000 x1112 and she will be happy to assist you in scheduling your conferences.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Scholarship Opportunities
is available in the Guidance Office on the following Scholarships
University Trustees Scholarship
December 1
Entrepreneur Foundation
December 18
American Legion Oratorical Contest
December 31
Profile in Courage Essay Contest
January 4
David Thoreau Scholarship
February 1
Memorial Scholarship
February 14
to check out:
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
November College Open Houses
Reprinted with permission form College Impressions
College Open House Notices - November, 2016
See Special Programs for Prospective College Students Section for Preview Showcase Programs schedules Call (202) 885-1000
Bridgewater St. Col., Bridgewater,VA, Nov. 19 -OH- call (540) 828-8000
College Open House Notices - November, 2016
Adelphi U., Garden City,
NY, Nov. 19 -OH
Nov. 19 -Art
Portfolio Review Day Call (800) 233-5744
Alabama, U. of, Huntsville,
AL, Nov. 19 -Discovery Day- call (800)
Albertus Magnus Col., New
Haven, CT, Nov. 12 -Saturday Session- call (800)
Albright Col., Reading,
PA, Nov. 13 -OH- call (800)
Alfred St. U., Alfred,
NY, Nov. 12 -Autumn Visit- call (800)
American U., Washington,
DC, Nov. 3 & 4 -Showcase Business
& Public Affairs
Nov. 6 & 7 -Sch. of Communication &
International Affairs See Special Programs for Prospective College Students Section for Preview Showcase Programs schedules Call (202) 885-1000
Anna Maria Col., Paxton,
MA, Nov. 19 -OH- call (800) 344-4586
Assumption Col., Worcester,
MA, Tours and Interviews call 508-
Babson Col., Wellesley,
MA, Nov. 6 & 7 -Multicultural OH- call (800)
Tours M-F
10:00 and 2:00 IS M-F 11:15 and 1:15
Bates Col., Lewiston, ME, Nov., Fall Saturdays except Nov. 19 & 26, call (207) 786-6000
Bay Path Col., Longmeadow,
MA, Nov. 13-14 -ON- call
(800) 782-7284
Becker Col., Worcester,
MA, Nov. 19 -IS, Sch. of Animal Science- call
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI, Nov. 19
-Athletic Visit Day- call (800) 356-6751
Boston Architectural Col., Boston,
MA, Nov. 10 -OH-
5:30 pm to 7 pm, call (617) 585-0123
Boston Col., Chestnut Hill,
MA, Nov., “Eagle for a Day”, call (800) 360-2500
Brandeis U., Waltham,
MA, Nov. 12 -Fall for Brandeis Days- call (781)
Bryant U., Smithfied, RI, Nov. 11 & 19 -Bryant 101, check out the Bryant “Fly In
Program”, call
(800) 622-7001
Bridgewater St. U., Bridgewater,
MA, Nov. 5 -Fall Preview- call (508)
Bridgewater St. Col., Bridgewater,VA, Nov. 19 -OH- call (540) 828-8000
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA, Nov. 4 & 5 -Bryn Mawr Traditions
Tours M-F 10:00 and 2:00
Canisius Col., Buffalo,
NY, Nov. 5, 11, 19 -OH- call (800) 843-1517
Case Western Reserve,
Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 14 -OH- call
(800) 967-8890
Castleton St. Col.,
Castleton, VT, Nov. 19 -OH-
call (800) 639-8521
Cedar Crest Col., Allentown,
PA, Nov. 12 -OH-
call (800) 360-1222
Champlain Col., Burlington,
VT, Nov. 4 -Portfolio Review- call
(800) 570-5858
Clark U., Worcester, MA, Nov. 12
-OH- register by calling (800)
Clarkson U., Pottstown,
NY, Nov. 5 -OH-
call (800) 527-6577
Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, IA, Nov. 12
-Visit Day
Nov. 7 to 11, & Nov.
28 to Dec. 2 -Visit Week Call (877)
Colgate U., Hamilton, NY, Nov. 5, 12, 19 -Saturday IS- register before by calling (315) 228-7000
Connecticut Col., New London,
CT, Nov. 12 & 13 -Explore Weekend for Minority Students-
(860) 439-6472
Culinary Institute of America,
Hyde Park, NY, Nov. 4 -OH, Nov. 1, 8,
10, 15, 19, 21, 28, call (800) 285-4629
Curry Col., Milton, MA, Nov. 15, Workshop for students & families
Navigating Col. Search for Students, call (800) 669-0686
C.W. Post of L. I. U., Greenvale,
NY, Nov. 26 -Fall OH-
10 am to 2 pm, call (800) 548-7526
Daniel Webster Col., Nashua,
NH, Nov. 1 Tech Nite OH - call (800) 325-6876
Davidson Col., Davidson,
NC, Nov. 6 & 7 -Senior visit
Nov. 11 -A Day at Davidson Call (704) 894-2000
Dean Col., Franklin, MA, Nov. 11
-Discover Dean Day Call
(508) 541-1509
Denison Col., Granville,OH, Nov. 11 -Sr. Visit Day Nov. 6 & 7 -Fall ON
Nov. 6 -Diversity Workshop Call (740) 587-0810
Dickenson Col., Carlisle, PA, Nov. 12
-OH- call (800) 644-1773
Drew U., Madison, NJ, Nov., call (973) 408-3739
D’Youville Col., Buffalo,
NY, Nov. 12 -Saturday Visit- see
Special Programs for Prospective College Students section, call
(800) 777-3921
Eckard Col., St. Petersburg,
FL, Nov. 22 -OH- call
(800) 456-9009
Elizabethtown Col.,
Elizabethtown, PA, Nov. 12 -OH- call
(717) 361-1400
Elmira Col., Elmira, NY, Nov. 12
-Fall OH Visit Day- call (800) 935-6472
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA, Nov. 11
-OH Nov. 19
-Saturday Preview Call (800)
Emmanuel Col., Boston,
MA, Nov. 5, 11, 12, 19 -IS- call
(617) 735-9715
Emerson Col., Boston,
MA, Nov. 12 -OH- call
(617) 824-8500
Emory Col., Atlanta, GA, Nov. 14 (OH at Oxford Col.), call (404)727-6036
Endicott Col., Beverly,
MA, Nov. 12 -OH Nov. 19 (IS) Call (978)
Fairfield U., Fairfield, CT, M-F 10:30, 11:45 and 1:30 Tours and IS Call (203) 254-4100
Fisher Col., Boston, MA, Nov. 6
-OH- 10 am to 2 pm, call
(617) 286-8818
Fitchburg State Col.,
Fitchburg, MA, Nov. 12 (OH), 8:30 am to
2 pm, call (800) 705-9692
Florida Inst. Tech, Melborne,
FL, Nov. 19 -Discovery Day- call
(800) 888-4348
Florida, Southern U., Lakeland,
FL, Nov. 19 -Day on Campus Nov. 10-11
-Academic Preview Call (800)
Fordham, NYC, NY, Nov. 12 (Lincoln Ctr.) & Nov. 13 (Rose
Hill) -Preview- call (718)
Framingham State U.,
Framingham, MA, IS and Tours most weekdays 10:30,12:30 & 2:30- call (508)
Franklin Col., Franklin,
IN, Nov. 12 -Blue & Gold Visit Day- call
(800) 852-0232
Franklin Institute, Boston,
MA, Nov. 2 -OH- call (617) 588-1368
Franklin Pierce Col., Rindge,
NH, Nov. 19 -OH-
call (800) 437-0048
Gannon U., Erie, PA, Nov. 14
-Hum., Ed., Soc. Sci., Communication & Arts Day, call (814)-871-7000
Geneva Col., Beaver Falls, PA, Nov. 11 & 18 -Discovery Day- call (724)
Gettysburg Col., Gettysburg,
PA, Nov. 11 -OH Nov. 4 & 5
-Conservatory Audition
Call (717) 337-6300
Gordon Col., Wenham, MA, Nov. 9
-Experience Gordon Day, OH- call (800) 847-8255
Goucher Col., Baltimore,
MD, Nov. 12 -Select Saturday Visit- call
(401) 337-6000
Green Mt. Col., Poultney, VT, Nov. 12
-OH- 10 am to 3 pm, call (800)
Hamilton Col., Clinton,
NY, Nov. 5 & 12 -Hamilton Saturday Nov. 1 & 8 (ON) Call (800)
Hampshire Col., Amherst, MA, for
Nov campus visits - call (413) 582-5471
Hartford, U. of, Hartford,
CT, Nov. 13 -Fall Preview, OH- 9 am to 3 pm,
see Special Programs for
Prospective College Students section,
call (800) 947-4303
Hartwick Col., Oneonta,
NY, Nov. 11 -Discovery Day - call (800) HARTWICK
William Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Nov. 14 -Fall OH, Fine & Performing Arts- call (800) 852-2255
Holy Cross, Col. of,
Worcester, MA, Nov. 6 -OH Nov. 7, 14 -Visit Day Nov. 1, 5, 7 to
9 -Multicultural Call (800) 442-2421
Hood Col., Frederick,
MD, Nov. 12 -OH Nov. 5 & 19 -Saturday Visit Call
(800) 922-1599
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Nov. 4, 11, 18 -Hope Col. Visitation Days- 9 am to 3 pm,
call (800) 968-7850
Husson Col., Bangor, ME, Nov. 12
-OH- call (800) 4 HUSSON
Ithaca Col., Ithaca, NY, Nov. 11
-OH- 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 429-4274
Johnson State Col., Johnson, VT,
Nov. 12 -OH- call (800) 635-2356
Johnson & Wales U.,
Providence, RI, Nov. 12 -OH, Culinary Arts- call
(800) 343-2565
Keene State Col., Keene,
NH, Nov. 5 -OH- call (800) KSC-1909
Lafayette Col., Easton,
PA, Nov. 10, 11, 12 -Fall OH-
8:30 am to 3 pm, call (610) 330-5100
Lasell Col., Newton, MA, Nov. 6
-OH- 8:30 am, call (888)
Lawrence Memorial-Regis Col.
Collaborative ASN Program, Medford, MA, Nov.
10 -IS, Nursing-
7 pm to 9 pm, call (781)306-6600
Lebanon Valley Col., Annville,
PA, Nov. 12 -Discovery Day Nov. 11 -Day at
the Valley Call (800) 445-6181
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse,
NY, Nov. 11, 12, 19 -IS-
call (800) 333-4733
Lesley U., Cambridge,
MA, Nov. 19, Workshop Visit Day call (800)
Lewis & Clark Col.,
Portland, OR, Nov. 14 -OH-
call (503) 768-7000
Loyola U., Baltimore, MD, Nov. 19
-IS- call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., VT, Nov. 12
-OH- call (802) 626-6413
Maine, U. of, Farmington, ME, Nov. 12
-OH- call (207) 778-7050
Maine, U, of, Orono, ME, Nov. 14
-OH- call (207) 581-1561
Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton,
VA, Nov. 5 -Saturday Visit- call (800) 468-2262
Manhattan Col., Riverdale,
NY, Nov. 5, 12, 9 -Saturday Info. Days- noon to 3 pm, call (800)
Mass Col. of Liberal Arts,
North Adams, MA, Nov. 12 -Fall OH Nov. 19 -Sat. Session
Call (800) 292-6632
Mass Col. of Pharmacy,
Boston, MA, Nov. 12 -OH- 10
am, call
(800) 225-5506
Mass Maritime Acad., Buzzards
Bay, MA, Nov. 19 -OH- 8
am to noon, call (800) 544-4311
U. Mass, Boston, Boston, MA,
Tours and IS M-F 10:00 and 2:00 -Showcase Saturday-Nov 19th 9 am to
noon, call (617) 287-6000
UMASS, Dartmouth, MA, Nov. 6
-OH- 10 am, call (508)
Merrimack Col., No. Andover,
MA, Nov. 6 -OH- call (978) 837-5000
Mitchell Col., New London,
CT, Nov. 12 -OH- call
(800) 443-2811
Moravia Col., Bethlehem,
PA, Nov. 12 -OH-
call (610) 861-1300
Montserrat Col., Beverly,
MA, Nov. 12 -OH- call
(800) 836-0487
Mt. Holyoke Col., Northampton,
MA, Nov. 10 -Frances Parkem Day, see
Special Programs for Prospective College Students section, call (413)
Mt. Ida Col., Newton,
MA, Nov. 23, 24, 25 -Tour-
call (617) 928-4500
Mt. St. Mary’s Col., Newberg,
NY, Nov. 13 -OH-
call (888) 937-6762
Muhlenberg Col., PA, Nov. 5
-Campus Visit Program- call (484) 664-3200
Newbury Col. Boston, MA, Nov. 13
-OH- call (800) NEWBURY
New England Col., Henniker,
NH, Nov. 19 -Preview Day Nov. 11 -Holiday Visit
Call (800)
Hampshire, U. of, Durham, NH -IS & T- call (800) 342-5864
NYU, NYC, Nov. 22
-Diversity OH- call (212) 998-5065
Niagara U., of, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 5
-Saturday Visit Days Nov. 11 -On The
Edge Call (800) 462-2111
Norwich U., Northfield, VT, Nov. 11 & 12 -OH- call
(800) 468-6679
Ohio Wesleyan U., Delaware,
Ohio, Nov. 12 -Fall Preview- call (800) 922-8953
Olin Col., Wellesley, MA,
Nov. 12 -Fall OH- (781)-283-2307
Paul Smith Col., Lake Placid,
NY, Nov. 11 -OH- call (518) 327-6017
Pine Manor Col., Chestnut
Hill, MA, Nov. 5 -OH- 10 am to 1 pm, call (800) 762-1357
U. of, Pittsburg, PA, Nov.5 & 12 -OH- call (877) SEE-PITT
Plymouth State U., Plymouth, NH, Nov. 5 & 12 -ON- call (800) 842-6900
Providence Col., Providence,
RI, Nov. 4 & 10 -A Day in Friartown- call
(401) 865-2141
Quinnipiac U., Hamden,
CT, Nov. 12 -Fall OH-
9:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 462-1944
Radford U., Radford, VA, Nov. 5
-OH, Criminal Justice- 9 am to 3
pm, call
(540) 831-5000
Randolph Macon Col., W.C., Lynchburg,
VA, Nov. 12 -OH- call
(800) 888-1762
Rensselaer Poly Tech, Troy,
NY, Nov., Senior Overnight runs from
Sept. 24 to Nov. 20, call (800) 448-6562
Rhode Island Col.,
Providence, RI, Nov. 12 -OH-
call (401) 456-8000
Rhode Island Sch. of Design,
Providence, RI, Nov. 12 -IS- ,
call (800) 364-RISD
Ripon Col., Ripon, WI, Nov. 5, 12
-Saturday Visits- call (800) 947-4766
Riviere Col., Manchester,
NH, Nov. 5 -Tour Day-
call (800) 447-4843
Rochester Inst. Tech.,
Rochester, NY, Nov. 12 OH- call (585)
Rochester, U. of, Rochester,
NY, Nov., Off Campus Interviews: Nov. 3 East Northport
Nov. 8
Manhattan Nov. 9
Poughkeepsie For
greater detail, call (888) 822-2256
Rochester Institute of Tech.,
Rochester, NY, Nov. 12 (OH), 11 am, call (716) 425-2272
Roger Williams U., Bristol,
RI, Nov. 13 (OH), 1 pm to 5 pm,
call (800) 458-7144
Russell Sage Col., Troy, NY, Nov. 13
-Overnight (Troy) Nov. 9 -Portfolio Day (Albany, NY)
Call (800) 999-7772
Sacred Heart U., Fairfield,
CT, Nov. 5 & 19 -Sat. IS Nov. 19 -Sunday IS
Call (203) 371-7880
St. Andrews, U. of, Fife
KY169AJ, Scotland, Nov. 16 -Visit Day-
call 44(0)1334-4
St. Anselm Col., Manchester,
NH, Nov. 16 -Saturday Visit- call
(603) 641-7500
St. Joseph Col., Standish,
ME, Nov. 19 -OH Nov. 11 -Athletic OH
Call (800) 338-7057
St. Lawrence U., Canton,
NY, Nov. 11 -Campus Visit Day- 9 am to 3 pm,
call (888) 454-5333
St. Michael’s Col.,
Colchester, VT, Nov. 12 -OH Nov. 5 & 19 -Saturday Tour
Nov. 13 -Sunday Tour Call
(800) 762-8000
St. Olaf Col., Northfield,
MN, Nov. 1 -Visit Day-
call (800) 800-302
Salem State Col., Salem, MA, Nov. 3
-OH- call (978) 542-6206
Sch. of Visual Arts, New York
City, Nov. 5 -OH-
call (212) 592-2100
Scranton, U. of, Scranton,
PA, Nov. 6 -Fall OH-
9:30 am to 3 pm, call (888) SCRANTON
Skidmore Col., Saratoga,
NY, Nov. 11 -OH-
call (800) 867-6007
Slippery Rock U., Slippery
Rock, PA, Nov. 25 -OH, Showcase- call
(800) SRU-9111
Smith Col., Northampton,
MA, Nov. 11 -Prelude II, OH- Ada Comstock, see
Special Programs for Prospective College Students section, Nov. 11
-Ada Comstock OH- call (413) 585-2500
Southern Florida U., Lakeland,
FL, Nov. 19 -Day on Campus Nov. 15, 18 -Saturday Tour
(800) 274-4131
Springfield Col.,
Springfield, MA, Nov. 6 -OH- call (413) 748-3136
Stetson U., Deland, FL, Nov.
19 -OH- 10 am to 1 pm, call (800) 688-0101
Suffolk U., Boston, MA, Nov.,
12 Saturday Tour and IS- call (617) 573-8460
SUNY, Col. of Environmental.
Sci. & Forestry, Syracuse, NY, Nov.
6 & 11 -Info. Sess.- see
Special Programs for Prospective College Students section, call
(800) 777-7373
Syracuse U., Syracuse,
NY, Nov. 4 & 11 -Orange Preview- call
(315) 443-3611
Tampa, U. of, Tampa, FL, Nov. 6
-OH Nov. 19
-Saturday Interview
Call (800) 733-4773
Temple U., Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 6 -OH- call (504) 865-5000
Towson U., Towson, MD, Nov. 4 & 15 -OH-
call (800) 225-5878
Trinity Col., Hartford, CT, Nov. 13 & 14 (Preview Weekend) Nov. 15, 28 & 29, 30 (ON)
Call (860)297-2000
Tulane U., New Orleans,
LA, Nov. 12 -Campus Preview- call (800)
Union Col., Schenectady,
NY, Nov. 5 & 12 -Fall Session- call (888)
Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie,
NY, Nov. 11 -OH- call
(800) 827-7270
Vermont, U. of, Burlington,
VT, Nov. 12 (OH) Nov. 6–8 (Discover U. Vermont)
Nov. 5 (IS & T) Call (802) 656-4647
V.M.I., Lexington, VA, Nov. 13 & 14 -OH-
call (540) 464-7746 or
(800) 767-4207
Washington & Jefferson
Col., Washington, PA, Nov. 13 & 14 -Senior Overnight- call (888)
Wellesley Col., Wellesley,
MA, Nov. 11 -Wellesley Visit Day- call (781)
Wells Col., Aurora, NY, Nov. 12
-OH- call (800)952-9355
Wentworth Institute, Boston,
MA, Nov. 20 -OH-
call (617) 442-9010
Wesleyan U., Middletown, CT, Nov. -TBA- call (860)
State U., Westfield, MA, Nov. 13 -OH- call (413) 572-5218
Western New England Col.,
Springfield, MA, Nov. 19 -OH- call
(413) 782-1312
Wheaton Col., Norton,
MA, Nov. 5 & 12 -Wheaton Visits- call (800)
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA, Nov. 14
-Financial Aid Workshop- call (617) 879-2206
& Mary Col., Williamsburg, VA, Nov.
5 & 12 -Fall Focus Days- call (757)
Wittenberg U., Springfield,
Ohio, Nov. 11 -Fall Visit Day, OH Nov. TBA -Multicultural Days
(800) 677-7558
Wooster, Col. of, Wooster,
Ohio, Nov. 19 -OH- call (330) 263-2322
Worcester Polytech.
Institute, Worcester, MA, Nov. 11 -OH- call
(508) 831-5286
Worcester St. Col.,
Worcester, MA, Nov. 19 -General OH-
call (508) 929-8040
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