The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Thursday, September 29, 2016
PTO Thanksgiving Pie Sale
Hull PTO is selling pies just in time for Thanksgiving! Students will be selling pies starting today
and ending on October 17th. Pies
come in ten different varieties. Pies
are $17.00 each. Order forms were sent home
in the elementary and middle school, but high schools can also participate.
schools can print and order form from this blog attachment. All
checks should be made out to: Hull PTO, payments are due when orders are
The Hull PTO provides lots of financial support to the Hull
Public Schools. Some examples are below:
HHS Advisory Kick-Off Day Arts Alive Day
Huntington Theater Field Trips Jacobs Express Day
Jacobs Field Day Geography Game Show
Museum of Science School Program/Overnight Field Trip
Halloween Dance Teacher Appreciation
Turkey Trot Harvard Mock Trial
Kindergarten Tour of Hull Sunaware Program
Marie Curie Visit to Jacobs Grad Night
Huntington Theater Field Trips Jacobs Express Day
Jacobs Field Day Geography Game Show
Museum of Science School Program/Overnight Field Trip
Halloween Dance Teacher Appreciation
Turkey Trot Harvard Mock Trial
Kindergarten Tour of Hull Sunaware Program
Marie Curie Visit to Jacobs Grad Night
Core Value Tshirts Senior
Breakfast/BBQ Lunch
Please help support the
Hull PTO in their efforts to provide enrichment to the Hull Public Schools.
Thank you
Homecoming Court 2016
Congratulations to the members of the 2016 Homecoming
Stacia Foresta
Jacqueline Gampel
Shawna Greenway
Daria Healey
Kelsey Shipps
Fern Barry
Kyle Clark
Joseph Coffey
Luis Gonzalez
Thomas Harrigan
Brian McDonald
Nolan Palma
Hull High Homecoming Dance:
Friday, October 21st from 8.00PM to 11.00PM in the High School gym, after the football game.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Thank You from the PTO
Thanks to all of the individuals that donated items and/or assisted with the Teacher/Staff Welcome Back Breakfast on Monday morning. The teachers and staff enjoyed a wholesome breakfast and were very appreciative of your generosity!
Kathy Linnehan
Madeline Rys
Tara Iorio
Kristine Bingham
Lynne Leonard
Jenn Gonzalez
Laura Murphy
Rachel Sordillo
Michele Proude
Michelle Lanner
Robin Reilly
Trish Barone
Terry McDonald
Kerrie Ryan
Tina Richardson
Jen Duran
Lori Tobin
Lynn Strong
Harvard Medical School: Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program
From their website:
"The Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP) at Harvard Medical School is a high school science enrichment program aimed at recruiting high school students from the Boston area, particularly those from underserved and underrepresented backgrounds, into science and medicine."
For more information please visit:
For the program application:
"The Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP) at Harvard Medical School is a high school science enrichment program aimed at recruiting high school students from the Boston area, particularly those from underserved and underrepresented backgrounds, into science and medicine."
For more information please visit:
For the program application:
Boston University Trustee Scholarship Competition
Earn a four year, full tuition scholarship to Boston University!
Deadline: December 1, 2016
From the Boston University Website:
"If you are a high achiever, Boston University wants to help you accomplish everything you possibly can as a BU student."
For more information please visit:
Deadline: December 1, 2016
From the Boston University Website:
"If you are a high achiever, Boston University wants to help you accomplish everything you possibly can as a BU student."
For more information please visit:
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
Financial Aid Night
On September 28th at 7pm, the guidance department
is hosting a financial aid night here at the high school. There will be a representative
from the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority to help explain the
FASFA, including important changes coming this year, as well as other financial
aid opportunities for your students and families. We hope to see you in the
exhibition room on September 28th. Please contact the guidance
department with any questions at 781.925.3000 ex 1112 or
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Barkon shines at Coast Guard Band Concert
Every once in awhile, you walk into a once in a lifetime opportunity. At tonight's United States Coast Guard Band concert to recognize the 300th birthday of Boston Light, Hull High School Band Director Ian Barkon did just that.
In a tremendous moment for our school and our community, Barkon had the opportunity to direct the United States Coast Guard Band. See the picture below.
In a tremendous moment for our school and our community, Barkon had the opportunity to direct the United States Coast Guard Band. See the picture below.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Senior Portraits Due Date
Senior portraits must be submitted to Mrs. Grosso ( by October 28, 2016.
Preferred images would be 300dpi, 2" X 3" or larger.
Pictures should be sent as digital files with the student
name in the file name.
Preferred images would be 300dpi, 2" X 3" or larger.
Service Academy Information Session with Congressman Lynch
Congressman Stephen F. Lynch to Host
Information Session on
Service Academies on Sunday, October 2
D.C. –
On Sunday, October 2, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (D-Boston) will
host an information session for all high school students in the Eighth
Congressional District interested in applying to one of the United States
Service Academies.
from each of the following academies will make brief presentations and be
available for questions:
States Military Academy at West Point, NY
States Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD
States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO
States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY
States Coast Guard Academy at New London, CT
Maritime Academy at Buzzards Bay, MA
students and their families from the Eighth Congressional District are welcome
to attend.
WHAT: Congressman
Lynch’s Academy Day
WHEN: Sunday,
October 2, 2016
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Middle School
305 River Street, Braintree 02184
305 River Street, Braintree 02184
Student Body President Videos
Ricky Barone
Bobbie Cavanaugh
Matt Condon
Adam Foster
Jamie Froio
Francesco Prestia
Lauren Saniuk
Kelsey Shipps
Bobbie Cavanaugh
Matt Condon
Adam Foster
Jamie Froio
Francesco Prestia
Lauren Saniuk
Kelsey Shipps
Friday, September 9, 2016
September College Open Houses
Reprinted with permission from College Impressions Newsletter
Open House Schedule
September, 2016
Amherst Col., Amherst, MA, Sept. 24 to 26 -OH, Divers+ity Weekend-, call (413) 542-2328
Marist Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Sept. –“Get Acquainted with Marist” Program, Sept to Nov. at 10:30 am, see Special Programs for Applicants Section, call (845) 575-3000
Mt. St. Mary, Newberg, NY Sept. 18, -OH-, call (888) 937-6762
Albertus Magnus Col., New Haven, CT., Sept. 17 & 24 -Saturday
Sessions-, call (800) 578-9160
Amherst Col., Amherst, MA, Sept. 24 to 26 -OH, Divers+ity Weekend-, call (413) 542-2328
Assumption Col., Worcester, MA. See page 9 for OH and IS schedules (888) 882-7186
Babson Col., Wellesley, MA, Sept. 18 & 24 –Fall Preview
Day-, call (800) 488-3696
Bates Col., Lewiston, ME., see Special Programs for
Applicants Section and read about Bates Admissions Programs
Bay Path Col., Longmeadow, MA, Sept. 14 –One Day a Week-, Sept.
21 –One Day a Week-, call (800) 782-7284
Bentley Col., Waltham, MA Sept. 25 -OH-, call (781) 891-2244, Out of State
(800) 823-2354
Boston Architectural Col., Boston, MA Sept. TBA -OH- 7:00 pm, call (617) 585-0123
Bowdoin Col., Brunswick, ME, Sept 15 & Nove. 3 to 6.
-Explore Bowdoin- for high achievers
from diverse backgrounds, Contact:
Claudia Marroquin, Coordinator of the program at
Bryant U., RI, Sept. 17 -Bryant 101-, call (401) 222-6000
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA, Fall Scholars Program- TBA, call (800) BMC-1885
Canisius U., Buffalo, NY Sept 10 & 17 -Sat. Visit-, (800)
Carnegie Mellon U., Pittsburg, PA, Sept. 20 -21 -Over Night-
Catholic U., Washington, DC – Sept 25 -OH- call
(800) 673-2772
Champlain Col., Burlington Vt., Sept. 17 -Fall OH, call (800) 750-5858
Clark U., Worcester, MA Sept. Sept. 18 -Weekend Visit-., call
(800) 462-5275
Colorado Col., Colorado Springs, CO, Sept. 11 & 12 –OH- call
(800) 542-7214 or consult web page:
Connecticut U. of, Storrs, CT, Sept. 18 -Fall OH-, 9 am to 2
pm, call (860) 486-3137
Culinary Inst. of America, Hyde Park, NY, Sept. 16- -OH- 9 am, call (800) 285-4627
Dean Col., Franklin, MA, Sept. 10 & 24 -Sat. at Dean-, call
(877) 879-3326
Deleware, U. of, Newark, Del., Sept. 26 -Blue & Gold
Day-, call (302) 831-8905
DeSales U., PA., Allentown, PA., -Saturday Sessions-, Sept
10 Math., Ed., Perform. Arts, Sept. 17 Physical Therapy & Nursing
Sept. 24 Exploratory Studies & Business call
Dickenson Col., Carlisle, PA, Sept. 17 -Fall OH-, 8:30 am to
3 pm, call (800) 644-1773
Drew U., Madison, NJ, Sept. 17, -Discovery Day-, call (973)
Duke U., Durham, NC, go to “Discover Duke”, page 8, call
(919) 684-8111
Elizabethtown Col., Elizabethtown, PA, Sept. 17 -Fall
OH- 8:30 am to 4 pm, call (717) 361-1400
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA, -Sept.10, 17 & 24 –IS-, call
(617) 735-9715
Emory Col. Atlanta, GA, Sept. 17 –OH,
Explore Oxford Col. Consult “Joint Receptions” Page 9, (404) 727-6036
Fairfield U., Fairfield, CT, Special Programs; Dept. 17
& 24, Campus Visit, call (203) 254-4000
Florida Inst. Of Tech., Melbourn, FL., Aug. 26, -Exploration
Day-, call (800) 888-4348
Framingham St. U., Framingham, MA, Sept 10, 17, 24 -Saturday Information
Session- 10 am, call (508) 626-4500
Franklin Pierce Col., Rindge, NH, Sept 17 -Personal Visit -,
call (800) 437-0048
Gannon U., Erie, PA, Sept. 30, -Health Profession &
Science Day-, call: (814) 871-7000
Geneva Col., Beaver Falls, PA,Sept. 1,22,29 -Fall Discovery
Days-, Sept 15 Golf Recruitment Day call (800) 847-8255
Gettysberg Col., Gettysburg, PA, Sept. 2 -OH-, see page 4
call (800) 431-0803
Goucher Col., Baltimore, MD, Sept. 24 –Select Saturday
Program- call (401) 337-6000
Hamilton Col., Clinton, NY, Sept. 10,17,24 Hamilton
Saturdays - Sept. 27 –ON- call (800) 843-2655
Hartwick Col., Oneonta, NY, Sept. 24 (OH, Visit Day), call
Hobart & Wm. Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Sept, 5-Fall OH-,
call (800) 852-2256
Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, Sept.17 & 24
–Saturday Visits- call (800) 442-2421
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Sept. 23 & 30 -Hope College
Visitation Day- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800)
Ithaca Col., Ithaca, NY, Sept. 24 –OH-, 9 am to 4 pm, call (800) 429-4274
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Sept. 24 -Culinary
Arts & General Studies), call (401) 516-8341
Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, MD., Sept. 28 –IS- Sept. 20 to
27 -ON-, Sept. 17 -Fall Visit call (410)516-8000
Lawrence Memorial–Regis Col., of Nursing, Medford, MA&
Radiography, Medford, MA, Sept. 3 -IS- Sept. 23 Radiography, Sept. 10 -LPN to RN, call (781) 306-6600
Lebanon Valley Col., Sept. 17 Lebanon Valley Col., Bethlehem, PA, Sept. 12
–Sat. Info day - call (800) 445-6187
Lehigh U., Allentown, PA
Sept. TBA -Saturday Visits-, call (610) 758-3000
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY, Sept. 17 & 24 -IS-, call
Loyola Col., Baltimore, MD, Sept. 10 & 24 -IS- call
(800) 221-9107
Maine, U. of, Farmington, Farmington, ME., -OH-, Sept. 26
-OH- call (207) 778-7000
Manhattan Col., Riverdale, NY, Sept. 10, 17, 24 -Select Saturday
Program - 10 am to noon - call (800) 622-9235
Marist Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Sept. –“Get Acquainted with Marist” Program, Sept to Nov. at 10:30 am, see Special Programs for Applicants Section, call (845) 575-3000
Mass Col. Liberal Arts, No. Adams, MA, Sept. 24 -24 -Fall
Sat Tour-, Call (800) 292)6632
Mass, Institute of Tech., Cambridge, MA, Sept. see Special Programs for Applicants
Section for Admissions Receptions
Mass Maritime Aca., Buzzards Bay, MA, Sept. 24 -OH-, call
(800) 544-3411
Mass, U. of, Boston, Boston, MA, Sept. Sept. 19 -OH Nursing
for RN-, Sept. 18,15,22,29, call
(617) 287-50
Monmouth Col., Monmouth, IL, Sept. 3, 10, 24, -IS-, call
(800) 747-2687
Mt. St. Mary, Newberg, NY Sept. 18, -OH-, call (888) 937-6762
New England U. of, Biddeford, ME., NH, Sept. 20 –OH-,
call (800) 477-4863
New Hampshire, U. of, Durham, NH, Sept 24 -OH- call (603) 862-1360
New York U., NYC, Sept.
17 & 18– OH-, 9:45 am, call (212) 998-4531
New Haven, U. of, New Haven, CT., Sept. 25 -OH-, call (800)
Nichols Col., Dudley, MA., Sept. 25 -OH-, call (800)
Notre Dame U., South Bend, IN., Sept –Fall Hospitality
Program- see Special Programs for
Applicants Section or call
(574) 631-7505
Ohio Wesleyan U., Delaware, PA., Sept. 26 –Consider Sci. Day-
, see Special Programs for Applicants
Section, call (800) 922-8953
Olin Col., Wellesley, MA, Sept. TBA -OH for Women-, call (721) 292-2222
Quinnipiac U., Hamden, CT, Sept. 24 –OH- call (800) 462-1944
Randolph-Macon Col., Ashland, VA, Sept. 24 –OH-,
call (800) 888-1762
Regis Col., Weston, MA, Sept. 17 -OH-, call (800) 456-1820
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY, Sept. 10 -OH for RPI
Medal recipients- call (518)
Rhode Island School of Design, (RISD), Sept. 17 -Saturday
Info Sess.- see Special Programs for
Applicants Section
Ripon U. Ripon, WI, Sept. 10 - OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 947-4766
Rochester Inst. of Tech., Rochester, NY, Sept. 24-Admissions
Special Program- call (585) 475-6631
Rollins Col., Winter Pk., Fla., Sept. 24 –OH, Discover
Rollins-, 8:30 am to noon, call (407) 646-2161
Sacred Heart Col., Fairfield, CT, Sept. 28 -OH Welch
Business Sch.- call (203) 371-7880
St. Andrews, Scotland Sept. 28 –Visit Day-, call +44
1334 476 161
St. Anselm’s Col., Manchester, NH Sept. 17 & 24
–Saturday Tours-call (603) 641-7500
St. Lawrence Col., NY., Sept. 2 -Col. Visit Day-, call (800) 285-1856
St. Michael’s Col., Colchester, VT, Sept. 17 & 24 – Saturday Tour-, call (800)
Salem State U., MA, Sept. 24
–OH- call (978) 542-6000
So. Florida Col., Lakeland, FL, Sept.
17, -Saturday Visit-, call (800) 274-4131
Stetson U., Deland, FL.,
Sept.25 -OH- call
(800) 688-0101
Suffolk U., Boston, MA.,
Sept. 2 -OH-, call (617) 573-
SUNY Col. of Sci. Forestry, Syracuse, NY, Sept.
2 -Student Visit Day-, call (800) 777-7373
Syracuse U., Syracuse, NY,
Sept. 12, 19, 26 –Saturday Visits-, call (315) 443-3600
Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, PA, Sept. 15 or 17 –Discover Swarthmore-, look into all expenses overnight call
(610) 328-8358
Tampa, U. of, Tampa,
FL., Sept. 17 -Saturday Session-, call
(813) 253-3333
Tulane U., New Orleans, LA,
Sept 18 & 25 -Campus Preview Days-, call
(504) 865-5000
Tufts U., Medford, MA
Sept. 15 -Women in Engineering-,
Sept. -STEM OH- call (617) 627-3170
Union Col., Schenectady, NY,
Sept. 10,17,24, -Saturday
Session-, call (888) 843-6688
Unity Col., Unity, ME
Sept. 17 –Instant Admission Day-
call (207) 509-7100
Vermont, U. of, Burlington, VT. Sept, 10,17,24 -IS & T- see Special Programs for
Applicants Section, call (802) 656-3131
Villanova U., Villanova, PA,
Sept 11- OH Programs ( Liberal
Arts), call (610) 519-4500
Virginia Military Inst. (VMI), Lexington, VA., Sept. 23 & 24 -OH Weekend-
call (800) 767-4207
Wagner Col., Staten Island, NYC, Sept. 10, 17, 24 –Overview Days-, call (718) 390-3100
Washington & Jefferson Col., Washington, PA, Sept. 17, - Showcase-, call (888) W-AND-JAY
Wellesley Col., Wellesley, MA Sept 24
-Discover Wellesley Mornings-, call (781)
Wesleyan U., Middletown, CT.
see Special Programs for Applicants Section for info regarding
the TAP program
Wesleyan U. of Ohio,
Deleware, OH, Sept. 26 –Consider
Science-,for TAP consult page 8, call (800) 922-8953
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA., Sept. 12 & 13 –Campus Visit-, 10 am to noon, call (617) 879-2206
Wheaton Col., Norton, MA
Sept. 17 -Fall Preview Day-, call (800) 394-6003
William & Mary Col.,Williamsburg, VA, Sept. 22 to
24 -WOW-, Sept 7 -OH Music Dept.- call (757) 221-4000
Williams Col., Williamstown, MA Sept. 24 to 26, -Windows on Williams, WOW
Program for underrepresented students- call (413)
Wooster, Col. of,
Wooster, Ohio, Sept. 17 –Fall
Visit-, Sept. 26 & 27 –ON-, call
(230) 268-2000
Thursday, September 8, 2016
4th Annual Rat Beach Party to benefit HHS Music Department
The 4th Annual Rat Beach Party, September 29 - October 2, will be held at the Sea Note in Hull.
$5 cover at the door with proceeds going to the Hull High School Music Department.
Several student musicians will be performing on the 29th at 6 PM.
$5 cover at the door with proceeds going to the Hull High School Music Department.
Several student musicians will be performing on the 29th at 6 PM.
2016 Performance Line-Up:
Thursday: Musical Hosts: Jody Moore and Michael Weddle;
6:00 Youth Performers: Misintent (rock band); Tori Jones (Vocalist); and Hull High Musical Combo.
8:00 Division 16 (Alexander Herwitz)
9:00 Green Street Station (Jim Rapoza)
10:00 Red House (Ronnie Lee Scott)
11:00 Hardwired (host band) (Greg Campia)
Friday: Musical Host: Mick Cusimano, Film Producer & Critic;
6:00 Climate Change (Michael Weddle)
6:55 The Gravedancers Matthew D Gilbert)
7:50 The Beachcombovers (J Bruce Scott)
8:45 The Stigmatics (Randall Lee Gibson IV)
9:40 Hummingbird Syndicate (Jon Macey)
10:35 Girl On Top (Karen DeBiasse)
11:30 Charlie Don’t Surf -- Tribute to Clash (Scott Underwood)
Saturday: Musical Hosts: Kenneth Highland & John Keegan of Boston Groupie News;
2:00 Club Linehan A Go Go (Michael J Quirk)
2:50 Slapback (Michele Gear-Cole)
3:40 Mercy (Billy Gear)
4:30 The Liz Borden Band (Liz Borden)
5:20 Playn’ Janes (Jamie Mostly)
6:10 Count Viglione’s Love & Flame Band (Joe Viglione)
7:00 Tsunami of Sound (Rick Sanger)
7:50 The Cindy Daley Band (Cindy Daley)
8:40 Pitch Black (Mark Silva)
9:30 Severence (Glenn Lauzon)
10:20 Harlequin (Reno Daly)
11:10 Moose & The Mudbugs (Ed Moose Savage)
12:00 Hopelessly Obscure (Kenneth Highland)
Sunday: Musical Host: Briân Yøung of WMFO Radio;
2:00 Maddie Peck, Youth Performer
2:30 Trusty Sidekick (Trick Wallace)
3:20 Pop Gun (Harry Zarkades)
4:10 Highway Chapel (Rev. Joseph Fagan)
5:00 The Black Souls (Kim Ackland)
5:50 Hixx (Chris Costello)
6:40 Greg Allen’s Fringe Religion (Heather Stewart)
7:30 Litehouse (George H Perkins)
8:20 The Robert Leger Band (Robert Leger)
9:10 The Billy Conners Project (Billy Connors)
10:00 State of Union (Joe Moir)
10:50 The Thigh Scrapers (Briân Yøung)
Letter from the Hull PTO
You & Your Child
Kindergarten Orientation Through
High School
Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2016-2017 Hull
Public School year! The Hull Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) encourages you to
be active in the school community and join us in providing extraordinary learning
opportunities for your child.
The PTO is made up of a group of
parents and teachers that work together to give the students opportunities
within and outside of school to enhance their education. Together we provide thousands
of dollars toward activities and items that the students might not otherwise
have. These include class field trips, in-school cultural programs, books, special
guests and speakers, after-school and enrichment opportunities, and support for technology in the classroom. Not all of these
opportunities are able to be supported by the town budget and we recognize that these supplementary activities are
important parts of our children’s education. With great pride together we make
them happen.
Active fundraising is how we are
able to financially support all the activities and items that enrich our students’ academic experience. Our goal
is to raise $50,000 for student activities for the 2016-2017 school year. This
comes out to about $40 per student. The PTO has planned a number of fundraisers
to support this goal. We ask that you, family and friends participate in as
many as possible, but you should not feel obligated to participate in all of them.
If you are not interested in participating in the organized fundraisers, we
strongly encourage you to donate directly to PTO’s PayPal
Account, send the donation in with your child clearly marked for Hull PTO,
leave your donation at a monthly meeting or visit the PTO table and donate at
an upcoming Open House event!
Our meetings are open to all Hull parents,
teachers, and community members. Those who are members of the Hull PTO are
eligible to vote on any/all issues raised at our monthly meetings. Membership dues
are $10 annually. Additionally, if you pay 2016-2017 $10 PTO dues by October 3,
2016 either online at or at Open House, you will be eligible to win one
of five great prizes: $25 gift certificate to the fall book fair, community cookbook, child’s long sleeve Pirate T-shirt,
pirate pride trash bags, or a surprise goodie bag.
Please mark your calendars for this year’s meetings:
PTO Meetings throughout 2016-2017
are held at 7:00pm in the seventh grade large group room at the Memorial Middle
In addition to these meetings, the
PTO has many activities planned throughout the year. We encourage you to become
involved in as many of these activities as you feel reasonably possible. We
have fun together and the students have enjoyable and meaningful experiences as
a result of your involvement.
With your help we are looking forward to the 2016-2017 school year being
the best one ever for Hull Public Schools. If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions,
we want to hear from you. Please contact us at any of our officer email addresses
provided below. Whatever your passion,
you can share it and make a direct and positive impact on Hull Public Schools!
§ Nicole
Palermo-Cristaldi, President (
§ Molly
Nunes, Vice President-Communications (
§ Madeline
Rys, Vice President-Operations (
§ Caryn O’Connor, Secretary (
§ Carolyn
Reynolds, Treasurer (
Please follow and stay in touch
with the Hull PTO for valuable notices, reminders and updates. If you are interested
in being informed, please sign-up at You
can also find updates at, our Facebook page (Hull
PTO), and Twitter (@HullMaPTO).
Thanks for joining in our efforts to
give all kids in Hull access to the best education possible!
Best regards,
Hull PTO Officers
Palermo Cristaldi, President
Molly Nunes, Vice
Rys, Vice President-Operations
O’Connor, Secretary
Carolyn Reynolds,
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