Friday, September 25 was Advisory Kick Off Day at Hull High School. On this day, the sophomore class participates in various community service projects throughout the Town of Hull.
Here are the sites that the sophomore's worked on this year:
Mr. Fuller and Mr. Eaton: Painted the railings at the A St Pier.
Ms. Wescott and Ms. D'Ottavio: Helped clean up the grounds and buildings at Senior Housing.
Ms. Cowen: Helped clear the weeds at Wellspring for an area that will be a community garden.
Mr. Donohue: Helped clear brush on the bay side for the Sunset Point Camp.
Here are some pictures from the day:
The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Women in Engineering Career Day
Women in Engineering Career Day at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst Campus
Every year, the Women in Engineering Program and the Society of Women
Engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst host the "Women
in Engineering and Computing Career Day ". This year's Career Day
will take place on Monday, October 26, 2015 at the Lincoln Campus
Center Auditorium from 8:30am to 1:30pm. This event is geared
towards female high school students (grades 9-12) to introduce them to the
field of engineering, but other students are welcome.
We are honored to have Alumna Carol Craig, CEO of Craig Technologies, as
the keynote speaker. In addition to this presentation there
will be interactive activities that will allow students to explore engineering.
There is a maximum of 10 students per school. Registration cost for each
student is $20.00 dollars. Counselors and teachers are free! Students
should coordinate their registration through their school guidance counselor.
Student and counselor registration information is available here.
Register early as spots fill up quickly. The last day to
register is October 16, 2015.
Directions to the Lincoln Campus Center Parking Garage and a map can be
found by visiting the following website:
There is an hourly charge to park in the parking garage. We will provide 3 free
parking garage tickets per school.
If you have any questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to
contact Dr. Paula Rees by email at or
via phone at (413) 545-6324. Billing questions may be directed to Paul Jones at or (413) 545-4789
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Scholarship Opportunity Science Sleuth Scholarship
This scholarship is geared towards getting girls more involved with Science and at the same time have an opportunity for a $10,000 Scholarship!
You can play Science Sleuth with up to three friends! Enter their phone numbers in the Do It section.
Do I have to be studying science in order to play?
Nope! The game is set up so anyone and everyone can play -- no prior science experience necessary! The game shows you all the cool things scientists can do that you may not have realized before! Come one, come all to get your sleuth on!
How do I qualify to win the scholarship?
By playing Science Sleuth with the three friends you invite, you will automatically be entered to win a $10,000 scholarship! As the person inviting your friends, you are the only one who will be entered to win the scholarship. If your friends would like to be entered to win the scholarship as well, they must play the game again by inviting three additional friends. To be eligible for a scholarship, you must live in the US and be 25 years or younger.
What is “STEM”?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It refers to all the academic and professional fields that include these subjects. Currently, there are close to SIX MILLION unfilled STEM jobs in the US, and about 300,000 jobs are added annually. Wowzah
This scholarship is geared towards getting girls more involved with Science and at the same time have an opportunity for a $10,000 Scholarship!
Girls start out loving science just much as
boys do. But by middle school, they’re only half as interested. Hmm...1
Calling all diva detectives! Show that
girls love -- and kick butt at -- science and math by solving a mystery on your
Play our text-message game with friends,
and you’ll unlock a donation to a (real!) classroom in need. Plus, you could
win a $10,000 scholarship!
How many friends can play the game with me?You can play Science Sleuth with up to three friends! Enter their phone numbers in the Do It section.
Do I have to be studying science in order to play?
Nope! The game is set up so anyone and everyone can play -- no prior science experience necessary! The game shows you all the cool things scientists can do that you may not have realized before! Come one, come all to get your sleuth on!
How do I qualify to win the scholarship?
By playing Science Sleuth with the three friends you invite, you will automatically be entered to win a $10,000 scholarship! As the person inviting your friends, you are the only one who will be entered to win the scholarship. If your friends would like to be entered to win the scholarship as well, they must play the game again by inviting three additional friends. To be eligible for a scholarship, you must live in the US and be 25 years or younger.
What is “STEM”?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It refers to all the academic and professional fields that include these subjects. Currently, there are close to SIX MILLION unfilled STEM jobs in the US, and about 300,000 jobs are added annually. Wowzah
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Athletic Department and Google Docs Volunteer Needs
In an effort to streamline the need to fill volunteer game day support within the athletic department, we have begun using Google Docs.
The volunteer need is in the following areas for fall sports:
Score sheet
Snack Shack
Field Hockey:
Snack Shack
Snack Shack
50/50 raffle
Mr. Quatromoni is always on site to help train ANY willing volunteer.
If you would like to be added to any of the fall teams Google Docs, please email and specify the team that you would like to support.
The volunteer need is in the following areas for fall sports:
Score sheet
Snack Shack
Field Hockey:
Snack Shack
Snack Shack
50/50 raffle
Mr. Quatromoni is always on site to help train ANY willing volunteer.
If you would like to be added to any of the fall teams Google Docs, please email and specify the team that you would like to support.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Student Body Election Results
Body President:
Jake Hague
Class Officers
President: Zoe Xypteras
President: Kris Scanlan
Treasurer: Alex Murphy
Secretary: Fionna Pearlman
Class Officers
President: Ricky Barone
President: Daria Healey
Treasurer: Luis Gonzalez
Secretary: Lucas Chafe
Class Officers
President: Christian Olivieri
President: Victoria Fuda
Treasurer: Olivia Smith
Secretary: Ronin O’Reilly
Class Officers
President: Benjamin Fenelon
Vice President: Mary Egersheim
Treasurer: Haley Walsh Pederson
Secretary: Erica Thornton
Council Members
Brandon Dang
Joey Dubovy
Tyler Brown
Cody Preston
Shea Burke
Joe Zinkus
Kelly Smyth
Jillian Maxwell
Emma Ryan
Katie Punchard
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Important National Honor Society Information
Letters have been to distributed to Juniors and Seniors with a GPA
of 3.5 or higher to apply for membership to the National Honor Society.
There will be a meeting on Wednesday September 16th after school in the Library to pick up the packet for application, get information about NHS, and ask questions.
Completed packets will be due on Wednesday September 30th by 7:20 a.m.
Students will schedule an interview with the NHS Faculty Council (interview slots will be before and after school starting Friday October 2)
The induction ceremony will be at the High School on Wednesday October 21st, at 7:00 p.m.
Congressmen Lynch Information Session on Service Academies
– On Sunday, September 27, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (D-Boston) will
host an information session for all high school students interested in applying
to one of the United States Service Academies.
from each of the following Service Academies will make brief presentations and
be available for questions:
States Military Academy at West Point, NY
States Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD
States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO
States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY
States Coast Guard Academy at New London, CT
students and their families from the Eighth Congressional District are welcome
to attend.
WHAT: Congressman
Lynch’s Academy Day
WHEN: Sunday,
September 27, 2015
AM – 12:00 PM
Middle School
305 River Street, Braintree 02184
305 River Street, Braintree 02184
Bob Fowkes, (617) 428-2000
Monday, September 14, 2015
Top Ten Reasons to go to the Hull High Open House
Top 10 Reasons to go to the Hull High Open House
Thursday, September 17 at 7PM
10. You will be entered into a raffle to win a season's pass for FREE entry to all high school athletic events.
9. See how great the building looks thanks to the great custodial staff and students that care about the building.
8. Two words: Tara Grosso
7. Come and meet the new assistant principal, Ms. Nosek!
6. See how your kids are going to spend the next 172 days of school.
5. Plenty of parking.
4. Come and hear Mr. Devine's always riveting and touching comments to open the evening.
3. What else are you going to do on a Thursday night?
2. Come and meet the amazing staff that helps to support your students when they are struggling.
1. Hull High's teachers are awesome. Come meet them.
Horatio Alger Scholarship
As one of the nation’s largest college financial aid programs in the country, the Horatio Alger National Scholarship Program is one of the major scholarship programs nationally that specifically assists high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives.
The National Scholarship Program is awarded to eligible students in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. National Scholars receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington D.C. during the spring of their senior year to participate in the National Scholars Conference.
DEADLINE: October 25, 2015
To be eligible to apply for the Horatio Alger National Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be enrolled full time as a high school senior in the United States; be progressing normally toward graduation in spring/summer of 2016 with plans to enter a college in the United States no later than the fall following graduation
- Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
- Demonstrate critical financial need ($55,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required)
- Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
- Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
- Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and
- Be a United States citizen
Friday, September 11, 2015
Hull Scholarship Fund Golf Outing
Please join the Hull Scholarship Fund on September 29th for another fabulous golf outing! 12:30pm Shot Gun Start! The cost is $175 per golfer and includes lunch, dinner, golf, cart & prizes. We also have a great silent auction & raffle which takes place during the cocktail hour & dinner following the golf. You can register online at<> or by picking up registration form at Jake's Seafood in Hull.
10:30am Registration opens
11:30am Lunch
12:30pm Shot gun Start! (in carts by 12:15)
Cocktail Hour, Raffles/Auction, Awards & Dinner immediately following Golf
Please check back for a listing of sponsors & silent auction items as they come in. There are plenty of sponsor opportunities as well and we are always looking for great raffle & silent auction items.
All proceeds from the golf outing go toward scholarships for graduating Hull High seniors every year.
10:30am Registration opens
11:30am Lunch
12:30pm Shot gun Start! (in carts by 12:15)
Cocktail Hour, Raffles/Auction, Awards & Dinner immediately following Golf
Please check back for a listing of sponsors & silent auction items as they come in. There are plenty of sponsor opportunities as well and we are always looking for great raffle & silent auction items.
All proceeds from the golf outing go toward scholarships for graduating Hull High seniors every year.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
School Council Elections
School council elections will take place at the high school open house on Thursday, September 17. Any parent interested in running for a seat on the school council should let Principal Mike Devine know by email prior to that date. Mike's email:
According to the Massachusetts Reform Act of 1993, every
school in the Commonwealth must have a School Site Council (SSC) comprised of
parents, teachers, and the principal, as a school advisory group to the
Hull High's School Site Council is a great way for parents to be involved in advising Mike with decisions that influence the high school atmosphere.
Friday, September 4, 2015
iPad Reminder - Freshman and Sophomores
Freshman and sophomores are reminded - please be sure to bring in your iPad permission slip on Tuesday. Bring your slip to the main office after you eat lunch, and you will be given your iPad.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
First Day of School Assembly
The following are Mr. Devine's opening remarks and a short video as presented in a school wide assembly this morning:
Good morning and welcome to the Hull High School 2015-2016 school year. As most of you know, the last school year ended a month early for me due to some health issues. Thank you to all of you who sent me emails and cards while I was out. I can’t even begin to tell you how much they meant to me. What I can tell you is that not being able to come to work made me realize exactly how much I love my job and how much I love coming here to this building every day and spending time with you. Hull High School is a very special place and this year – adults and students working together - we are going to make it even better.
Let’s start the year by recognizing the talented and dedicated men and women who come here each day to help you learn and become better people. They are counselors, support staff, custodians, cafeteria workers, coaches, substitutes, administrators, and teachers. They are the men and women who make Hull High one of the best high schools in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Let’s give them a huge round of applause.
Freshmen – the Class of 2019 – welcome to Hull High School. You are about to start four of the most important years of your life. What you did before today doesn’t matter. This is a fresh start. You get to decide who you want to be. You get to decide the path of your life. Work hard, make new friends, trust the adults who work here, take risks. Four years from now – you will all be starting a new chapter of your life – the grown up chapter. The choices you make over the next four years – the choices that you make starting today – will have a huge impact on the rest of your life. Shoot for the stars!
Sophomores – last year at this time you were sitting there and you were all so nervous whether you want to admit it or not. You were afraid you would get lost and most of you did – even though it is impossible to get lost at Hull High School because our building is just one big… that right. A square. But you made it through freshman year and now here you are as sophomores. This year you will take the PSAT for the first time and MCAS for the last. Make this year count. Even if last year was not as successful as you hoped it would be – make this year a great one.
Juniors – I am so proud of you. Although I can’t give you all the details yet – your MCAS scores from last year are excellent! You are now starting the second half of your high school career. One year from now – you will be seniors thinking about what happens after high school. This year many of you will take AP courses for the first time. How was that summer work? Continue to challenge yourself and know that you can do whatever you set your mind to. Just make sure you let the adults here in our school help you out.
Seniors – the Class of 2016. Welcome to your senior year. As I said to you last spring – you are the leaders of our school. You are the ones who will set the tone for our community this year. I ask you to think about what you – the Class of 2016 - want to be your legacy at Hull High School. How do you – as a class – want to be remembered? After spending the last three years with you I can honestly say that you have the ability, the skill, and the determination to be one of the best classes to ever walk through these halls – if you want to be. In exactly 277 days from today you will walk across the stage, accept your diploma and be a Hull High School graduate. I ask you again – what will be your legacy?
This is an interesting start to the year here at Hull High School. This year – we have XX students who are not only new to Hull High School but our new to our town. I know that you will make them feel welcome and show them that being a Hull High School Pirate means working hard in the classroom, being a part of a team or club or cast, and being a kind and caring person.
At this time, I would like to call Mackenzie Walsh, Zoe Xypteras, Fiona Pearlman and Victoria Bright to the stage. Each year, we present the Scholar Athlete Award to the team that has the highest percentage of student-athletes earning a spot on the honor roll while the team is in season. The team is recognized on a banner that hangs in our gym. This year I am proud to say that the team who earned the 2014-2015 Scholar Athlete Award is the Girls Basketball team. Congratulations.
It is a tradition here at Hull High School that we introduce our new faculty and staff members on the first day of school. So – new to our school this year are:
· Teaching math – Ms. Gill
· Teaching English – Ms. Sowyrda
· Our TBL teacher – Ms. McCusker
· Our TIDES teacher – Ms. Ruxton
· Our new para-professional – Hull High grad – Mr. Schmid
I also want to start the year by recognizing a few people who worked very hard this summer to make sure that we were ready to welcome you back today. I hope you noticed that the building looks great. This is due to the hard work of three people. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Sailor will be here this afternoon but Mr. McGonigal is here now so let’s give him a big round of applause.
Two amazing women work all summer to make sure that we are ready to open on the first day of school. They also make sure that I don’t forget anything. Let’s give a huge shout out to Mrs. Troy and Mrs. Dalton.
Two awesome women have worked so hard over the past week to make sure that you all have schedules and are set to go to classes today. Every day last week they worked 12 hour plus days. Please join me in saying thank you and welcome back to Mrs. Kelliher and, formerly Ms. Norton, now the recently married Mrs. Preble.
Now – I am so happy to introduce you to our new assistant principal to tell you a few things about what will take place today. She taught English for almost 20 years at Quincy High School before deciding to come to our school as the assistant principal. Working with her over the summer – I have seen that she cares deeply about students, has great ideas, and is an amazing educator. Please join me in welcoming to the Hull High School community our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Nosik.
Every year, I spend a great deal of time over the summer thinking about what I want to be the theme of our school year. What do I want to guide everything that takes place here at Hull High School. This year – it came to me one night when I was looking at different things on facebook. Let’s take a few minutes to watch a short video.
My message for you as we start the new school year is a simple one. Be kind. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. When you look at what has taken place in our country and world over the past year – it is obvious that we need more kindness in our world. We need to accept each other for who we are, where we are from, what we believe and who we love. “Turn the other cheek”, “do unto others as you would have done unto you”, “be gentle and love gentleness in all matters”, “kindness should become the natural way of life, not the exception”, “do justice – love loving kindness”. All these sayings say the same thing – be kind. That is my challenge for you today. Be kind. Be accepting. Help each other. Make each other feel valued. Smile at each other. Be kind. Two simple words that are so easy to say and so often hard to live. But, as I start my 7th year as your principal, I have seen so many acts of kindness here in our school and I know you all can do this. Hull High School students are awesome. As we start this school year – remember to work hard, challenge yourself, learn so much and, most importantly, be kind.
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