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Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
March College Open Houses
Open House Notices, March 2015
reprinted with permission from College Impressions Newsletter
Abbreviation Key: OH = Open House Program IS = Information Session ON = Overnight Program
TBA = To Be Announced (date not available at time of printing)
Albright Col., Reading, PA, Mar. 28 –Spring Preview I- call (610) 921-726
Alfred U., Alfred, NY, Mar. 21 -Spring Saturday IS for Juniors & Sophomores- call (607) 871-2115
American International Col., Springfield, MA, Mar. 7, 21, 28 –Saturday Visits in the AM, call (800) 242-3142
Anna Maria Col., Paxton, MA, Mar. 28 -Saturday IS- call (800) 344-4586
Babson Col., Wellesley, MA, Mar. 28 -Spring Preview Day- call (800) 488-3696
Becker Col., Worcester, MA, Mar. 21 –Business Program Overview- Business & Data Science, call (877) 5BECKER
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI, Mar. 28 -Spring Visit Day- call (800) 356-2751
Benjamin Franklin College, Boston, MA, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 -Saturday Visit- call (617) 423-4630
Boston Architectural Center, Boston, MA, Mar. 2 -IS- 5:30 pm to 7 pm, call (617) 262-5000
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, MA, Mar. –Eagle Eye Sessions, Monday thru Friday - verify Eagle Eye Session - call (800) 360-2522
Bridgeport, U. of, CT, Mar. 7 –Spring OH- Mar. 18 –FASFA Workshop- Mar. 28 –IS & Tour- call (800) EXCEL-UBB
Bridgewater Col., VA, Mar. 28 -OH- call (800) 759-8328
Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, see the Special Enrichment Programs section for info on 18th Annual Woman’s Summit
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA, Mar. 21 & 28 -IS- call (610) 526-5000
Canisius Col., Buffalo, NY, Mar. 14 & 21 -Saturday Visit Day- 10 am, call (718) 883-7000
Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 7 to Mar. 1 -Theater Scholarship Workshop- 8:30 am to 4 pm, call (216) 358-2000
Castleton State Col., Castleton, VT, Mar. 28 –Spring Saturday IS- call (800) 639-8521
Champlain Col., Burlington, VT, Mar. 7, 14 & 28 -Saturday Information Sessions- call (800) 570-5858
Clark U., Worcester, MA, Mar. 7, 14, 21 -Clark Visit Experience- for greater definition, call (508) 793-7711
Colby-Sawyer Col., New London, NH, Mar. 10 & 30 –Evening Tour- Mar. 28 –Select Saturday- call (800) 272-1015
Colgate U., Hamilton, NY, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 –Saturday at Colgate- call (315) 228-7000
Colorado, U. of, Boulder, CO, Mar. 5 & 10 –Student for a Day- Mar. 20 –Military Student Day- call (303) 492-1411
Cornell U., Ithaca, NY, Feb. 22 & Mar. 5 –Red Carpet Society ON Hosting Program- juniors given preference, call (607) 255-3447
Culinary Institute of America, New York, Mar. 26 -OH- call (800) 285-4627
Dean College, Franklin, MA, Mar. 20 –Discover Dean- Mar. 28 –Saturday with Dean- call (877) 879-3326
D’Youville Col., Buffalo, NY, Mar. 14 –Holiday Visit- call (800) 777-3921
Elizabethtown Col., Elizabethtown, PA, Mar. 30 -Jay for a Day- call (717) 361-1400
Elmira College, Elmira, NY, Mar. 7 –Select Saturday- call (800) 935-6472
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA, Mar. 7 - Interview Day- call (800) 255-3567
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA, Mar. 21 & 28 –Information Sessions- 11 am to 1 pm, call (617) 735-9715
U, Fairfield, CT, Mar. 22 –Weekend Visit Day- Mar. 28 –Junior OH- call (203) 254-4100
Fitchburg State Col., Fitchburg, MA, Mar. 24 & 21 –Saturday Information Session- 11:30 am, call (978) 665-3144
Florida Institute of Tech., Melbourne, FL, Mar. 29 -Exploration Day- call (800) 888-4248
Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, FL, Mar. 20 & 21 –Scholars Weekend- Mar. 20 –Music & Theatre Audition - call (863) 680-4111
Framingham State U., Framingham, MA, Mar. 7 - Information Session for transfer students- call (508) 626-4500
Franklin Col., Franklin, IN, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 –Saturday visit- 10 am, call (800) 852-0232
Franklin & Marshall, Lancaster, PA, Mar. 28 -Junior OH- call (877) 678-9111
Franklin Pierce U., Ringe, NH, Mar. 7, 21, 28 -Saturday Tours- call (800) 437-0048
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Gannon U., Erie, PA, Mar. 21 -Saturday IS & T- Mar. 22 & 23 –ON- call (800) GANNON
Gettysburg Col., Gettysburg, PA, Mar. 28 -Junior OH- call (417) 337-6300
Goucher Col., Baltimore, MD, Mar. 7 -Saturday Visits- call (410) 337-6000
Hallmark Sch. of Photography, Turner Falls, MA, Mar. 7 -OH, Careers in Photography- 12 pm to 3:30 pm, call (413) 863-2478
Hartwick Col., Oneonta, NY, Mar. 14 -Saturday IS- call (888) 427-9425
Hobart Wm. Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Mar. 7, Mar. 28 –Scholarship Day- OH- call (800) 852-2250
Hood Col., Frederick, MD, Mar. 7, 14, 21 -Saturday Presentations- call (800) 922-1599
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Mar. 27 -Junior Days- call (800) 968-7850
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Mar. 13 –Wildcat Weekend- call (800) 343-2565
Lasell Col., Newton, MA, Mar. 28 -Lasell Day- call (617) 243-2000
Lawrence Mem.-Regis Col. Collaborative ASN Prog., Nursing, Medford, MA, Mar. 5 -OH- 7 pm to 9 pm, call (781) 306-6649
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY, Mar. 30 -Winter Info. Program- noon to 2 pm, call (800) 333-4733
Lesley U. (Col. of Art & Design), Cambridge, MA, Mar. 2 -Threshold Program- 3 pm to 5 pm, call (617) 868-9600
Loyola Col., Baltimore, MD, Mar. 21 -Saturday at Loyola for Sophomores & Juniors- 11 am to 1:30 pm, call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., Lyndon, VT, Mar. 28 –Electronic Journalism Arts Day- call (802) 626-6413
Maine, U. of, Orono, ME, Mar. 21 & 28 -Saturday Information Days- call (207) 581-1561
Mass. Col. of Lib. Arts, No. Adams, MA, Mar. 14 –Preview Day & Transfer Student Day- call (800) 969-MCLA
UMass Boston, Boston, MA, Mar. 7 -Saturday Showcase, Mini OH- 11 am to 1:30 pm, call (617) 287-6106
U. Mass Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, Mar. 29 -Experience Dartmouth- call (508) 999-8000
Missouri, U. of, Columbus, MO, Mar. 13 & 20 –Black & Gold Day- call (573) 882-2456
Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, PA, Mar. –Muhlenberg launches Interview program for high school junior class, see Special College Admissions Programs section
Newbury Col., Boston, MA, Feb. 20 –OH- see Program for Counselors section, call (617) 730-7004
New England Tech., Warwick, RI, Mar. 6 -Engineer & Communications Tech. Day- Must R.S.V.P. by Feb. 27, call (800) 736-7744
New Haven, U. of New Haven, CT, March, see Special College Admissions Programs section – Admissions for Departmental Programs
Northeastern U., Boston, MA, see Special College Admissions Programs section for information on Departmental Meetings
Norwich U., Plainfield, VT, Mar. 23 -Spring OH- Mar. 1 to 3 & Mar. 27 to 29 -Leadership Challenge Weekend- see Special Enrichment Programs section, call (800) 622-0154
Paul Smith Col., Lake Placid, NY, Mar. 28 -Campus Visit Day- call (800) 421-2605
Plymouth State Col., Plymouth, NH, Mar. 21 –Spring for high school juniors- call (800) 842-6900
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Quinnipiac U., Hamden, CT, Mar. 7 & 21 -Saturday IS- call (203) 582-8200
Randolph Macon Col., Ashland, VA, Mar. 2, 9 & 16 –Macon Days- call (800) 888-1762
Hobart Wm. Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Mar. 7 –Junior Visit Day- call (800) 852-2256
Regis Col., Weston, MA, Mar. 7 -Spring Information Session- 9:30 am, call (800) 456-1820
Rhode Island School Of Design, Providence, RI, Mar. 7, 14 -Saturday Program- 1 pm, call (800) 364 RISD
Rhode Island U. of, Kingston, RI, March, Departmental Information Sessions, see Special College Admissions Programs section
St. Andrew’s U. of Scotland, Mar. 11 –Visiting Days- Email telephone 44 (0) 1334-463330
St. Lawrence U., Canton, NY, Mar. 27 -Junior Visit Day- call (315) 229-5011
St. Michaels Col., Winooski, VT, Mar. 7 - Saturday Tour- call (800) 762-8000
St. Olaf Col., Northfield, MN, Mar. 16 -Junior Preview Day- call (800) 800-3025
Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, NY, Mar. 20 & 27 -Junior OH- call (518) 580-5000
Slippery Rock U., Slippery Rock, PA, Mar. 21 & 28 -Select Saturdays- call (800) 729-4778
So. Florida Col., Lakeland, FL, Mar. 20-21 -Scholars Weekend- see Special College Admissions Programs section for Auditions, call (863) 680-4111
So. New Hampshire, U. of, Manchester, NH, Mar. 14 –Saturday Visit- Mar. 27 -Culinary Arts OH- call (800) 642-4968
So. Vermont Col., Bennington, VT, Mar. 9 -Weekend Information Day- call (802) 447-4100
Springfield Col., Springfield, MA, Mar. 7 -Saturday IS, Mar. 12 –OH, Sch. of Social Work- call (800) 343-2000
Stetson U., Deland, FL, Mar. 14 –OH- call (800) 688-0101
Suffolk U., Boston, MA, Mar. 21 –Select Saturday- call (617) 573-8460
SUNY, Syracuse, NY, Col. Engineering, Sci., Forestry, Mar. 20 & 31 –Info. Programs- 1 pm to 4 pm, call (315) 470-6600
Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, PA, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 -Tour & IS- call (610) 328-8300
Tampa, U. of, Tampa, FL, Mar. 28 -IS- call (800) 733-4773
Unity Col., Unity, ME, Mar. 7 -Spring OH- call (207) 948-3131
Vanderbilt U., Nashville, TN, Mar. 30 –Black & Gold Day- Jan. 12 to Apr. 5 –“Dore for a Day”- call (615) 322-7111
Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Mar. 28 -Saturday Tour & IS- call (800) 827-7270
VMI, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, Mar. 6 & 7 -OH - call (540) 464-7230
Wagner Col., New York City, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 -Saturday Overview (usually three)- call (800) 221-1010
Wentworth Inst., Boston, MA, Mar. 21 -Saturday Tours- call (617) 989-4590
Western New England U., Springfield, MA, Mar. 29 –OH, accepted students only- call (800) 782-1122
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA, Mar. 29 -Accepted Student Day- call (617) 734-5200
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Wittenberg U., Springfield, Ohio, Mar. 30 –Lutheran Student Tiger Day- call (937) 327-6231
Woocester, Col. of, Woocester, Ohio, Mar. 28 –Scott Saturday- call (330) 263-2322
reprinted with permission from College Impressions Newsletter
Abbreviation Key: OH = Open House Program IS = Information Session ON = Overnight Program
TBA = To Be Announced (date not available at time of printing)
Albright Col., Reading, PA, Mar. 28 –Spring Preview I- call (610) 921-726
Alfred U., Alfred, NY, Mar. 21 -Spring Saturday IS for Juniors & Sophomores- call (607) 871-2115
American International Col., Springfield, MA, Mar. 7, 21, 28 –Saturday Visits in the AM, call (800) 242-3142
Anna Maria Col., Paxton, MA, Mar. 28 -Saturday IS- call (800) 344-4586
Babson Col., Wellesley, MA, Mar. 28 -Spring Preview Day- call (800) 488-3696
Becker Col., Worcester, MA, Mar. 21 –Business Program Overview- Business & Data Science, call (877) 5BECKER
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI, Mar. 28 -Spring Visit Day- call (800) 356-2751
Benjamin Franklin College, Boston, MA, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 -Saturday Visit- call (617) 423-4630
Boston Architectural Center, Boston, MA, Mar. 2 -IS- 5:30 pm to 7 pm, call (617) 262-5000
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, MA, Mar. –Eagle Eye Sessions, Monday thru Friday - verify Eagle Eye Session - call (800) 360-2522
Bridgeport, U. of, CT, Mar. 7 –Spring OH- Mar. 18 –FASFA Workshop- Mar. 28 –IS & Tour- call (800) EXCEL-UBB
Bridgewater Col., VA, Mar. 28 -OH- call (800) 759-8328
Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, see the Special Enrichment Programs section for info on 18th Annual Woman’s Summit
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA, Mar. 21 & 28 -IS- call (610) 526-5000
Canisius Col., Buffalo, NY, Mar. 14 & 21 -Saturday Visit Day- 10 am, call (718) 883-7000
Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 7 to Mar. 1 -Theater Scholarship Workshop- 8:30 am to 4 pm, call (216) 358-2000
Castleton State Col., Castleton, VT, Mar. 28 –Spring Saturday IS- call (800) 639-8521
Champlain Col., Burlington, VT, Mar. 7, 14 & 28 -Saturday Information Sessions- call (800) 570-5858
Clark U., Worcester, MA, Mar. 7, 14, 21 -Clark Visit Experience- for greater definition, call (508) 793-7711
Colby-Sawyer Col., New London, NH, Mar. 10 & 30 –Evening Tour- Mar. 28 –Select Saturday- call (800) 272-1015
Colgate U., Hamilton, NY, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 –Saturday at Colgate- call (315) 228-7000
Colorado, U. of, Boulder, CO, Mar. 5 & 10 –Student for a Day- Mar. 20 –Military Student Day- call (303) 492-1411
Cornell U., Ithaca, NY, Feb. 22 & Mar. 5 –Red Carpet Society ON Hosting Program- juniors given preference, call (607) 255-3447
Culinary Institute of America, New York, Mar. 26 -OH- call (800) 285-4627
Dean College, Franklin, MA, Mar. 20 –Discover Dean- Mar. 28 –Saturday with Dean- call (877) 879-3326
D’Youville Col., Buffalo, NY, Mar. 14 –Holiday Visit- call (800) 777-3921
Elizabethtown Col., Elizabethtown, PA, Mar. 30 -Jay for a Day- call (717) 361-1400
Elmira College, Elmira, NY, Mar. 7 –Select Saturday- call (800) 935-6472
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA, Mar. 7 - Interview Day- call (800) 255-3567
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA, Mar. 21 & 28 –Information Sessions- 11 am to 1 pm, call (617) 735-9715
U, Fairfield, CT, Mar. 22 –Weekend Visit Day- Mar. 28 –Junior OH- call (203) 254-4100
Fitchburg State Col., Fitchburg, MA, Mar. 24 & 21 –Saturday Information Session- 11:30 am, call (978) 665-3144
Florida Institute of Tech., Melbourne, FL, Mar. 29 -Exploration Day- call (800) 888-4248
Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, FL, Mar. 20 & 21 –Scholars Weekend- Mar. 20 –Music & Theatre Audition - call (863) 680-4111
Framingham State U., Framingham, MA, Mar. 7 - Information Session for transfer students- call (508) 626-4500
Franklin Col., Franklin, IN, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 –Saturday visit- 10 am, call (800) 852-0232
Franklin & Marshall, Lancaster, PA, Mar. 28 -Junior OH- call (877) 678-9111
Franklin Pierce U., Ringe, NH, Mar. 7, 21, 28 -Saturday Tours- call (800) 437-0048
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Gannon U., Erie, PA, Mar. 21 -Saturday IS & T- Mar. 22 & 23 –ON- call (800) GANNON
Gettysburg Col., Gettysburg, PA, Mar. 28 -Junior OH- call (417) 337-6300
Goucher Col., Baltimore, MD, Mar. 7 -Saturday Visits- call (410) 337-6000
Hallmark Sch. of Photography, Turner Falls, MA, Mar. 7 -OH, Careers in Photography- 12 pm to 3:30 pm, call (413) 863-2478
Hartwick Col., Oneonta, NY, Mar. 14 -Saturday IS- call (888) 427-9425
Hobart Wm. Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Mar. 7, Mar. 28 –Scholarship Day- OH- call (800) 852-2250
Hood Col., Frederick, MD, Mar. 7, 14, 21 -Saturday Presentations- call (800) 922-1599
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Mar. 27 -Junior Days- call (800) 968-7850
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Mar. 13 –Wildcat Weekend- call (800) 343-2565
Lasell Col., Newton, MA, Mar. 28 -Lasell Day- call (617) 243-2000
Lawrence Mem.-Regis Col. Collaborative ASN Prog., Nursing, Medford, MA, Mar. 5 -OH- 7 pm to 9 pm, call (781) 306-6649
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY, Mar. 30 -Winter Info. Program- noon to 2 pm, call (800) 333-4733
Lesley U. (Col. of Art & Design), Cambridge, MA, Mar. 2 -Threshold Program- 3 pm to 5 pm, call (617) 868-9600
Loyola Col., Baltimore, MD, Mar. 21 -Saturday at Loyola for Sophomores & Juniors- 11 am to 1:30 pm, call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., Lyndon, VT, Mar. 28 –Electronic Journalism Arts Day- call (802) 626-6413
Maine, U. of, Orono, ME, Mar. 21 & 28 -Saturday Information Days- call (207) 581-1561
Mass. Col. of Lib. Arts, No. Adams, MA, Mar. 14 –Preview Day & Transfer Student Day- call (800) 969-MCLA
UMass Boston, Boston, MA, Mar. 7 -Saturday Showcase, Mini OH- 11 am to 1:30 pm, call (617) 287-6106
U. Mass Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, Mar. 29 -Experience Dartmouth- call (508) 999-8000
Missouri, U. of, Columbus, MO, Mar. 13 & 20 –Black & Gold Day- call (573) 882-2456
Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, PA, Mar. –Muhlenberg launches Interview program for high school junior class, see Special College Admissions Programs section
Newbury Col., Boston, MA, Feb. 20 –OH- see Program for Counselors section, call (617) 730-7004
New England Tech., Warwick, RI, Mar. 6 -Engineer & Communications Tech. Day- Must R.S.V.P. by Feb. 27, call (800) 736-7744
New Haven, U. of New Haven, CT, March, see Special College Admissions Programs section – Admissions for Departmental Programs
Northeastern U., Boston, MA, see Special College Admissions Programs section for information on Departmental Meetings
Norwich U., Plainfield, VT, Mar. 23 -Spring OH- Mar. 1 to 3 & Mar. 27 to 29 -Leadership Challenge Weekend- see Special Enrichment Programs section, call (800) 622-0154
Paul Smith Col., Lake Placid, NY, Mar. 28 -Campus Visit Day- call (800) 421-2605
Plymouth State Col., Plymouth, NH, Mar. 21 –Spring for high school juniors- call (800) 842-6900
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Quinnipiac U., Hamden, CT, Mar. 7 & 21 -Saturday IS- call (203) 582-8200
Randolph Macon Col., Ashland, VA, Mar. 2, 9 & 16 –Macon Days- call (800) 888-1762
Hobart Wm. Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Mar. 7 –Junior Visit Day- call (800) 852-2256
Regis Col., Weston, MA, Mar. 7 -Spring Information Session- 9:30 am, call (800) 456-1820
Rhode Island School Of Design, Providence, RI, Mar. 7, 14 -Saturday Program- 1 pm, call (800) 364 RISD
Rhode Island U. of, Kingston, RI, March, Departmental Information Sessions, see Special College Admissions Programs section
St. Andrew’s U. of Scotland, Mar. 11 –Visiting Days- Email telephone 44 (0) 1334-463330
St. Lawrence U., Canton, NY, Mar. 27 -Junior Visit Day- call (315) 229-5011
St. Michaels Col., Winooski, VT, Mar. 7 - Saturday Tour- call (800) 762-8000
St. Olaf Col., Northfield, MN, Mar. 16 -Junior Preview Day- call (800) 800-3025
Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, NY, Mar. 20 & 27 -Junior OH- call (518) 580-5000
Slippery Rock U., Slippery Rock, PA, Mar. 21 & 28 -Select Saturdays- call (800) 729-4778
So. Florida Col., Lakeland, FL, Mar. 20-21 -Scholars Weekend- see Special College Admissions Programs section for Auditions, call (863) 680-4111
So. New Hampshire, U. of, Manchester, NH, Mar. 14 –Saturday Visit- Mar. 27 -Culinary Arts OH- call (800) 642-4968
So. Vermont Col., Bennington, VT, Mar. 9 -Weekend Information Day- call (802) 447-4100
Springfield Col., Springfield, MA, Mar. 7 -Saturday IS, Mar. 12 –OH, Sch. of Social Work- call (800) 343-2000
Stetson U., Deland, FL, Mar. 14 –OH- call (800) 688-0101
Suffolk U., Boston, MA, Mar. 21 –Select Saturday- call (617) 573-8460
SUNY, Syracuse, NY, Col. Engineering, Sci., Forestry, Mar. 20 & 31 –Info. Programs- 1 pm to 4 pm, call (315) 470-6600
Swarthmore Col., Swarthmore, PA, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 -Tour & IS- call (610) 328-8300
Tampa, U. of, Tampa, FL, Mar. 28 -IS- call (800) 733-4773
Unity Col., Unity, ME, Mar. 7 -Spring OH- call (207) 948-3131
Vanderbilt U., Nashville, TN, Mar. 30 –Black & Gold Day- Jan. 12 to Apr. 5 –“Dore for a Day”- call (615) 322-7111
Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Mar. 28 -Saturday Tour & IS- call (800) 827-7270
VMI, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, Mar. 6 & 7 -OH - call (540) 464-7230
Wagner Col., New York City, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 -Saturday Overview (usually three)- call (800) 221-1010
Wentworth Inst., Boston, MA, Mar. 21 -Saturday Tours- call (617) 989-4590
Western New England U., Springfield, MA, Mar. 29 –OH, accepted students only- call (800) 782-1122
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA, Mar. 29 -Accepted Student Day- call (617) 734-5200
Open House Programs - March, 2015 continued…
Wittenberg U., Springfield, Ohio, Mar. 30 –Lutheran Student Tiger Day- call (937) 327-6231
Woocester, Col. of, Woocester, Ohio, Mar. 28 –Scott Saturday- call (330) 263-2322
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Weather Related Issues at Hull High School
is great to have all the students, faculty and staff back at Hull High
have been three weather-related incidents over the past few days of which I want to make you aware.
- We did have a leak in the cafeteria today. There are air vents on the roof and although the custodial staff has done a great job of shoveling the snow off of the roof, they did miss a few. With the warmer temperatures today (34 degrees IS considered warmer this month!), as the snow melted water did come through the vents. This caused a pretty big leak in the cafeteria. School Business Manager Matt Gillis, Facilities Manager Frank Campbell and I inspected this today and our wonderful custodial staff (along with Jim Quatromoni) fixed the problem. This was an isolated incident and we have confirmed that all air vents are now clear of snow
- We discovered on Monday that a decorative piece of concrete on the roof above one of our back entrances had cracked and separated from the building. This door is used by teachers entering the school from the rear parking lot and as an emergency exit. Dr. Tyrell and I worked with Building Commissioner Peter Lombardo and Asst. Fire Chief Andy Thomas to assess the situation. Scaffolding has been put up to ensure the safety of those using this entrance. This necessitated restricting access to that doorway and the rear stairwell for a few days. We have been assured by the Building Commissioner that when the scaffolding project is completed tomorrow that the use of the door and stairwell will be absolutely safe.
- Drifting snow has piled against half of the cafeteria windows. Out of an abundance of caution, we have moved several lunch tables away from the windows.
you know, the safety of our students is our first priority. These two situations have been addressed and
we believe that we have identified all weather-related issues. There is still a lot of snow out there that
needs to melt and we will continue to assess the situation each day. Please know that our school community
continues to be a safe and nurturing environment for all of our students.
a separate note – in their advisories this morning, our students were asked to
predict when there would be no snow remaining in the courtyard. The advisory that comes closest to picking
the day when there is no snow left will be given a pizza party. I don’t even
want to tell you how many advisories guessed that it would be May before the
snow is gone! Here’s hoping that they
are wrong!
always – please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns
about our school.
a great night!
Mike Devine
Mike Devine
The Memory Project
The Memory Project
Recently, eight students from Mrs. Davis’s art
classes participated in a special project called the Memory Project. Students created portraits for girls ages
17-19 who live in India. These girls
have either been neglected, orphaned, or disadvantaged and have few keepsakes
to call their own. The completed
portraits have been sent to the Memory Project coordinator in Wisconsin and will
be hand delivered to the girls in India.
Pictures of the deliveries will follow!
Memory Project Participants:
Kendall Carmody: Portrait
created for Kanchan
Danalice Lopes: Portrait created for Swati
Jill Larsen: Portrait created for Sneha
Ricky Whiting: Portrait created for Prerna
Joe Zinkus: Portrait created for Sunita
Spencer Gamble: Portrait created for Roshni
Jill Larsen and Cameron Hill: Portrait created for Manisha
Mckel Maxwell: Portrait created for Harmeen
More about the Memory Project:
“The Memory Project is a unique initiative in which art students
create portraits for children and teens around the world who have been
neglected, orphaned, or disadvantaged. Given that kids in such situations tend
to have few personal keepsakes, we're aiming to provide them with special
memories that capture a piece of their childhood - portable pieces of their
personal history. As much as possible, we also want to help the kids see
themselves as works of art.
To do this, art students receive photos of kids on our waiting list and then work in any medium to create the portraits (drawing, painting, digital art, collage, etc). Next, we deliver the portraits to the kids as gifts. We also take photos of the kids holding the portraits so the art students can see the delivery in action.
To do this, art students receive photos of kids on our waiting list and then work in any medium to create the portraits (drawing, painting, digital art, collage, etc). Next, we deliver the portraits to the kids as gifts. We also take photos of the kids holding the portraits so the art students can see the delivery in action.
The Memory Project was developed by Ben Schumaker as a graduate
student of social work at the University of Wisconsin.
In 2003, while volunteering at an orphanage in Guatemala, Ben learned that the kids had few special belongings to represent moments of their childhood. They had very few photos, for example, to serve as memories from their early years. Since Ben had always enjoyed making portraits in school art classes, he had the idea to get art students involved in creating portraits for the kids. The Memory Project was officially born in 2004 and Ben still coordinates it full-time today. To date the project has created nearly 50,000 portraits for kids in 34 countries, and we intend to keep going as long as possible.
In 2003, while volunteering at an orphanage in Guatemala, Ben learned that the kids had few special belongings to represent moments of their childhood. They had very few photos, for example, to serve as memories from their early years. Since Ben had always enjoyed making portraits in school art classes, he had the idea to get art students involved in creating portraits for the kids. The Memory Project was officially born in 2004 and Ben still coordinates it full-time today. To date the project has created nearly 50,000 portraits for kids in 34 countries, and we intend to keep going as long as possible.
We aim to create portraits for children anywhere in the world
who have faced substantial hardship and have few personal keepsakes to call
their own. The kids who receive our portraits range in age from 0 – 18 years,
and every one has a different story.
Many of the children receiving our portraits live in residential children’s homes (a.k.a. “orphanages”), but that doesn’t mean they are literally “orphans.” In fact, most children living in orphanages around the world are not there because both of their parents are deceased. Some have lost one or both parents, but many are there for reasons of abuse, neglect, or simply because one or both parents are living in extreme poverty and not able to adequately feed and care for them.
Considering that every child’s background is unique, we don’t follow specific rules about which kids we involve and which we don’t. Rather, we work with many different nonprofit organizations to create portraits for the children they serve.”
Many of the children receiving our portraits live in residential children’s homes (a.k.a. “orphanages”), but that doesn’t mean they are literally “orphans.” In fact, most children living in orphanages around the world are not there because both of their parents are deceased. Some have lost one or both parents, but many are there for reasons of abuse, neglect, or simply because one or both parents are living in extreme poverty and not able to adequately feed and care for them.
Considering that every child’s background is unique, we don’t follow specific rules about which kids we involve and which we don’t. Rather, we work with many different nonprofit organizations to create portraits for the children they serve.”
Source: (
Hull Students Win Boston Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
Seven students from Hull High School submitted artwork
and/or art portfolios to the 2015 Boston Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. As
described on its website, “Since 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
have recognized the vision, ingenuity, and talent of our nation’s youth, and
provided opportunities for creative teens to be celebrated. Each year,
increasing numbers of teens participate in the program, and become a part of
our community–-young artists and writers, filmmakers and photographers, poets,
and sculptors, along with countless educators who support and encourage the
creative process. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards has grown to be
the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition initiative for
creative teens, and the largest source of scholarships for young artists and
Participants in
the 2015 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards:
Kendall Carmody Grade: 12, Jillian Larsen (Grade 10),
Jack Morton (Grade 12), Annabella Palermo-Cristaldi (Grade 10),
Makayla Sullivan
(Grade 12), Allison Tarnovean
(Grade 12), Sydney Voss Kernan
(Grade 12)
Silver Key: Kendall Carmody (Grade 12) Title:
More than Meets the Eye, Category: Drawing and Illustration Honorable Mention: Allison Tarnovean (Grade 12) Title: Musical
Stairs Category: Drawing and
Illustration Honorable Mention: Allison Tarnovean (Grade 12) Title:
It's Okay to Be Unique
Category: Drawing and
Allison Tarnovean:
Kendal Carmody:
Allison Tarnovean:
Empty Bowl South Shore 2015 - Art Department Fundraiser to Fight Hunger
you know?
“The poverty
rate in Massachusetts is the highest its been since 1960.”
and help fight hunger one bowl at a time!
As the African proverb goes, "When spider webs unite, they
can tie up a lion!"
WHO: Area High School ceramics students and South Shore Art Center to
WHEN: Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 5:00-7:00 PM
WHERE: South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA (address below).
“Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to fight hunger
and was created by The Imagine Render Group. The basic premise is simple:
Potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the community to
create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and
bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are asked to keep a bowl as a
reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. The money raised is donated to an
organization working to end hunger and food insecurity.” Website:
Students from Hull,
Hingham, Braintree and Cohasset High Schools Ceramics and 3D Art classes are producing
wonderful bowls for this event. Enjoy a
light meal of soup and bread, donated by Whole Foods Market, Hingham while
listening to musical entertainment from Hull High School Ensemble Group. All
donations will go to Project Bread ( and Outreach, Inc.
( Each
organization will have a speaker at the event to explain the work they do to
feed the hungry. Additional artwork by
students and local artists will be offered in a silent auction as a donation to
this important cause.
This event is being sponsored by Whole Foods Market,
Hingham, Hull PTO and Hull Boosters.
for further questions.
COST: Adults $20, Student/child ($10)
Admission includes a light meal of soup and
bread and handmade keepsake bowl.
Purchase tickets online at:
Click the Art Program link.
South Shore Art Center is located at 119 Ripley Road,
Cohasset. Gallery hours
are Monday through Saturday, 10-4 and Sunday,
12-4. For more information, visit or call 781-383-2787.
Junior Parent Night
Junior Parent Night
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Exhibition Room, 7:00PM
On Wednesday Feb 25th, the guidance department will be holding a Junior information night to help inform parents and students on their upcoming college process. We will have a guest speaker from Boston College to explain the college experience and admission process. We look forward to seeing you at 7pm on the 25th! All are welcome!
New Scholarships
Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program:
Charles Eliot Scholarship:
The Charles Eliot Scholarship was established by MAPC in memory of Charles W. Eliot, II. Mr. Eliot was an advocate of regional cooperation and was especially interested in in land use planning as it affected transportation (coordination of trains, buses, cars, bicycles, and pedestrians), the need for communities to balance residential, business and open space, and the role of planning to solve modern problems (like today’s climate change).
This scholarship is open to any senior in a secondary school in the 101 city-and-town MAPC region who is planning to further his/her education in these fields, which were of significant value to Mr. Eliot. A cash prize of at least $500 will be awarded in the form of a scholarship to the school of the recipient's choice.
Award will be presented at the MAPC Annual Council Meeting on May 27, 2015.
Please review the brief summary of the accomplishments of Charles W. Eliot below prior to submitting an application.
For more information about the scholarship, contact Thomas Hauenstein.
Applications for this award should be sent to:
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Attn: Charles W. Eliot Scholarship
60 Temple Place
Boston, MA 02111
Deadline is April 17th, 2015
Rotary Club of Hingham and Hull - Service Above Self Scholarship:
Graduating seniors are eligible to apply for scholarships which will be awarded on the basis of:
Deadline: April 1, 2015
Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program
How does it work?
- Students must be between the age of 6 and 18 as of March 15, 2015 and not yet a high school graduate.
- The student’s volunteer actions should be described in detail on the nomination.
- Volunteer efforts must have occurred in the last year.
- Winners will be chosen based on the benefits and outcomes of their volunteer service.
- Nominators must be 21 or older.
What can they win?
- Local winners will each receive a $50 Kohl’s Gift Card.
- Regional winners will receive a $1,000 scholarship for higher education.
- National winners will each receive a $10,000 scholarship, plus Kohl’s will donate $1,000 to a nonprofit of the student’s choice.
Charles Eliot Scholarship:
The Charles Eliot Scholarship was established by MAPC in memory of Charles W. Eliot, II. Mr. Eliot was an advocate of regional cooperation and was especially interested in in land use planning as it affected transportation (coordination of trains, buses, cars, bicycles, and pedestrians), the need for communities to balance residential, business and open space, and the role of planning to solve modern problems (like today’s climate change).
This scholarship is open to any senior in a secondary school in the 101 city-and-town MAPC region who is planning to further his/her education in these fields, which were of significant value to Mr. Eliot. A cash prize of at least $500 will be awarded in the form of a scholarship to the school of the recipient's choice.
Deadline and application
Download the application packet. Deadline is April 17th, 2015.Award will be presented at the MAPC Annual Council Meeting on May 27, 2015.
Please review the brief summary of the accomplishments of Charles W. Eliot below prior to submitting an application.
For more information about the scholarship, contact Thomas Hauenstein.
Applications for this award should be sent to:
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Attn: Charles W. Eliot Scholarship
60 Temple Place
Boston, MA 02111
Deadline is April 17th, 2015
Rotary Club of Hingham and Hull - Service Above Self Scholarship:
Graduating seniors are eligible to apply for scholarships which will be awarded on the basis of:
- scholastic ability and achievement
- community involvement
- financial requirements
- recommendations of the school guidance counselors, teachers, community leaders and employers.
Deadline: April 1, 2015
Junior Parent Night
Junior Parent Night
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Exhibition Room, 7:00PM
On Wednesday Feb 25th, the guidance department will be holding a Junior information night to help inform parents and students on their upcoming college process. We will have a guest speaker from Boston College to explain the college experience and admission process. We look forward to seeing you at 7pm on the 25th! All are welcome!
Monday, February 23, 2015
(Independent Order of Odd Fellows)
THE REBEKAH ASSEMBLY OF MASSACHUSETTS- ----This $500 scholarship program is open to seniors applying to 2 or 4 year colleges. Financial need is a consideration. (Pick up application in Guidance.)
The application deadline is March 15th.
South Shore Bay Band
South Shore Bay Band is a non-profit organization dedicated
to giving musicians the opportunity to play and perform concert band music for
the south shore communities. Our band
members range in age from high school to senior adults. We perform summer outdoor concerts in the
south shore area. Money raised from
these concerts goes to charitable causes, such as our Music Achievement Scholarship Awards.
associated with the South Shore Bay Band
is very pleased to be able to offer these scholarships and we hope to continue
to do so for many years to come.
Deadline: April 6, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Scholarship Opportunities
New Scholarship Opportunities:
The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) Scholarships:hip
AMDA is accepting nominations for students who plan to pursue their post-secondary education. Please speak to Mrs. Kelliher or Mrs. Troy regarding the nomination process.. Students must plan to enroll in the Bachelor of Fine Arts or Conservatory Programs.
Rockland Trust Scholarship:
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Program:
Application Procedure for 2015
To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at:
Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals.
Deadline: June 15, 2015
Massachusetts Broadcasters Association Scholarship:
The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) Scholarships:hip
AMDA is accepting nominations for students who plan to pursue their post-secondary education. Please speak to Mrs. Kelliher or Mrs. Troy regarding the nomination process.. Students must plan to enroll in the Bachelor of Fine Arts or Conservatory Programs.
Rockland Trust Scholarship:
- Six $2,500 scholarships will be awarded
- Graduating seniors in the counties of Plymouth, Barnstable, and Bristol. In addition, Seniors in the towns of Allston, Braintree, Brighton, Brookline, Cohasset, Jamaica Plain, Norwood, Quincy, Randolph, Somerville, Stoughton, Watertown, West Roxbury, Westwood, Wellesley, and Weymouth are also eligible to apply.
- To apply, download the application or pick one up at your local Rockland Trust branch.
- Deadline: March 14, 2015
Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias:
- Students must submit a written resume of their community service achievements -- academic achievements have no bearing on this scholarship
- Two letters of recommendation confirming your community service
- Resumes and letters should be mailed to the:
Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias
458 Pearl Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
- Deadline: April 1, 2015
William T Adams Memorial Scholarship - Music Majors:
- This completed application form.
- Personal letter from applicant answering:
- “What factors contributed to your decision to major in music?”
- 2 letters of recommendation: one must be from your high school music teacher.
- Copy of your high school transcript
- Copy of college’s offer of admission letter
- Deadline: April 13, 2015
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Program:
Application Procedure for 2015
To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at:
Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals.
Deadline: June 15, 2015
Massachusetts Broadcasters Association Scholarship:
The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association is committed to furthering the broadcast industry by helping Massachusetts’ best and brightest students pursue a career in broadcasting.
Students who are permanent residents of Massachusetts and plan to or are enrolled at an accredited institution of higher learning are encouraged to apply for the MBA’s Broadcaster Scholarship Program. The MBA awards ten (10) scholarships annually in the amount of $2,000 to students pursuing a career in over-the-air broadcasting. In addition, a $3,000 is awarded in honor of the former President of the MBA, Al Sprague.
Deadline: April 3, 2015
A variety of scholarships are listed.
Imperial Court of Rhode Island at Providence's Scholarship - LGBTQ community identification:
and Obligations
• This
scholarship is open to any individual that has either graduated or is about to
graduate who is interested in pursuing a level of higher education and
identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community or who has a parent or guardian
who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community.
• In the
event that the LGBTQ connection pertains to a parent and/or guardian, the
parent/guardian will also be required to sign a media release for publicity purposes
acknowledging that their names and/ or images may be used in media or printed
• The
recipient(s) is requested to attend the annual Imperial Court of Rhode Island
Coronation Ball on Saturday, April 18th, 2015 at the Providence
Biltmore Hotel or another official Imperial Court of Rhode Island Coronation
Weekend event for the award presentation.
*The recipient will received 2 complementary tickets to the Coronation Ball
*The recipient will received 2 complementary tickets to the Coronation Ball
• Each
applicant will need to provide proof of residency within the state of Rhode
Island or the following counties in Massachusetts: Worcester, Bristol, Norfolk,
and Plymouth.
• Each
applicant will be required to include a copy of their high school transcript
and/or GED certificate with the application.
• Prior
to the disbursement of award monies, the recipient will need to provide written
proof, in the form of an acceptance letter from the post-secondary institution,
to the Imperial Court of Rhode Island
• Funds
from the scholarship will be used as payment toward the recipient’s tuition at
a post-secondary accredited institution. Monies will be submitted directly to
the institution as identified by applicant.
• Completed
applications should be mailed to:
Imperial Court of Rhode Island at Providence
Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 6083
Providence, RI 02940
Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 6083
Providence, RI 02940
*All application
submissions must be postmarked by Friday, March 13th, 2015*
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Boston College Splash
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