The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Ms. Held's Class' Project: FDNY Ten House: "We Still Remember"
Students in all of Ms. Held's art classes learned about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. After learning about and discussing the events of that day, students read about the story of the FDNY Ten House. FDNY Ten House is located across the street from the World Trade Center Site. It is the only fire station inside Ground Zero. Members of the Ten House lost six brothers that day and their firehouse was severely damaged. Students in Ms. Held's art classes read the story of these six men and the long road to rebuilding Firehouse Ten. After, they created pieces of artwork to honor and remember the lost Brothers of the Ten House and the sacrifices made on September 11, 2001. They included a letter on the back of their artwork to explain their images and express their thoughts and thanks. The artwork is being sent to the Ten House members in New York, as a token of our gratitude. Here are a few examples of student work.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Grade 8 Open House at HHS - October 16
Dear Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2019,
Greetings from Hull High School! In less than one year, your 8th
grader will be a freshman in high school and it is our sincere hope that he/she
will be a freshman at Hull High School.
Our school has a great deal to be proud of, so I hope you don’t mind me
bragging about a few of the accomplishments of the past few years. Since 2010, Hull High School has:
- Been named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, our nation’s highest recognition for high schools;
- Been named one of the top high schools in Massachusetts by Boston Magazine;
- Been named one of the top high schools in Massachusetts by US News and World Report;
- Been named to the College Board’s AP Honor Roll which recognizes the increase in the number of students taking Advanced Placement courses and seeing our average scores on those exams also increase;
- Earned a full accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges;
- Increased our course offerings through the use of Virtual High School and other on-line tools;
- Reopened our woodshop and expanded our technology education program;
- Reinvigorated our school-day and co-curricular music and arts programs;
- Seen our top students be selected for admission into the schools of their choice including Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, Boston College, Northeastern, Georgetown, Fordham, Bowdoin, Boston University, Brandeis and Wesleyan;
- Had our Diversity/GSA club recognized for their work to make Hull High School an even more inclusive community;
- Seen our athletic teams advance further in more tournaments than ever before, and;
- Seen our students learn a great deal and find great pleasure during their time at Hull High School.
These are all great accomplishments, but perhaps what I am
most proud of is put best by one of our students last year. He said to a group of parents “There is no
place I would rather spend my days than at Hull High School.”
I know that our school community is a very special place and
I believe that you will feel the same way.
As you start to make plans for your student’s high school education, I
encourage you and your 8th grader to join us at our annual Grade
8 Open House on October 16, 2014. The night will start at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria
where students and their parents will have the opportunity to meet the coaches,
advisors, leaders and captains of our clubs, activities and athletic
teams. We will then meet in the
exhibition room and students and parents will have the opportunity to hear more
about our school from me and our student leaders, as well as take tours of the
building. We should finish up the
evening by 8:30 PM.
I look forward to seeing you on October 16th
and sharing more with you about our amazing learning community. I promise you – you and your student will not
be disappointed.
If I can offer you any further information, please do not
hesitate to email me at Also, I encourage you to see for yourself
what is happening at Hull High School by following our blog at
Michael F. Devine
Hull High School
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
NASSP Prudential Spirit of Community Award
"Are you a High School student who's making a difference through volunteering?"
If you answered: YES! Then please visit the website listed below to find out more information regarding the NASSP Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Applications and Parent/Student Agreement needs to be into the Guidance Office by November 1st.
National CO-OP Scholarship Program
Please visit the Guidance Office to check over the Merit Scholarship Book.
The National Young Arts Foundation
Wendy's High School Heisman
"Are you a High School student who's making a difference through volunteering?"
If you answered: YES! Then please visit the website listed below to find out more information regarding the NASSP Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Applications and Parent/Student Agreement needs to be into the Guidance Office by November 1st.
National CO-OP Scholarship Program
Please visit the Guidance Office to check over the Merit Scholarship Book.
The National Young Arts Foundation
- October 17th deadline
- Actors, dancers, designers, filmmakers, photographers, musicians, singers, visual artists, writers
Wendy's High School Heisman
- October 3rd deadline
- Student - Athlete
October College Open Houses
Reprinted with permission from College Impressions Newsletter
House Notices (OH), October, 2014
Suggestion: Respond regarding your attendance at an
admissions meeting & confirm the date and time and place of the meeting.
Abbreviation Key: OH
= Open House Program IS = Information Session ON =
Overnight Program
TBA = To Be Announced (date not available at time
of printing)
Adelphia U., L.I., NY
Oct. 26 –OH-, Oct. 13 –IS-, Oct. 18
–Enhanced OH-, call (800) ADELPHI
Albertus Magnus Col., Oct. 4 & 26 –Saturday Session-,
call (800) 578-9160
Albright Col., Reading, PA, Oct. 25 -OH- 9 am to 4 pm, Oct.
19 Business -IS call (800) 252-1856
Alfred U., Alfred, NY, Oct.
4 & 25 -OH-, call (800) 541-9229
American U., Washington, D.C., Oct. 8 -Preview Day-, for
Admis. Receptions see Special
Individual College Programs section or
call (800) 428-4632
Amherst Col., Amherst MA., Oct 18 to 20 –Diversity Oh-, call
(413) 542-2328
Anna Maria Col., Paxton, MA., Oct.
18 -OH- , call
(800) 344-4586
Art Institute of Boston, (Leslie Col.), Cambridge, MA, Oct.
6 -Fall OH-, Oct. 10 –Nat. Portfolio Review Day-, call (617) 349-8800
Assumption Col.,
Worcester, MA, Oct. 19 - OH – call (888) 882-7786
Babson Col.,
Wellesley, MA, Oct. 4, 13, 18, 26
–Fall Preview- (mini OH), call
(800) 488-3696
Bates Col., Lewiston, ME,
Oct. 14, -OH–,
Fall Saturday Programs Oct. 4, 11, 25,
Prologue Programs: I Oct. 12 to 14 II
Nov. 9 to 11, 2014
Bay Path Col., Longmeadow, MA, Oct. 19 -OH- 11 am to 3 pm, see Special Individual College Programs section for greater
Becker Col., Worcester & Leicester, MA., Oct. 18, –OH at
both colleges- 8:30 am, call (877) 5BECKER
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI,
Oct. 12 & 13–Fall OH-, Oct.
25 -Autumn Days-, call (800) 356-0751
Benjamin Franklin Institute, Boston, MA., Oct. 26 –OH-, 9
am, call
(617) 423-4463
Boston Architectural Center, Boston, MA, Oct. 6
-OH, IS- 5:30 pm to 8 pm, call (617) 585-0123
Boston U., Boston, MA,
Oct. 10 & 24 –Fall Visit-,
Oct. 5 –Sch. Of Ed., OH-, (800) 578-1223
Brandeis U., Waltham, MA,
Oct. 12 –Preview Day-, call
in state (781) 736-3500 out
state (800) 622-0622
Bridgewater State Col., Bridgewater, MA., Oct. 25 –Preview
Humanities-, Oct. Aviation –OH-, call
(508) 531-1237
Brown U., Providence, RI, Oct. (usually a Saturday in early
Oct.)–School of Engineering OH-, call (401) 863-2378 (Admissions)
Bryant U., Smithfield, RI,
Sept 27 –OH-, call (800) 622-7001
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA., Oct. 27 –OH-, Oct. 8&9, -Senior Stays ON, Arts & Humanities, call (610) 526-5000
Canisius Col., Buffalo, NY,
Oct 18 –OH-,
Oct. 4 & 25 -Saturday
Visit- call (800) 843-1517
Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburg, PA, see
Special Individual College Programs section for details on a number of
admissions programs
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland Oct. 13 –OH-, call
(800) 967-8898
Castleton St. Col, VT,
Oct. 25 -OH-, Oct. 0,11,13 –IS-, call
(800) 639-8521
Catholic U., Washington, DC, Oct. 12 -OH- 9
am to 3:30 pm, call (800) 673-2772
Champlain Col., Burlington, VT., Oct. 25 –, Fall OH- call (800) 570-5858
Chicago, U. of, Chicago, IL,
Oct. 13 -OH-,
call (773) 702-8650
Clark U., Worcester, MA,
Oct. 17 – OH-, call (800) 462-5275
Clarkson U., Potsdam, NY,
Oct. 4 -OH- call (800) 527-6577
Coe Col., Cedar
Rapids, IO, Oct. 18 -Campus Visit Day, OH- 9 am to 2 pm,
call (800) 332-8404
Colby Col., Waterville, ME,
Oct. 26 to 28 -Experience Colby,
minority students-,- call (207) 872-3384
Colby-Sawyer Col., New London, NH, Oct. 26 -Fall OH-,, call (800) 272-1015
Colgate U., Hamilton, NY,
Oct. 1 through Dec. 6 , -Saturday Session-, 10 am, call (315)
Colorado Col., Colo. Springs, CO, Oct. 12 & 13,
-OH, call (800) 542-7214
Colorado State U.., Ft. Collins, CO, Oct.
10 -Explore Colo.-, call (970) 491-1101
Connecticut Col., New London, CT, Oct. 13 –OH-, Oct. 8 & 9 –Explore,
Diversity Weekend-, call (888) 553-8760
Conn., U. of, Storrs, CT.,
Oct. 19 -OH-, call
(888) 553-8760
Culinary Inst. of America, Hyde Park, NY, Oct. 10 –OH-, see Special Individual College Programs
section for receptions, call (800) 245-4627
Curry Col., Milton, MA.,
Oct. 26 -Fall OH-
RR, call (800) 669-0686
C W Post U. of LI,
NY, Oct. 13,-Post Preview Day-, Oct. 18 Homecoming Brkfst. for high school
Seniors.– call (800) 548-7526
Davidson Col., Davidson, NC,
Oct. 19 -OH, Discover Davidson-, Oct. 18 to 20 –Multicultural Visit- call (704) 894-2000
Dean Col., Franklin, MA,
Oct.18 -Discover Dean Day, OH-
9:30 am to 2 pm, call (800) 852-7702
Delaware, U. of,
Newark, DE., Oct. 25, -Blue & Gold Saturday, OH- 9 am to 3
pm, call (302) 831-2000
DenisonCol., Granville, OH,
Oct. 13 -Fall visit Day-, Oct.
26 -Fall Diversity Day-, Call
(800) Denison
DeSales U., Allentown, PA.
Oct. 218 -OH- 10 am to 2:30 pm, call (877) DESALES
Dickinson Col., Carlisle, PA
Oct. 13 (Fall OH) 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 644-1773
Drew U., Madison, NJ,
Oct 6 - OH- Oct 19
–OH- call (973) 408-3739
D’Youville Col., Buffalo, NY, Oct. 18 –OH-,
call (800) 777-3921
Elmira Col., Elmira, NY,
Oct. 13 -Fall OH-,
call (800) 935-6472
Elizabethtown Col., Elizabethtown, PA, Oct. 28
Business Day-, call (717)
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA,
Oct. 25 -OH-, Oct. 11 –Visit Day-, call (800) 255-ELMS
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA,
Oct. 25 -OH-
12:30 pm, Oct. 4,11,13,18
–IS-, call (617) 735-9715
Emerson Col., Boston, MA., Oct. 11 -Fall OH- see Special Section for Receptions in Northeast, call (617) 824-8500
Emory U., Atlanta, GA,
Oct. 4, 11, 18 -OH-, 8 am to
noon, Oct. 3&19 –Afternoon at Oxford
Col.- call (404) 727-6036
Endicott Col., Beverly, MA
Oct. 8 –Sat. Group Visit Day-
call (800) 325-1114
Fairfield U., Fairfield, CT., Oct. 18, -Weekend Visit-, Oct.
5&19 –Sunday Visit-/ Oct. 13&15 –Campus Visit-, call 202-234-4100
Fitchburg State U.,
Fitchburg, MA Oct. 25 –OH-
call: (800) 705-9692
Fordham U., NY,
NY, Oct. 18
-Presidents OH-, call (718) 817-1000
Framingham St. U., Framingham, MA, Oct. 4 & 18 –Saturday Information
Session,-, call (508) 620-1222
Franklin Pierce Col.,
Rindge, NH, Oct. 5 -OH-
call: (800) 437-0048
Franklin Col., IN,
Oct, 25 –Blue & Gold
Day-, Oct. 4,11,18
-Visit Days- call (317) 738-8000
Gannon U., Erie, PA,
Oct. 25, -Saturday Visit
Day-, call (814) 871-7000
Geneva Col., Beaver Falls, PA, Oct. 10 & 13 –Discover Days, call (800)
Gettysburg Col., Gettysburg, PA., Oct. 25 –Fall OH-,
call (717) 337-6300
Gordon Col., Wenham, MA,
Oct. 4 –Sci. Experience Day-, Oct. 13 –Experience Gordon Day-, call (978) 867-4218 .
Goucher Col., Baltimore MD,
Oct. 13 -Explore Goucher-, Oct.4 & 25 –Saturday
Visits-, call (401) 337-6000
Green Mountain Col., Poultney, VT, Oct. 18
-OH- 10 am to 3 pm, call
(800) 776-6675
Grinnell Col., Grinnell, IO,
Sept. . 28 & 29 - Discover
Grinnell, OH & Diversity Day-,
call (800) 247-0113
Hallmark Inst. of Photography, Turner Falls, MA., Oct. 4, –Fall OH-,
call (413) 863-2478
Hamilton Col., Clinton, NY, Oct. 5, 12,26 –Fall Saturday Program- , Sept. 26-28
–Diversity ON-, call (800) 843-2655
Hampshire Col., Amherst, MA,
Oct. 25 -Campus Visit-, Oct.
21&22 –OH-, Oct. 28-28 Multi. Cult.
ON- call (877) 937-4267
Hartford, U. of, Hartford, CT, Oct. 12 & 26 -Fall Preview
Day 9 am to 3 pm, see Special Individual College Programs
section, call (800) 947-4303
Hartwick Col.,
Oneonta, NY, Oct. 12 -Fall I,
OH-, call (888) 427-9425
Holy Cross Col., Worcester, MA Oct. 5
-OH-, Oct. 4, 25 (Saturday Visits),
call (800) 442-2421
Hood Col., Frederick,
MD, Oct.
20 –OH- noon, call
(800) 922-1599
Hope Col., Holland, MI,
Oct. 10,13,17,24,31 -Hope Col.
Visitation Days- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 968-7850
Ithaca Col., Ithaca, NY, Oct. 3,13,25 -Fall OH- 9 am to 3 pm, Oct. 14 –Monday OH- 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 429-4274
Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, MD, see
Special Program Section Admission Programs & Receptions, call (410) 516-8171
Johnson State, Johnson, VT,
Oct. 18 -OH-, Oct. 24 –Performing
Arts, call (800) 635-2356
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Oct. 25
-Preview Day, Culinary & Non Culinary-, call (800)
Keene State U., Keene, NH, Oct. 4 – OH, Sch. Of Social Sci.-, Oct.17 – OH, Sch. Of Prof. Studies-, Oct. 24 – Sch. of Ed.- call 603-352-1909
Lafayette Col., Easton, PA,
Oct. 18 – Fall OH- Oct. 17 Engineering OH-, Oct 4,11,25 –Saturday Visit-, call (610) 330-5100
Lehigh U., PA, Oct.
22 –OH-, Oct. 27 -Diversity Achievers Program, call
(610) 758-3100
Lake Forest Col., Lake Forest, IL., Oct. 14 & 28 -OH-
call (874) 234-3100
Lawrence Mem.-Regis Col. Hosp. Sch. Of Nursing , Medford,
MA, Oct. 2 –OH- 7 pm to 9 pm,
Sept. 26, Sch. of Radiology, _OH- call (781) 306-6600
Lehigh U., Bethlehem, PA., Oct. 27 –OH & Diversity
Achievers Program-, call (610) 861-3969
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY,
Oct. 5 & 19, -OH-, Oct. 1 & 25
-IS-, call (800) 333-4733
Lesley Col., Cambridge, M/a, Oct.
6 -OH, Threshold Program), call (800) 999-19959
Loyola U., Baltimore, MD, Oct. 4,11 & 26 –Saturday at Loyola- , call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., Lyndonville, VT, Oct
18 -OH, call
(802) 626-6413
Lynn U., Boca Raton, Fl., Oct. 25 –OH-, call (800) 888-5966
Macalaster Col., St. Paul, MN, Oct.
3 & 31 - OH, Fall
Sampler-, call (800) 231-7974
Maine, U. of, Farmington, ME, Oct.
25 -OH-, call (207) 778-7050
Maine, U. of, Orono,
ME, Oct.
5 -OH- 8 am,
Oct. 25 –Saturday IS-, call (877)
Maine, U. of, Machias,
Oct. 24 -Preview Day- call
(207) 255-1200
Maine, U. of Southern Maine, Portland, ME, Oct. 26
-Fall OH-, call (207) 780-5670
Maine, U. of, Gorham, ME,
Oct. 18 -Saturday Information
Day-, Oct. 26 –OH-, call (800) 753-6630
Manhattan Col., Riverdale, NY, Oct. 13, -OH-, Oct. 4,18
–Saturday IS-, Oct. 13, -Columbus Day Session-, call (800) 622-9235
Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, VA., Oct.. 10&13 , -high school senior overnight-, call (800)
Maryland, U. of,
College Park, MD, Oct. 13 –
OH- call (301) 405-1000
Mass Col. of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA, Oct. 13
-OH- 10 am to 2 pm, Oct. 4 -Tour
& IS-, call (800) 292-6632
Mass Col. of Pharmacy, Boston, MA., Oct. 19, -OH, call (800) 225-5506
Mass Maritime Acad., Buzzards Bay, MA, Oct.
18 -OH- 8 am to noon,
call (800) 544-3411
UMASS, Amherst, Oct.
26 -OH, 9 am to 3 pm, call (413) 545-0222
UMASS, Boston, Oct.
18 -OH- 8:30 pm, call (617) 287-6106 CK.
Accelerated Nursing in Oct.
UMASS, Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, Oct.
18 -OH- call
(508) 999-8605
UMASS, Lowell, MA.,
Oct 4 & 26.-Fall OH-, call (800) 410-4607
Merrimack Col., No.
Andover, MA, Oct. 19 – OH-
at 10:30 am, call (978) 837-5100
Middlebury Col., Middlebury, VT., Oct.
19-21, -Discover Middlebury
Missouri, U. of,
Columbus, MO, Oct 17
& 24 -Black & Gold Days, OH- 8 am to 3 pm, call (573) 882-2456
Mitchell Col., New London, CT, Oct.
13 -Fall OH-, Oct. 7 & 9
–Shadow a Student-, call (800) 443-2811
Mt. Holyoke Col.,
South Hadley, MA., Oct. 6 & 27, Shadow Day-
Oct 8 –Focus on Admissions- see
Special Individual College Programs section
Mt. Ida Col., Newton, MA.,
Oct. 18 -OH-, call (617) 928-4500
Mt. St. Mary, Newberg, NY,
Oct. 26 -OH- call (888) 937-6762
Mt. St. Vincent Col., Riverdale, NY, Oct. 26 –OH-, Oct. 4,
13 -Fall IS-, call (718) 405-3267
Monmouth U., W. Longbranch, NJ, Oct. 12 –OH- call (800) 543-9671
Montserrat Col of Art, Beverly, MA, Oct. 25
-OH- Tentatively set for 9 am to
3 pm, call (800) 836-0487
Moravia U., Bethlehem, PA,
Oct. 25, -OH-
call (800) 441-3191
Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, PA, Oct. 18 –OH-, Oct. 17 –Dance Audition-, Oct. 8 to Nov.
25 -Audition Acting/Musical Theatre-
call (484) 664-3200
Newbury Col., Brookline, MA, Oct. 19 -Fall OH- 10 am to 1:30
pm, call (800) NEWBURY
Oct. Grand
Buffet, at (617) 730-7003, see
Special Individual College Programs section for details
New England U., Henniker, NH, Oct. 25 –Fall OH-, Oct 4 & 11 –Saturday Tour--, call (800)
New Hampshire, U. of, Durham, NH see
Special Program Section for OH & Academic Specific Programs, call
(603) 862-1360
New Haven, U. of , New Haven, CT Oct.
19 -OH- 9 am to 2 pm,
call (800) 342-5864
New York Ranger School, Wanakena, NY Oct. 11 –OH-
see Special Individual College
Programs section, call (315)
New York U., NYC, NY
Oct. 25&26 –OH-, call (212)
Niagara U. of, Buffalo, NY,
Oct. 4 -OH- , call (800) 462-2111
Nichols Col., Dudley, MA,
Oct. 19 -Fall OH- call (800) 470-3379
U., Boston, MA early Oct. - Engineering
Wednesdays year round- 11 am to 3 pm
Call (617) 373-2211
Norwich U., Plainfield, VT.,
Sept. 27 & Nov 8 –OH-
Oct. 1
& 2 - 29 & 30 –ON, Norwich Experience (applicants only)-, 10 am to 3 pm, call (800) 468-6679
Nyack Col, Nyack, NY,
Oct. 13 -College Visit Day-,
call (800) 336-9225
NYU, New York City, consult the Special Individual College
Programs section for Open House Program Schedule
Ohio Wesleyan U., DE, OH., Oct. 8 –Visit day--, Oct. 15& 17 -Drive In Days-, call (800) 922-8953
Olin Col., Needham, MA,
Oct. 26 -OH-
An R.S.V.P. is requested, call
(781) 292-2222 or Email to sign up
Paul Smith Col., Paul Smith, NY, Oct. 18 –Campus Visit-, call (518) 327-6000
Penn. U. of Nursing School, Oct. TBA –Reception in Boston- see Special Individual College Programs section for details
Plymouth State U.,
Plymouth, NH, Oct. 4 &
13 -OH-,
10:30 am, call (800) 842-6900
Providence Col., Providence, RI, Oct. 18 –OH-,
call (800) 721-6444
Quinnipiac U., Hamden, CT,
Oct. 18 -OH- 9 a m to 3 pm, call (800) 462-1944
Radford U., Radford, VA, Oct. 25 -Fall OH-
9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 890-4265
Randolph Macon Col., Ashland, VA, Oct. 25 –OH-, call (800)
Reed Col., Portland, OR,
Oct. 12 & 14 -Discover Reed
Day, OH-, call (800) 547-4750
Regis Col., Weston, MA., Oct
26 -Fall OH- 9:30 am to 2 pm, call (800) 456-1820
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY Oct. 13
-Fall OH- call (800) 448-6562
Rhode Island Sch. Of Design, Providence, RI, see
Special Individual College Programs section for details on all
programs, call (401) 454-6100
Rhode Island, U. of, Kingston, RI, Oct.
18 - OH- 11 am,
call (401) 874-7000
Ripon Col., Ripon, WI
Oct. 4, 11, 25, - Saturday
Visits-, call (800) 947-4766
Riviere Col., Manchester, NH
Oct. 4 -Information Day for Admission- 10 am to noon, call (800) 447-4843
Rochester Inst. of Tech., Rochester, NY., Oct. 13 -Fall
OH-, call (585) 475-6631
Rochester, U. of, & Eastman School Rochester, NY, see Special Individual College Programs section for
information on OH Programs, Regional Interview Receptions & the College of
Engineering OH Program, call (888) 822-2256
Roger Williams U.,
Bristol, R.I., Oct. 18 -OH-,
1 to 5 pm, call 401-941-0511
Rollins Col., Winter
Park, FLA., Oct. 26 -Fall OH- call
(407) 646-2161
Russell Sage Col., Troy, NY, Oct. 18 -Fall OH-, see Special Individual College Programs section for other
admissions programs, call (800) 999-3772
Salem State U., Salem, MA,
Oct. 26 -OH- call (978) 542-6200
St. Andrews, U. of, St. Andrews, fife, KY169AX,
Scotland, Oct. 1, 15, 29 –Visiting Days- call +44(0)1334
St. Anselm’s Col., Manchester, NH, Oct.
4, -OH-, 18, 25,
- Sat. Visit Days-, call (603) 641-7500
St. Joseph Col., W. Hartford, CT., Oct. 18 –Fall OH-, call (860) 231-5216
St. Joseph’s Col., Standish, ME., Oct. 4
-OH Nursing Focus- call (800) 338-7057
St. Lawrence U.,
Canton, NY, Oct. 13 -Visit Day-, Oct. 16 & 19 –ON Visit,-
call (800) 285-1856
St. Leo’s Col., St.
Leo, FLA., Oct. 25
-OH- call (800) 334-5532
St. Michael’s Col.,
Colchester, VT, Oct. 4, –OH-,
Oct. 25 –Saturday Tour-, Oct. 12
–Sunday Tour-, call (800) 762-8000
St. Olaf’s Col., Northland, MN, Oct. 16 & 17 -Visit Days w/ON option- , call (800) 800-3025
Salem State U., Salem, MA,
Oct. 26 -OH-
10 am , call (978) 542-6200
Salve Regina U., Newport, RI, Oct.
26 -OH-, 11am to 1 pm, call (800) 321-7124
Sara Lawrence Col., Bronxville, NY, Oct. 13 -OH- 9 am to 3
pm, call (800) 888-2858
School of Visual Arts ,NYC
three OH programs see Special
Individual College Programs section for details or call (800)-436-4204
Scranton, U. of, Scranton, PA, Oct. 19
-Fall OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) SCRANTON
Simmons Col., Boston, MA,
Sept. 27 –OH-, call (617) 521-2000
Skidmore Col., Saratoga Springs, NY, Oct. 12 – Dance & Studio Art –OH- , Oct 13
-General OH-. Oct. 26 Sci./Math. –OH-
Specific Departmental OH Programs, see
Special Individual College Programs section, call (800) 867-6007
Slippery Rock U., Slippery Rock, PA Oct. 19 & 25 -Showcase Days-, call (800) SRU-9111
Scripps Col.,
Claremont, Col., Oct. 12 to
14, -Discover Scripps, ON Optional- reservation required, call (800) 770-1333
So. Conn. State U., New Haven, CT, Oct.
19 -OH- 11 am to 3 pm, call
(888) 500-SCSU
So. Maine U., Gorham, ME.,
Oct. 26 –OH-, call (800) 800-4876
So. New Hampshire Col., Manchester, NH,, Oct. 5 –OH-, Oct. 3 –Culinary Arts-, call 800) 642-4968
So. Vermont Col., Bennington, VT, Oct. 18
-OH-, call (802) 447-6304
Spelman Col.,
Atlanta, GA Oct. 16 -OH, A Day in the Life- call
(800) 982-2411
Springfield Col., Springfield, MA., Oct. 5 -OH-,
call: (413) 748-3136
Sterling Col. Sterling, VT., Oct. 11 –OH-
call (800)648-3591,
Stetson U., Deland, FL., Oct.18, -OH-, call (800) 688-0101
Suffolk U., Boston, MA, Oct. 19 & 26 –OH Fall Preview- see
Special Individual College Programs section for details on other
Suffolk programs in October, call (617) 573-8460
SUNY, Col of Environmental Sci. & Forestry, Syracuse, NY,
see Special Individual College
Programs section for details
Syracuse U., Syracuse, NY
Oct. 4, 11, & 25
-Saturday Visits-, call
(315) 443-3611
Tampa, U. of, Tampa, FL
Oct. 5 -OH- 10 am
to 5 pm, call (800) 733-4773
Towson State U., Towson, MD, Oct. 17 & 18
-OH- 9 am to 1:30 pm, call (800)
Tufts U., Medford, MA
Oct Tufts will host a number of
Admissions Meetings, see see Special
Individual College Programs section for details
Tulane U., New Orleans, LA,
Sept. 27 & Oct. 18 –Preview Day-, call: (800) 873-WAVE
Union Col., Schenectady, NY,
Oct. 13, -OH-, Oct. 4,11,18,25 –Saturday IS-, call (518) 388-6000
Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Oct.
13 –Fall OH- 8:30 am to 3 pm,
call (800) 827-7270
Vermont, U. of, Burlington, VT.,Oct.19 -OH-, for -“Vt. In Person Day”- Discover VT for underrepresented students, see
Special Individual College Programs section or call (802) 656-3370
Villanova U., PA., Oct. 5
-Engineering & Nursing-, Oct. 26 –Legacy Day- call:
(610) 519-4000
Wagner Col., Staten Island, NY., Oct. 4, 11, 25 -Saturday Overview- 9 am to 1 pm,
call (800) 221-1010
Washington & Jefferson Col., Washington, PA Oct. 14
-OH- call (7224) 222-4400
Wellesley Col., Wellesley, MA, Oct 8 –Discover Wellesley
Day-, Oct. 21 & 22 Discover Wellesley Weekend-, call (781) 283-2270
Wells Col., Aurora, NY,
Oct. 19 & 25
-Fall OH- call (315) 364-3264
Wentworth Institute, Boston, MA, Oct. 26
-OH- , call (800) 556-0610
Wesleyan U., Middletown, CT, Oct.1 –OH- see Multicultural Special Programs section for info. on
Transportation Assist., call (860) 685-3000
Western New England Col., Springfield, MA, Oct. 26
-OH Col. of Pharmacy- 10 am to 4
pm, call (800) 782-1122
Westfield St. U., Westfield, MA, Oct. 18 –OH-, Oct. 15 –Wednesday /at
Westfield-, call (413) 572-5218
Wheaton Col., Norton, MA,
Oct. 18 –Fall Visit Day-, call (800) 394-6003
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA., Oct. 13 & 25 –IS-, call
(800) 734-5212
Wittenberg U., Springfield, OH., Oct. 4 & 17 –Fall Visit Days-, call (800) 677-7558
Williams Col., Williamstwn, MA., Oct.
16 to 18 -WOW (Diversity
Program)- call (413) 597-3131
William & Mary Col., Williamsburg, VA., Oct. 4 & 25
-Full Focus Days-, call (757) 221-4000
Wooster, Col., of, Wooster, OH, Oct.
13 &17 -OH, Scott
Saturday-, call (800) 877-9905
Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Worcester, MA, Oct. 4 –Jr.OH-,Oct.13 –OH-, Oct.
11,18,25–Saturday Visits- call (508)
Worcester St. Col., Worcester, MA, Oct. 25 –OH.- , call (508) 929-8040, 8 AM
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