The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Governor's Statewide Youth Council
The Governor's Statewide Youth Council is currently recruiting for the next class of membership.
From their website:
Council is made up of 28 young people, 2 from each of the Commonwealth's 14
counties, age 14-20. It is an excellent opportunity for students who are
interested in leadership and representing the voice of their fellow young
people. It is not just for students interested in politics or student
government. We have students interested in becoming everything from doctors to
teachers to lawyers. I hope you will encourage students who may be interested
in this opportunity to apply."
Garden Club Scholarship Deadline Extended
Award: $1000
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach an essay along with their transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. All applicants must adhere to the application deadline.
Deadline: May 15, 2014
Award: $1000
- Student must be a graduating High School senior attending a 4 year college/university.
- Student must be majoring in a Science field.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach an essay along with their transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. All applicants must adhere to the application deadline.
Deadline: May 15, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Hull High School ranked as 39th best High School in Massachusetts
US News and World Report has recently ranked high schools in the state of Massachusetts. Please see the link to the story below:
New Scholarship
Award: $1000
How to apply:
To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at:
Every generation faces new challenges and new problems. What do you think is the biggest difference between your generation and older generations? How do you think these differences will affect the future of our country and/or your career choice?
For more information please visit:
Deadline: June 14, 2014
Award: $1000
- Student must be a graduating High School senior and plan to attend a post secondary program.
How to apply:
To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at:
Every generation faces new challenges and new problems. What do you think is the biggest difference between your generation and older generations? How do you think these differences will affect the future of our country and/or your career choice?
For more information please visit:
Deadline: June 14, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
Hull High School Third Term Report Cards - Now Available on Aspen
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Report cards for Term Three are now available on Aspen.
If you need help accessing Aspen, please call Lisa Dalton at 781-925-300 X1106. She can also be reached at
If you would like to request the mailing of hard copy report cards and progress reports, please contact Fran Troy at 781-925-3000 X1112. She can also be reached at
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Ocean Drifter Project
On Tuesday, April 9,
several students from Ms. Blair's Environmental Science classes began the
"Ocean Drifter" Project with John Galluzzo & Jo Frazier (South
Shore Natural Science Center), & Abby Smith (National Oceanic & Atmospheric
Administration [NOAA] contact).
To begin the project the
students Skyped with Dr. Diane Stanitski, a scientist at NOAA who is in charge
of the Global Drifter Program.
After the Skype session,
the students completed the first part of building Hull High School's Surface
Drifter. A Surface Drifter is a
student-built, satellite tracked instrument that monitors surface ocean
Once completed and
deployed, the students will track and monitor the drifter, and thus the
currents, via the Web. The data from the drifters is used to validate
ocean circulation models. The students will use the ocean surface current
data to understand the processes that cause plankton and lobster larvae to
drift and settle on the ocean floor, and to forecast harmful algal bloom's
(HAB's) transport.
The students
participating in the project include: Sean Smyth, Brendan McCue, Jake
Hague, Veronice Lopes, Alex Brown, Joe Truglia, Kevin Perry, Anthony Frizzell,
Garrison Oliver-Jones, Kathleen Dunn, Diana Perrone, Eric Daniels, &
Brandon Sanders.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Grad Night 2014 Info, Contract and Volunteer Sign Up
Hull High School
Grad Night CONTRACT 2014
Student names will be placed in a database that will be used
for check-in the evening of the event.
Student name:_______________________Parent’s
Parent phone #:______________________Cell Phone
Parent E-mail address:
(The Committee may wish to contact you with Grad Night
information via E-mail)
Emergency Contact:______________________ Emergency Contact
Phone #:_______________
Insurance Company:_______________________ Policy Number:________________________
Waiver and Code of Conduct
The undersigned understands and agrees that in attending the
Grad Night and using the Hull H.S. and equipment, he/she does so at his/her own
risk. The Hull H.S./faculty/ and parent volunteers shall not be liable for any
damages arising from personal injuries sustained in, on, or about the premises.
Any use or possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by any
participant will result in an immediate removal from Hull H.S. The parents of
the participant will be called and required to pick them up immediately.
Any use of the H.S. other than the designated areas is
strictly prohibited; areas will be clearly marked and communicated. Loud,
offensive, abusive, profane, or bothersome behavior to fellow participants,
chaperones and/or staff will not be tolerated. This includes fighting.
Participants are expected to treat chaperones and staff in a respectful and
courteous manner at all times.
* Participants must arrive between 10:30 pm – 11:15 pm, or
they will not be let in.
* Keys will be turned over at the door and returned at 5:00
* Participants will not be allowed to bring food, beverages or
water into the H.S.
* No backpacks, large bags or large pocketbooks will be
* No cell phones
* All bags are subject to search.
The Grad Night Committee reserves the right to remove anyone
from the facility at any time for any reason.
Student Section:
By signing, I agree to adhere to the above stated conditions
and understand that any violation of the expectations set forth by the Grad
Night Committee will result in my expulsion from Grad Night.
________________________ __________________________
Print First and Last Name Student Signature Date
Parent or Legal Guardian Section:
By signing below I agree to the above stated conditions set
forth by the Grad Night Committee. Parents/Guardians will be contacted if a
student does NOT check into Grad Night by 11:15.
___________________________________________ _______________
Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date
MAY 2nd, 2014
Friends, Families and Community Members:
Hull High School Grad Night Committee is seeking volunteers for this year’s
Grad Night Celebration.
Grad Night
Hull High
Saturday, June 7th
Volunteers Needed:
9:00 PM thru 5:00 AM
Yes, I can donate $________Please make check: Hull Boosters Inc.( Grad Night)in
Yes, I can volunteer time at Grad Night, Time Available__________________
Yes, I can help with clean-up
Yes, I can help with set-up
Yes, I can donate________________ to the Grad Night Party (prize donation)
Yes, I can donate food for Grad Night _______________________________
information Name__________________email _________________________
# ___________________
return to Hull High School attention Fran Troy or place in the Boosters mailbox
at the HS.
Hull High School Grad Night Committee
Striglio 781-925-1151 Fran Troy 781-925-2909
New Scholarship
Award: 1 each: $1000 & $500
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application to The Virtual High School, 4 Clock Tower Place, Suite 510, Maynard, MA 01754
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Award: 1 each: $1000 & $500
- Student must be a graduating High School senior and plan to attend a post secondary program.
- Currently enrolled and in good standing in a VHS course OR have successfully completed and passed at least one VHS course.
- Creatively show "how your idea of a classroom has changed since taking VHS and how it has affected your face-to-face learning."
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application to The Virtual High School, 4 Clock Tower Place, Suite 510, Maynard, MA 01754
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Course Selection for 2014-2015
Today (Wednesday) in advisory, all students in grades 9-11 will view presentations about their course selection options for next year. They will be provided materials to take home tonight in order to have conversations with their parents/guardians about the choices they will make when course selection takes place on Thursday.
Course selection at HHS takes place in two different waves. The first wave will take place on Thursday when students will work with their teachers to identify appropriate courses in their four core subject areas, Spanish, and Wellness. Teachers will provide the students' final average as of third term. These grades are used to determine whether or not the student meets the prerequisite for the course they intend to take. Students who do not currently meet the prerequisite, but are determined to challenge themselves in a higher level course, must complete a waiver form, which will be reviewed by Mr. Devine.
Later in early June, once we have built the schedule based on the requests and waivers in all of those core academic areas, the second wave of course selection will begin. We will decide what we are offering for elective courses. Students will be scheduled for individual meetings with their guidance counselors to select electives and finalize their overall schedules. Our goal, as always, is to have your student(s) leaving the building in June with a firm grasp on their schedule for next year.
Parents with eighth graders coming to Hull High School next year will begin to receive information shortly about a separate course selection process for their students. The process for incoming freshmen has a different process and timeline, which will become more clear in the near future.
Below you will find the timeline your student(s) will be provided today in advisory. You can also access the updated Program of Studies on the Hull High School Web Site. The 2014-2015 Program of Studies should be posted by approx. 10:00 AM Wednesday morning. It should be the last link at the bottom the the page.
If you have concerns or questions about the course selection process, please reach out to your student's guidance counselor.
Enjoy this exciting time of the year as you begin to look ahead with your student(s).
Course selection at HHS takes place in two different waves. The first wave will take place on Thursday when students will work with their teachers to identify appropriate courses in their four core subject areas, Spanish, and Wellness. Teachers will provide the students' final average as of third term. These grades are used to determine whether or not the student meets the prerequisite for the course they intend to take. Students who do not currently meet the prerequisite, but are determined to challenge themselves in a higher level course, must complete a waiver form, which will be reviewed by Mr. Devine.
Later in early June, once we have built the schedule based on the requests and waivers in all of those core academic areas, the second wave of course selection will begin. We will decide what we are offering for elective courses. Students will be scheduled for individual meetings with their guidance counselors to select electives and finalize their overall schedules. Our goal, as always, is to have your student(s) leaving the building in June with a firm grasp on their schedule for next year.
Parents with eighth graders coming to Hull High School next year will begin to receive information shortly about a separate course selection process for their students. The process for incoming freshmen has a different process and timeline, which will become more clear in the near future.
Below you will find the timeline your student(s) will be provided today in advisory. You can also access the updated Program of Studies on the Hull High School Web Site. The 2014-2015 Program of Studies should be posted by approx. 10:00 AM Wednesday morning. It should be the last link at the bottom the the page.
If you have concerns or questions about the course selection process, please reach out to your student's guidance counselor.
Enjoy this exciting time of the year as you begin to look ahead with your student(s).
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
VANS Custom Culture Shoe Contest
Four HHS students submitted designs to the VANS Custom Culture shoe contest.
In its fifth year, the Vans Custom Culture art competition inspires high school students across the United States to embrace their creativity and draws attention to the importance of art as an integral part of our schools' focus in the face of shrinking budgets.
The first 2,000 U.S.-based public or private high schools to register for Vans Custom Culture received four pairs of Vans shoes (106, Sk8-Hi, Slip On and Authentic) to customize!
Each pair must be customized to represent one of four themes: Action Sports (Defined as boards and bikes, not stick and ball!) Music, Art, and Local Flavor (Inspired by your surrounding community, city or state). ONE THEME PER PAIR!
Photo submissions are made online via the Vans Custom Culture website after which an internal selection and external public vote will whittle the entries down to a group of five finalists who will travel to New York City for the Vans Custom Culture Final Event.
Please visit the following site for more information and to keep updated on the contest and vote for our HHS artists!!!
Participants and categories:
Jill Larsen: Local Flavor
Christian Fuda: Action Sports
Rachel Treannie: Music
Alyssa Jarvis: Art
Good Luck!! Make sure to VOTE!!!
In its fifth year, the Vans Custom Culture art competition inspires high school students across the United States to embrace their creativity and draws attention to the importance of art as an integral part of our schools' focus in the face of shrinking budgets.
The first 2,000 U.S.-based public or private high schools to register for Vans Custom Culture received four pairs of Vans shoes (106, Sk8-Hi, Slip On and Authentic) to customize!
Each pair must be customized to represent one of four themes: Action Sports (Defined as boards and bikes, not stick and ball!) Music, Art, and Local Flavor (Inspired by your surrounding community, city or state). ONE THEME PER PAIR!
Photo submissions are made online via the Vans Custom Culture website after which an internal selection and external public vote will whittle the entries down to a group of five finalists who will travel to New York City for the Vans Custom Culture Final Event.
Please visit the following site for more information and to keep updated on the contest and vote for our HHS artists!!!
Participants and categories:
Jill Larsen: Local Flavor
Christian Fuda: Action Sports
Rachel Treannie: Music
Alyssa Jarvis: Art
Good Luck!! Make sure to VOTE!!!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
New Scholarships
Award: $1000
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application along with their transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. All applicants should be mailed to Hull PTO, PO Box 56, Hull, MA 02045.
Deadline: April 11, 2014
Award: $250
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay, college acceptance letters and transcript. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. Applications should be mailed to Hull United Youth Soccer, PO Box 237, Hull, MA 02045.
Deadline: April 14, 2014
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach an essay along with your transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation from 3 specific types of individuals (please refer to application). Applications are available in the Guidance Office.
Deadline: May 16, 2014
Award: $500
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay, transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation from 3 specific types of individuals (please refer to the application). Applications are available in the Guidance Office.
Deadline: May 16, 2014
Award: $1000
- Student must be a graduating High School senior attending a 2 year Associate's Degree, 4 year Bachelor's Degree or an accredited vocational school.
- Demonstrated academic achievement.
- Scholarship
- Leadership
- Demonstrated community involvement
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application along with their transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. All applicants should be mailed to Hull PTO, PO Box 56, Hull, MA 02045.
Deadline: April 11, 2014
Award: $250
- Hull resident who participated in the HUYS program.
- Accepted to a secondary institution.
- Achieved a GPA of 3.0 or better in their senior year.
- Proven display of an affinity for soccer.
- Demonstrated leadership qualities on the field and/or in the community.
- Exhibited good sportsmanship and good character
- Service contribution to the Hull community/soccer program.
- Input will also be solicited from former coaches.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay, college acceptance letters and transcript. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. Applications should be mailed to Hull United Youth Soccer, PO Box 237, Hull, MA 02045.
Deadline: April 14, 2014
- Student must be a graduating High School senior.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach an essay along with your transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation from 3 specific types of individuals (please refer to application). Applications are available in the Guidance Office.
Deadline: May 16, 2014
Award: $500
- Student must be a graduating Hull resident.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay, transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation from 3 specific types of individuals (please refer to the application). Applications are available in the Guidance Office.
Deadline: May 16, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
March-April Freshman Experience Newsletter
Freshman Experience
Newsletter #4
March-April, 2014
Note from Mrs. Cocchi:
- In Geometry, we are working on similar triangles.
- In Honors Geometry, we are working in
- In Freshmen Math Linear, we are finishing
term 3 and preparing for the term 3 test.
- Don't forget the website for the book is Make sure you have
your logon and password handy.
Note from Mrs. (Canniff) MacKenzie:
- In Algebra I Linear Emphasis, the students
are working on the analysis of equations, including slope and
slope-intercept forms of equations.
- In Algebra I Quadratic Emphasis, the students
have been working on simplifying expressions and solving equations that
involve radicals.
forget the website for the book is Make sure you have your
logon and password handy. Also, make sure all students have either a
spiral notebook or a section in their binder devoted exclusively to
Algebra. Students need to complete their
homework assignments so that they become proficient at the various skills
before they are tested. Doing homework,
reviewing the material and being organized are essential for a student to be
successful in high school.
Note from Mr. Fuller:
The Freshmen
Honor students gave EXCELLENT speeches in their English classes. The
speeches were about current concerns the students have regarding our society,
in and out of school. The speeches were based on Martin Luther King's
"I have a Dream" speech. English CP classes have been reading
"The Odyssey".
A Note from
Mrs. Connors:
writing students are finishing up their literary analysis research papers on “To
Kill a Mockingbird.” They will also have a creative writing piece coming up and
a final exam before switching back to freshmen math.
A Note from
Ms. Desmond:
9A: Students have finished the health portion of Wellness for the year.
Both A Blue and A Gold are back in the gymnasium for PE. We are starting
off this session with a class badminton tournament.
9C: Students have finished up their first session in health and will be
starting their first session in the fitness center. We will be learning
about volleyball and racquetball in PE. Congratulations to our class
badminton champion, Gavin Brown.
Note from Ms. Lidington:
Intro Physics, students are completing the unit on mechanical waves and will
next move on to studying electromagnetic waves. Review will start soon
for the Intro Physics MCAS in June. A friendly reminder that passing the
MCAS is a graduation requirement!
Note from Mr. DeLollis:
My students
in my Wood Technology I classes (Four sections) are working on design and
lay-out of their hoodie hangers. Today's lesson included the expectation
that the finished project demonstrate customization or
"creativity". If you have a look at the student projects
displayed in the display cases outside my classroom you will see that some
students have indeed tried to express their creativity. Technology
Engineering teachers are preparing tomorrow's thinkers and I try to provide
great thinking opportunities. Einstein said, "“Imagination is more
important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and
understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever
will be to know and understand.” I hope I have helped.
Note from Mr. Bell:
World History II, students are finishing their World War I unit which included
reading the classic war novel “All Quiet on the Western Front.” Students have impressed me with their
insightful comments and questions about the book and their enthusiasm with the
subject. In April, will we focus on the
Inter-War years and the beginning of World War II.
A Note from Mrs. Grosso:
The National Honor Society will
be holding “Homework Help” after school on Wednesdays. Students can come to the
library and get extra help with their work from upper classmen or just drop in
to have some company while doing their work.
A Note from Mrs. Ivas:
As students continue reading increasingly
longer and more complicated texts across curriculum areas, they need to
increase their use of active reading strategies. The use of a dual-entry journal can be very
Pages Questions I Have Answers – this format is
very similar to 2-column note-taking.
Questions should reflect character motivation and themes, as well as
plot summaries when reading literature.
When reading informational text, such as
social studies or science or text that is divided into sections by topic,
outlining or webbing can be useful.
Another strategy is to identify the MAIN TOPIC of a section by writing
it on top line, with bullet points for subtopics and supporting details.
Successful students use strategies, such as
these to organize information for future use in test preparation or writing
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