The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Hull Garden Club Scholarship
Award: $1000
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach an essay along with their transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. All applicants must adhere to the application deadline.
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Award: $1000
- Student must be a graduating High School senior attending a 4 year college/university.
- Student must be majoring in a Science field.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach an essay along with their transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. All applicants must adhere to the application deadline.
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Award: Four $500 scholarships
Deadline: May 1, 2014
Award: Four $500 scholarships
- Student must be a graduating High School senior attending a college/university.
- Student and family must have participated/contributed in the Boosters activities.
- 2.8 or higher weighted GPA.
- An average of 2 extra-curricular activities each year.
Deadline: May 1, 2014
Rotary Club Scholarship Deadline Extended
The Rotary Club of Hingham and Hull "Service Above Self" Scholarship deadline is being extended to Monday, April 14th. Applications are available in the Guidance Office.
Friday, March 21, 2014
College Planning Presentation
Under the break is the presentation from last night's Junior Parent Night. If you weren't able to make it, please review the slides and let us know if you have any questions!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
New Scholarship
Award: Up to $500
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach a short essay along with their transcript. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and MUST be received by HYFA on or before Monday, April 22.
Deadline: April 22, 2014
Award: Up to $500
- Student must be a graduating High School senior attending a college/university.
- Student and parent must have participated in the HYFA program.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and attach a short essay along with their transcript. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and MUST be received by HYFA on or before Monday, April 22.
Deadline: April 22, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
April College Open Houses
OPEN HOUSE NOTICES April, 2014 Reprinted from College Impressions Newsletter
OH = Open House Program IS = Information Session ON = Overnight TBA =To Be Announced
Suggestion: When responding regarding attendance, confirm the date and time and place of the meeting.
Adelphi U., Poughkeepsie, NY, Apr. 12 -Spring,OH-,11am to 1:30 pm , at Hudson Valley Ctr., call (800) – ADELPHI
Alabama U. of at Huntsville, AL, Apr. 5 –OH- 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, call (800) UAH-CALL
Albright Col., Reading, PA, Apr. 6 –Preview-, April 6 to 12 , -Diversity Week- call (610) 921-7260
Alfred U., Alfred, NY, Apr. 12 -Saturday Visit-- 9 am to 2 pm, call (607) 871-2115
American International Col., Springfield, MA, all Saturdays in April in the AM , call (800) 242-3142
Anna Maria Col., Paxton, MA, Apr. 12 -Accepted Student Day- 9:30 am to 1 pm, call (800)344-4586
Babson Col., Wellesley, MA Apr. 6, 18, 26 -Spring Preview-(800) 488-3690
Open House April 2014 continued…
Bard Simon Rock, MA., Apr. 26 -OH- call (413) 644-4400
Bay Path Col., Longmeadow, MA, Apr. 27, -OH- call (800) 782-7284
Becker Col., Worcester, MA will host two Program Sessions see Special Program College Applicants Section for details call 877-BECKER
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI, Mar. 29 -Jr. Visit Day-, call (800) 356-0751
Boston Architectural Col., Boston, MA, Apr. 7 -OH- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, call (877) 585-0100
Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, MA., Apr. Apr. 2-16, & 22-25, –Eagle Eye Sessions- 10 am to 2 pm, call (800) 360-2522
Boston U., Boston, MA., School of Engineering, Apr. 11, 18, 21, 25 –OH for accepted students, call (800) 578-1223
Brandeis U., Waltham, MA, Apr. 25 to Apr. 28 -Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Arts-
see Special Program College Applicants Section for details
Bryant U., Smithfield, RI, Apr. 1 to 5 &7 &8 -Day with Class-, call (800) 622-7001
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA, Apr. 5, 12, 26 -IS- call (800) BMC-1885
Canisius Col., Buffalo, NY Apr. 6 & 12 –Saturday Visit -, call (800) 843-1517
Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburg, PA, Apr. 5 & 26 –Saturday Information Days- 10:30 am, call (412) 268-2000 or 2082
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, OH, Apr. 18 –Spring OH-, Mar. 28 –OH, call (800) 967-8898
Castleton State Col., Castleton, VT, Apr. 5 -IS-, call (800) 639-8521
Catholic U., Washington DC, Apr. Tues .& Weds. –Cardinal Visit Days- programs for Sophomores & Juniors, Apr. 14 –Odyssey Day-, call (800) 673-2772
Champlain Col., Burlington, VT Apr. 5, 19, 29 -Information Session & Tour- call (800) 570-5858
Clark U., Worcester, MA, Apr. consult Special Program College Applicants Section for Clark visit days, call (800) 462-5275
Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, IO, Apr. 21 to 25 –Kohawk Kickoff for high school juniors-, 877-CALL-COE
Colby Sawyer, New London, NH, Apr. 12 –Accepted Seniors OH, Apr. 26 OH call (800)272-1015
Colgate U., Hamilton, NY, Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 -Saturday Session-, call (315) 228-7401
Colorado Col., Colorado Springs ,CO Apr. 4&25 –Discover CU, h.s. juniors-, Apr. 5, -OH, Veteran Medicine-, call 800-542-7214
Colorado St. Col., Ft. Collins, CO, Apr. 4 & 25 –Junior visit Days-, Apr. 5 –Veterinary Medicine OH- call (970) 491-1101
Connecticut Col., New London, CT, Apr. 18 –Spring Visit Day-, call (888) 553-8760
Dean Col., Franklin, MA, Apr. 16 & 18, On the spot Decisions-, call (800)852-7702
Dickenson Col., Carlisle, PA, Apr. 21 -Discover Dickinson Days-, call (800) 644-1773
Drew U., Madison, NJ, Apr. 26 –OH for high school Juniors.-, call (973) 408-3739
D’Youville Col., Buffalo, NY, Apr. 5 –Spring OH for High School Juniors-, Apr. 26 – Saturday Visit call (800) 777-3921
Elizabethtown Col., Elizabethtown, PA, Apr. 7 & 10 –Jay for a Day-, call (717) 361-1400
Open House April 2014 continued…
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA, Apr. 12 -Interview Day-, Apr. 26 –OH-, call (800) 225-3567
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA , Apr. 5, –I S- Apr. 26 –Junior Visit Day-, call (617) 735-9715
Fairfield U, Fairfield, CT, Apr. 26 Junior OH-, Mar. 15, call (203) 254-4100
Fitchburg State U., Fitchburg, MA , Apr. 5, 12, 26 -Saturday Information Session- call (978) 665-3144
Florida Inst. of Tech., Melbourne, FL, Apr. 21, -Discovery Day, OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 888-4348
Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, FL, Apr. 5, -Theatre Auditions-, call (800) 274-4131
Franklin Col., Franklin, IN, Apr. 5, 19, 26 -Saturday Information Day- call (888) 852-6471
Franklin Pierce U., Rindge, NH, Apr. 5, 23 -Saturday Tours- call (800) 437-0048
Framingham State U., Framingham, MA , Apr. 26 –IS- call (508) 626-4500
Gannon Col., Erie, PA Apr. 5 -Saturday IS & T, call (800) GANNON
Geneva Col., Apr. 4 & 25 -Discovery Days-, call (800) 847-8255
Gordon Col., Wenham, MA, Apr. 25, -Experience Gordon-, call (800) 343-1370
Goucher Col., Baltimore, MD, Apr. 12, 19, 26 –Saturday Visits-, call (401) 337-6000
Grinnell Col., Grinnell, IO., Apr. 18 –Junior Visit Day- call (641) 269-4000
Hamilton Col., Clinton, NY Apr. 5 &, 26 -Junior Preview Day-, Apr. 12&19 –Saturday Session call (800) 843-2655
Hampshire Col., Amherst, MA, Apr. 21 –Soph. & Junior Visit Day- 8:30 am to 4 pm, call (413) 559-5730
Hartwick Col., Oneonta, NY, Apr.. 26 –Junior OH- , 9 am to noon, see Special Program College Applicants Section for details, call (888) 427-9425
Hobart/William Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Apr. 16, 23 & 25 -Junior OH-, call (800) 852-2256
Hood Col., Frederick, MD, Apr. 5, 19, 26 -Saturday Presentations-, call (800) 922-1599
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Apr. 4 & 11 -OH for Juniors- 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 968-7850
Jacksonville U, Jacksonville, FL Apr. 11, -Fine Arts with Audition- Apr. 5,19,26 –Snapshot Saturdays-, call (904)-256-7663
Johnson State Col., Johnson, VT, Apr. 25 –OH- Apr. 14,16,18,21 –IS-, 10 am call (800) 635-2356
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Apr. 9 -Non Culinary Shadow Day & Continuing Ed. Day
Apr. 23 -Wildcat Weekend, Apr. 28, -Culinary Discovery Day, 9 am, call (800) DIAL-JWU
Lafayette Col., Easton, PA, Apr. 5, 12, 19 -Saturday Visits -, On Visits, Feb. thru. Apr. 28, call (610) 330-5100
Lasell Col., Newton, MA, Apr. 12 & 26 –Junior Experience-, Mar. 29 –Lasell Day, call (617) 243-2380
Lawrence Memorial-Regis Col. Collaborative ASN Prog, Medford, MA, Apr. 3 –OH, Nursing- 7 pm to 9 pm, call (781) 396-9250
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY, Apr. 12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, -IS-, call (800) 333-4630
Lesley Col., Cambridge, MA Arp. 26, -OH -, Apr. 4 –Executive Therapies OH- call (617) 349-8800
Loyola U., Baltimore, MD, Apr. 26 –Saturday at Loyola- call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., VT Apr. 25 –Spring OH- call (802) 626-6413
Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME, Apr. 5 -OH-, call (800) 227-8465
Maine, University of, Machias, ME, Apr. 14 -Preview Day-, 9 am to 1 pm, call (207) 255-1200
Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, VA, Apr. 4 -OH, Murphy Deming Col. of Health Services--, call (800) 468-2262
Mass Col of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA Apr. 21 – Preview Day-, Apr. 5, 26 –Preview Days- call (800) 969-MCLA
Mass Col. Pharmacy & Health See Special Program College Applicants Section
Mass U. of, Dartmouth, MA April 12 -OH, (508) 599 8605
UMass., Lowell, MA, Apr. 5 -Welcome Day for accepted students, call 978-934-4000
Missouri U. of,, Columbia, MO, Apr. 19 -Meet Mizzou Day- call (573) 882-2456
Mt. Ida Col., Newton, MA., Apr, 12, –IS-, call (617) 928-4553
Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, PA, Apr. 1, Juniors can be Interviewed, call (610) 821-3100
New England Sch. of Art & Design (Suffolk U.) , Boston, MA, Apr. 21&22, 23,24,25,26 –IS & T-, call (617) 573-8785
New England Tech., Institute, Warwick, RI, Apr. 17, RSVP for May 2 - Health Career Ed, Day, call (401) 467-7744
New Haven, U. of CT, Apr. 27, -OH- call (800) 342-586-4000
New York State Ranger School, Wanakena, NY, Apr. 26 -OH-, call (315) 848-2566
Niagara U., Buffalo, NY, Apr. 5 & 26 -Saturday Visits -, call (800) 462-2111
Norwich University, Northfield, VT, Apr. 16 & 17 --NU Experience- (accepted students only), call (802) 485-3739
New York University, New York City, NY, see Special Program College Applicants Section for information on OH and IS type programs
Paul Smith Col., Lake Placid, NY, Apr.12 –Campus Visits-, Apr 4 -Women in Sci.-, Apr.11 -Environment Day-, call (800) 421-2605
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, Apr. 5, 12, 26 – Information Programs- see Special Program College Applicants Section for details
Rhode Island, U. of, Kingston, RI, Apr. URI is hosting a number of departmental programs see Special Program College Applicants Section
Rochester Inst. of Tech., Rochester, NY Apr. 25 -Spring Preview-, Gordon Field House, 9am to 4 pm call (585) 475-6631
St. Andrews U., St. Andrews Fife, Scotland , Apr. 2,9 & 16, -Visit Days- call +44 (0) 1334-463330 or web
St. Anselm’s Col., Manchester, NH, Week of Apr. 22 to 25, –Junior Visit Days-, See Special Program College Applicants Section, call (603) 641-7244
St. Joseph’s U., West Hartford, CT, Apr. 9 –OH-, Apr. 14, 15, 24, 25 -Connect You Workshop--, call (860) 231-5216
St. Joseph’s Col., Standish, ME, Apr. 25 -Junior OH- 9 am to noon, call (800) 338-7057
St. Lawrence U., Canton, NY, Mar. 28 –Sophomore & Junior Visit Days- call (800) 285-1856
Open House April 2014 continued…
Simmons Col., Boston, MA,, Apr.22 –IS, Nursing, Health Services--, 12:30 pm, Apr. 5 & 26 -IS-, call (800) 345-8468
Simons Rock of Bard Col., Great Barrington, MA Apr. 26 -Discovery Day, OH- call (800) 235-7186
Skidmore Col., Saratoga, NY Apr. 16 & 21 -Junior Program- call (518) 580-5000
Smith Col. ,Northampton, MA., Apr. 26 -Smith Preview Program- See Special Program College Applicants Section for details
Southern New Hampshire U., Manchester, NH, Apr. 11 - OH, Culinary-, call (800) 642-4968
Springfield Col., Springfield, MA., Apr. 5 -IS, Human Services-, call (413) 748-3136
Sterling Col., Sterling, VT Apr. 5 -OH-, call (800) 648-3591
Suffolk U., Boston, MA, Apr. 15, –IS & T-, 6 pm, call (617) 573-8460
SUNY, Col. Syracuse, NY, Apr 26, College of Environmental Science, Syracuse, NY, Apr. 4, 25 -IS-. call (315) 470-6600
St. Andrews U., St. Andrews Fife, KY169AJ Scotland, Feb. 15 –Visit Day- call 44-1334-463324 email – Information Program-, call (800) 777-7373
SUNY Ranger Sch. at Wanakena , NY, Apr. 26 –OH- 9 am to 2 pm, See Special Program College Applicants Section, call (315) 848-2566
Tampa, U. of, Tampa, FL, Apr. 6 -OH- 10 am, Apr. 13,20,27, –Select Saturday- call (888) 646-2738
Union Col., Schenectady, NY, Apr. 5 –Theater Audition- call (888) 843-6688
Vanderbilt U., Nashville, TN, Apr. 7&12 -Black & Gold Days for high school Fresh.,Soph., Jrs., call (800) 288-0432 .
Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Apr. 5, 12, 19, 26 -Saturday Programs (IS &Tours)- call (800) 827-7270
Vermont, U. of ,Burlington, VT, Apr. 26 –Preview program for Juniors- See Special Program College Applicants Section, call (802) 656-3370
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA., Apr. 11 & 12 -OH & ON- call (540) 464-7230
Washington & Jefferson Col., Washington, PA, Apr. 11 & 12 -Senior ON- call (724) 222-4400
Wellesley Col., Wellesley, MA. Apr. 26 -Jr Open Campus-, Apr & Jun. IS, Mon. – Fri.- 9 am & 1 pm, call (781) 283-2270
Wesleyan U., of Ohio, Delaware, OH, Apr. 13 & 14 -OH, “Slice of College Life”- ,Apr. 20 –Spring into Col. call (800) 922-8953
Western New England Col., Springfield, MA, Apr. 12, -OH- 11 am to 4 pm, call (800) 235-1122
Wittenberg U., Springfield, OH, Apr. 25 – Tiger Day for Sophomores. & Juniors-, call (800) 677-7558
Wheaton Col., Norton, MA, Apr. 16 –Preview-, 1 pm to 3:30 pm, Apr. 11,17,25 –OH-, call (800) 394-6003
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA, Apr. 12 -Accepted Student Day-, call (508) 286-8251
Wooster, Col. of, Wooster, OH, Apr. 5 & 26 -Scot Saturdays-, call (330) 263-2322
OH = Open House Program IS = Information Session ON = Overnight TBA =To Be Announced
Suggestion: When responding regarding attendance, confirm the date and time and place of the meeting.
Adelphi U., Poughkeepsie, NY, Apr. 12 -Spring,OH-,11am to 1:30 pm , at Hudson Valley Ctr., call (800) – ADELPHI
Alabama U. of at Huntsville, AL, Apr. 5 –OH- 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, call (800) UAH-CALL
Albright Col., Reading, PA, Apr. 6 –Preview-, April 6 to 12 , -Diversity Week- call (610) 921-7260
Alfred U., Alfred, NY, Apr. 12 -Saturday Visit-- 9 am to 2 pm, call (607) 871-2115
American International Col., Springfield, MA, all Saturdays in April in the AM , call (800) 242-3142
Anna Maria Col., Paxton, MA, Apr. 12 -Accepted Student Day- 9:30 am to 1 pm, call (800)344-4586
Babson Col., Wellesley, MA Apr. 6, 18, 26 -Spring Preview-(800) 488-3690
Open House April 2014 continued…
Bard Simon Rock, MA., Apr. 26 -OH- call (413) 644-4400
Bay Path Col., Longmeadow, MA, Apr. 27, -OH- call (800) 782-7284
Becker Col., Worcester, MA will host two Program Sessions see Special Program College Applicants Section for details call 877-BECKER
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI, Mar. 29 -Jr. Visit Day-, call (800) 356-0751
Boston Architectural Col., Boston, MA, Apr. 7 -OH- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, call (877) 585-0100
Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, MA., Apr. Apr. 2-16, & 22-25, –Eagle Eye Sessions- 10 am to 2 pm, call (800) 360-2522
Boston U., Boston, MA., School of Engineering, Apr. 11, 18, 21, 25 –OH for accepted students, call (800) 578-1223
Brandeis U., Waltham, MA, Apr. 25 to Apr. 28 -Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Arts-
see Special Program College Applicants Section for details
Bryant U., Smithfield, RI, Apr. 1 to 5 &7 &8 -Day with Class-, call (800) 622-7001
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA, Apr. 5, 12, 26 -IS- call (800) BMC-1885
Canisius Col., Buffalo, NY Apr. 6 & 12 –Saturday Visit -, call (800) 843-1517
Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburg, PA, Apr. 5 & 26 –Saturday Information Days- 10:30 am, call (412) 268-2000 or 2082
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, OH, Apr. 18 –Spring OH-, Mar. 28 –OH, call (800) 967-8898
Castleton State Col., Castleton, VT, Apr. 5 -IS-, call (800) 639-8521
Catholic U., Washington DC, Apr. Tues .& Weds. –Cardinal Visit Days- programs for Sophomores & Juniors, Apr. 14 –Odyssey Day-, call (800) 673-2772
Champlain Col., Burlington, VT Apr. 5, 19, 29 -Information Session & Tour- call (800) 570-5858
Clark U., Worcester, MA, Apr. consult Special Program College Applicants Section for Clark visit days, call (800) 462-5275
Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, IO, Apr. 21 to 25 –Kohawk Kickoff for high school juniors-, 877-CALL-COE
Colby Sawyer, New London, NH, Apr. 12 –Accepted Seniors OH, Apr. 26 OH call (800)272-1015
Colgate U., Hamilton, NY, Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 -Saturday Session-, call (315) 228-7401
Colorado Col., Colorado Springs ,CO Apr. 4&25 –Discover CU, h.s. juniors-, Apr. 5, -OH, Veteran Medicine-, call 800-542-7214
Colorado St. Col., Ft. Collins, CO, Apr. 4 & 25 –Junior visit Days-, Apr. 5 –Veterinary Medicine OH- call (970) 491-1101
Connecticut Col., New London, CT, Apr. 18 –Spring Visit Day-, call (888) 553-8760
Dean Col., Franklin, MA, Apr. 16 & 18, On the spot Decisions-, call (800)852-7702
Dickenson Col., Carlisle, PA, Apr. 21 -Discover Dickinson Days-, call (800) 644-1773
Drew U., Madison, NJ, Apr. 26 –OH for high school Juniors.-, call (973) 408-3739
D’Youville Col., Buffalo, NY, Apr. 5 –Spring OH for High School Juniors-, Apr. 26 – Saturday Visit call (800) 777-3921
Elizabethtown Col., Elizabethtown, PA, Apr. 7 & 10 –Jay for a Day-, call (717) 361-1400
Open House April 2014 continued…
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA, Apr. 12 -Interview Day-, Apr. 26 –OH-, call (800) 225-3567
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA , Apr. 5, –I S- Apr. 26 –Junior Visit Day-, call (617) 735-9715
Fairfield U, Fairfield, CT, Apr. 26 Junior OH-, Mar. 15, call (203) 254-4100
Fitchburg State U., Fitchburg, MA , Apr. 5, 12, 26 -Saturday Information Session- call (978) 665-3144
Florida Inst. of Tech., Melbourne, FL, Apr. 21, -Discovery Day, OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 888-4348
Florida Southern Col., Lakeland, FL, Apr. 5, -Theatre Auditions-, call (800) 274-4131
Franklin Col., Franklin, IN, Apr. 5, 19, 26 -Saturday Information Day- call (888) 852-6471
Franklin Pierce U., Rindge, NH, Apr. 5, 23 -Saturday Tours- call (800) 437-0048
Framingham State U., Framingham, MA , Apr. 26 –IS- call (508) 626-4500
Gannon Col., Erie, PA Apr. 5 -Saturday IS & T, call (800) GANNON
Geneva Col., Apr. 4 & 25 -Discovery Days-, call (800) 847-8255
Gordon Col., Wenham, MA, Apr. 25, -Experience Gordon-, call (800) 343-1370
Goucher Col., Baltimore, MD, Apr. 12, 19, 26 –Saturday Visits-, call (401) 337-6000
Grinnell Col., Grinnell, IO., Apr. 18 –Junior Visit Day- call (641) 269-4000
Hamilton Col., Clinton, NY Apr. 5 &, 26 -Junior Preview Day-, Apr. 12&19 –Saturday Session call (800) 843-2655
Hampshire Col., Amherst, MA, Apr. 21 –Soph. & Junior Visit Day- 8:30 am to 4 pm, call (413) 559-5730
Hartwick Col., Oneonta, NY, Apr.. 26 –Junior OH- , 9 am to noon, see Special Program College Applicants Section for details, call (888) 427-9425
Hobart/William Smith Col., Geneva, NY, Apr. 16, 23 & 25 -Junior OH-, call (800) 852-2256
Hood Col., Frederick, MD, Apr. 5, 19, 26 -Saturday Presentations-, call (800) 922-1599
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Apr. 4 & 11 -OH for Juniors- 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 968-7850
Jacksonville U, Jacksonville, FL Apr. 11, -Fine Arts with Audition- Apr. 5,19,26 –Snapshot Saturdays-, call (904)-256-7663
Johnson State Col., Johnson, VT, Apr. 25 –OH- Apr. 14,16,18,21 –IS-, 10 am call (800) 635-2356
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Apr. 9 -Non Culinary Shadow Day & Continuing Ed. Day
Apr. 23 -Wildcat Weekend, Apr. 28, -Culinary Discovery Day, 9 am, call (800) DIAL-JWU
Lafayette Col., Easton, PA, Apr. 5, 12, 19 -Saturday Visits -, On Visits, Feb. thru. Apr. 28, call (610) 330-5100
Lasell Col., Newton, MA, Apr. 12 & 26 –Junior Experience-, Mar. 29 –Lasell Day, call (617) 243-2380
Lawrence Memorial-Regis Col. Collaborative ASN Prog, Medford, MA, Apr. 3 –OH, Nursing- 7 pm to 9 pm, call (781) 396-9250
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY, Apr. 12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, -IS-, call (800) 333-4630
Lesley Col., Cambridge, MA Arp. 26, -OH -, Apr. 4 –Executive Therapies OH- call (617) 349-8800
Loyola U., Baltimore, MD, Apr. 26 –Saturday at Loyola- call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., VT Apr. 25 –Spring OH- call (802) 626-6413
Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME, Apr. 5 -OH-, call (800) 227-8465
Maine, University of, Machias, ME, Apr. 14 -Preview Day-, 9 am to 1 pm, call (207) 255-1200
Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, VA, Apr. 4 -OH, Murphy Deming Col. of Health Services--, call (800) 468-2262
Mass Col of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA Apr. 21 – Preview Day-, Apr. 5, 26 –Preview Days- call (800) 969-MCLA
Mass Col. Pharmacy & Health See Special Program College Applicants Section
Mass U. of, Dartmouth, MA April 12 -OH, (508) 599 8605
UMass., Lowell, MA, Apr. 5 -Welcome Day for accepted students, call 978-934-4000
Missouri U. of,, Columbia, MO, Apr. 19 -Meet Mizzou Day- call (573) 882-2456
Mt. Ida Col., Newton, MA., Apr, 12, –IS-, call (617) 928-4553
Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, PA, Apr. 1, Juniors can be Interviewed, call (610) 821-3100
New England Sch. of Art & Design (Suffolk U.) , Boston, MA, Apr. 21&22, 23,24,25,26 –IS & T-, call (617) 573-8785
New England Tech., Institute, Warwick, RI, Apr. 17, RSVP for May 2 - Health Career Ed, Day, call (401) 467-7744
New Haven, U. of CT, Apr. 27, -OH- call (800) 342-586-4000
New York State Ranger School, Wanakena, NY, Apr. 26 -OH-, call (315) 848-2566
Niagara U., Buffalo, NY, Apr. 5 & 26 -Saturday Visits -, call (800) 462-2111
Norwich University, Northfield, VT, Apr. 16 & 17 --NU Experience- (accepted students only), call (802) 485-3739
New York University, New York City, NY, see Special Program College Applicants Section for information on OH and IS type programs
Paul Smith Col., Lake Placid, NY, Apr.12 –Campus Visits-, Apr 4 -Women in Sci.-, Apr.11 -Environment Day-, call (800) 421-2605
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, Apr. 5, 12, 26 – Information Programs- see Special Program College Applicants Section for details
Rhode Island, U. of, Kingston, RI, Apr. URI is hosting a number of departmental programs see Special Program College Applicants Section
Rochester Inst. of Tech., Rochester, NY Apr. 25 -Spring Preview-, Gordon Field House, 9am to 4 pm call (585) 475-6631
St. Andrews U., St. Andrews Fife, Scotland , Apr. 2,9 & 16, -Visit Days- call +44 (0) 1334-463330 or web
St. Anselm’s Col., Manchester, NH, Week of Apr. 22 to 25, –Junior Visit Days-, See Special Program College Applicants Section, call (603) 641-7244
St. Joseph’s U., West Hartford, CT, Apr. 9 –OH-, Apr. 14, 15, 24, 25 -Connect You Workshop--, call (860) 231-5216
St. Joseph’s Col., Standish, ME, Apr. 25 -Junior OH- 9 am to noon, call (800) 338-7057
St. Lawrence U., Canton, NY, Mar. 28 –Sophomore & Junior Visit Days- call (800) 285-1856
Open House April 2014 continued…
Simmons Col., Boston, MA,, Apr.22 –IS, Nursing, Health Services--, 12:30 pm, Apr. 5 & 26 -IS-, call (800) 345-8468
Simons Rock of Bard Col., Great Barrington, MA Apr. 26 -Discovery Day, OH- call (800) 235-7186
Skidmore Col., Saratoga, NY Apr. 16 & 21 -Junior Program- call (518) 580-5000
Smith Col. ,Northampton, MA., Apr. 26 -Smith Preview Program- See Special Program College Applicants Section for details
Southern New Hampshire U., Manchester, NH, Apr. 11 - OH, Culinary-, call (800) 642-4968
Springfield Col., Springfield, MA., Apr. 5 -IS, Human Services-, call (413) 748-3136
Sterling Col., Sterling, VT Apr. 5 -OH-, call (800) 648-3591
Suffolk U., Boston, MA, Apr. 15, –IS & T-, 6 pm, call (617) 573-8460
SUNY, Col. Syracuse, NY, Apr 26, College of Environmental Science, Syracuse, NY, Apr. 4, 25 -IS-. call (315) 470-6600
St. Andrews U., St. Andrews Fife, KY169AJ Scotland, Feb. 15 –Visit Day- call 44-1334-463324 email – Information Program-, call (800) 777-7373
SUNY Ranger Sch. at Wanakena , NY, Apr. 26 –OH- 9 am to 2 pm, See Special Program College Applicants Section, call (315) 848-2566
Tampa, U. of, Tampa, FL, Apr. 6 -OH- 10 am, Apr. 13,20,27, –Select Saturday- call (888) 646-2738
Union Col., Schenectady, NY, Apr. 5 –Theater Audition- call (888) 843-6688
Vanderbilt U., Nashville, TN, Apr. 7&12 -Black & Gold Days for high school Fresh.,Soph., Jrs., call (800) 288-0432 .
Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, NY, Apr. 5, 12, 19, 26 -Saturday Programs (IS &Tours)- call (800) 827-7270
Vermont, U. of ,Burlington, VT, Apr. 26 –Preview program for Juniors- See Special Program College Applicants Section, call (802) 656-3370
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA., Apr. 11 & 12 -OH & ON- call (540) 464-7230
Washington & Jefferson Col., Washington, PA, Apr. 11 & 12 -Senior ON- call (724) 222-4400
Wellesley Col., Wellesley, MA. Apr. 26 -Jr Open Campus-, Apr & Jun. IS, Mon. – Fri.- 9 am & 1 pm, call (781) 283-2270
Wesleyan U., of Ohio, Delaware, OH, Apr. 13 & 14 -OH, “Slice of College Life”- ,Apr. 20 –Spring into Col. call (800) 922-8953
Western New England Col., Springfield, MA, Apr. 12, -OH- 11 am to 4 pm, call (800) 235-1122
Wittenberg U., Springfield, OH, Apr. 25 – Tiger Day for Sophomores. & Juniors-, call (800) 677-7558
Wheaton Col., Norton, MA, Apr. 16 –Preview-, 1 pm to 3:30 pm, Apr. 11,17,25 –OH-, call (800) 394-6003
Wheelock Col., Boston, MA, Apr. 12 -Accepted Student Day-, call (508) 286-8251
Wooster, Col. of, Wooster, OH, Apr. 5 & 26 -Scot Saturdays-, call (330) 263-2322
Monday, March 17, 2014
ELA MCAS March 18,19, 21
This is a reminder that all 10th grade students will take the English Language Arts MCAS this week. High rates of student attendance are necessary to ensure an appropriate administration of the MCAS.
Students will be testing from roughly 7:25-11:00 AM on each of the three days. Those students who do not complete the testing within the assigned window, will be given extended time to complete the test.
It is vitally important that students get plenty of sleep the night before each testing session. They should also make an effort to eat breakfast each morning in order to preform at their optimal level.
If a student does miss a session of the MCAS, the make up testing will take place on the following days.
Testing from 3/18 will be made up on 3/27
Testing from 3/19 will be made up on 3/24
Testing from 3/21 will be made up on 3/25
We want to wish all of the students taking the test the very best of luck, but as Mr. Devine often tells our students, "you don't need luck, you have skill."
Friday, March 14, 2014
Term Three Progress Reports - Now Available on Aspen
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Progress Reports for Term Three are now available on Aspen.
If you need help accessing Aspen, please call Lisa Dalton at 781-925-300 X1106. She can also be reached at
If you would like to request the mailing of hardcopy report cards and progress reports, please contact Fran Troy at 781-925-3000 X1112. She can also be reached at
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Chartwells Employment Opportunity
Great people, Real opportunities
Chartwells Educational Dining seeks
Substitute positions available immediately.
On-call position M-F schedule varies 8am-2pm time frame. Ideal hours for stay at home parents!
Contact the Director of Dining Services at 781-925-2040 ext 1110 or via e-mail response.
EOE & AA Employer M/F/D/V
Updated March 11th, 2014.
Kate Leavenworth
Director of Dining Services
Chartwells Dining Services & Hull Public Schools
781-925-2040 ext 1110
Follow us on Twitter @Chartwells_Hull
For menus visit our website at
Director of Dining Services
Chartwells Dining Services & Hull Public Schools
781-925-2040 ext 1110
Follow us on Twitter @Chartwells_Hull
For menus visit our website at
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
New Scholarship
Award: Two $1000 Scholarships
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and a short essay. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and MUST be submitted to the Guidance Office on or before Tuesday, April 15, 2014.
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Award: Two $1000 Scholarships
- Student must be a graduating High School senior attending a college/university.
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application and a short essay. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and MUST be submitted to the Guidance Office on or before Tuesday, April 15, 2014.
Deadline: April 15, 2014
Boston College Splash! - Great Opportunity for 9-11th Graders!!!
What is BC Splash?
From their website:
Splash at BC is a student run program which aims to broaden the academic horizons of high school students by offering a wide variety of free courses all taught by BC undergraduate and graduate students. On the day of the event, which is Sunday April 6th this spring, the BC campus becomes a hub for learning, inspiring, and sharing.
From their website:
Splash at BC is a student run program which aims to broaden the academic horizons of high school students by offering a wide variety of free courses all taught by BC undergraduate and graduate students. On the day of the event, which is Sunday April 6th this spring, the BC campus becomes a hub for learning, inspiring, and sharing.
- BC students teach anything they are interested in. It is a rare opportunity to share and showcase their passions in a classroom setting.
- High school students are immersed in the college environment for a whole day. They have the chance to explore the campus, connect with undergraduates, and take classes in a wide variety of subjects. Best of all, BC Splash is FREE!
- Our innovative Parent Program brings parents together with financial aid advisors, admissions directors, and other faculty, so that everyone can walk confident.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sophomore Parent Presentation
Sending out anther reminder about the Sophomore Parent Presentation with the guidance counselors. If you are interested in attending, please email Fran Troy at, to secure your spot. It is important that we know in advance so that we can make sure we have your parent computer account set up and ready to go! You will be looking at data specific to your student!
The presentation will take place during Parent Conferences this Tuesday (4/11). Mrs. Troy will set up your conference schedule around the presentation!
The presentation will take place during Parent Conferences this Tuesday (4/11). Mrs. Troy will set up your conference schedule around the presentation!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Hull High's Core Values
Our core values greet students each day as they enter the high school. This sign sits just as you enter our main hallway:
New Scholarships
Award: TBA
Deadline: March 24, 2014
Award: $500
Deadline: May 15, 2014
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay, 3 minute YouTube video and sign the Mike Rowe WORKS S.W.E.A.T Pledge through the website.
Award: TBA
- Resident of Hull (available to students in other towns)
- Involvement in your local Cheering program
- Application MUST be signed by the town Youth OCYCA Cheerleading Coordinator
Deadline: March 24, 2014
Award: $500
- Student is required to plan on studying any aspect of an 'art/humanities' related field.
- Students can also be starting an apprenticeship or private study with an artist.
Deadline: May 15, 2014
Award: Tuition at UTI
- Student of color graduating from high school
- Enrolling at UTI
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay, 3 minute YouTube video and sign the Mike Rowe WORKS S.W.E.A.T Pledge through the website.
Deadline: June 27, 2014
Award: Varying amounts
Award: Varying amounts
- Student must personally visit campus and meet with Admissions.
- Accepted into Hallmark Institute of Photography's Professional Photography Program
How to apply: Applicants must submit an official application, essay and one photograph in JPEG format through the website.
Deadline: July 31, 2014
Deadline: July 31, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Upcoming Guidance Events for 10th & 11th Grade Families!!!
Sophomore Parent Presentation
The week after vacation the guidance counselors were in Mr. MacKenzie's US History I classes, working with sophomore students on a career inventory and post-secondary planning project. The students used Family Connection, which is a great college planning resource. We'd like to share your student's results with you and introduce you to this amazing tool through an interactive presentation!
We will be doing this presentation during the evening Spring Parent Conferences, which are Tuesday, March 11th beginning at 5:30 PM. If you are a parent/guardian of a sophomore, when you sign up for your conferences, let Mrs. Troy know you'd like to attend the presentation and she'll book your appointments around it. If you aren't coming in for a conference, we ask that you still email Mrs. Troy to sign-up as we'll be using computers and want to make sure we have a spot for you!
You can begin to book your spring conferences and sign up for this presentation now, by emailing Fran Troy at Please email her with the names of the teachers you'd like to see and don't forget to let her know you want to attend the Sophomore Parent Presentation!
Junior Parent Presentation
On Thursday, March 20th, the guidance counselors will be giving a presentation to junior parents on the college search process. This event starts at 6:30 PM! In addition to the guidance presentation, an Admissions Counselor from Boston College will be on hand to give you hints on the admissions process and answer your questions. We encourage all members of the class of 2015 and their parents/guardians to attend!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Major Changes Coming for SAT
Please see this recent article in the New York Times discussing the College Board's intention to make major changes to the SAT:
NY Times SAT Article
NY Times SAT Article
Hull High School Band Expanding
Please see this recent article in the Boston Globe about our band:
Boston Globe Article: HHS Band Expanding
Boston Globe Article: HHS Band Expanding
Monday, March 3, 2014
Career Day at Hull High School
On Wednesday, February 26, Hull High School ran a Career Day
through the advisory program. This event was designed to help expose
students to various career pathways. The
week prior, students were given a career inventory to help them identify their
own personal strengths and interests. Career paths represented were:
science, health, trades and labor, military, police/fire, education,
business, sports management, and law.
During the day, students participated in
two panel discussion of their choice within one of the nine paths. During
the panel discussions, each presenter had the opportunity to talk about their
current field, their educational background, and insight into the field.
Students were then given a chance to ask questions of our panelists.
Hull High School would like to offer a big thank you to all that
helped organize and that participated in the day. If you would like to speak at a future career
day, please email
Career Day Roster
February 26, 2014
- Trades and Union Labor
Jelene Desmond, Painters Union
Jay Hanks, Allerton Harbor Canvas
Rob O'Reilly, Sheet Metal Worker
Joe Divito, Construction
- Health Sciences
Mike Walsh, Registered Nurse
Kate Gifford, Physician’s Assistant
Kim Fuda, Occupational Therapist
- Business
Saadon Davis, Pharmaceutical Sales
Jeff Fuller, Public Relations
Andrew Hickey, Asset Management/Hedge Funds
- Education
Stephanie Gomes, Kindergarten
Brandon Sullivan, Middle School Technology
Lindsay Ruxton, HS Paraprofessional
- Law/Legal
Eric Hipp, Associate Lawyer
Roger Lewenberg, Administrative Judge
- Science
Kathryn Kosuda, Chemistry
Dr. Robert Moore, Immunology
- Police and Fire
Deputy Chief Chris Russo, Hull Fire Dept.
Sgt. Dale Shea, Hull Police Dept.
Officer Sean Fahey, Hull Police Dept.
- Military
Sgt. Brian Kilgore, MA National Guard
Sgt. Donald Gay, US Army
Representatives from the US Coast Guard
- Sports/Sports Management
Guy Reynolds, Owner Cohasset Sports Complex
Tony Price, Athletic Director Randolph HS
Maria Smith, Athletic Trainer
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Mock Trial
On Tuesday, the Hull High School Mock Trial Team finished with the season on a high note with a 95-89 victory over Braintree High School. Hull's team was led by attorney/coach Eric Hipp and teacher/coach Jake Shea. Coach Hipp reports that, "Our young team showed great improvement over the year. They've laid a solid foundation for future success."
Congratulations on a great season, Pirates!
Congratulations on a great season, Pirates!
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