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The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Thursday, October 31, 2013
New Scholarships!
We have received several promotions for school specific scholarships over the past few weeks. If you are considering applying to any of the following institutions, please come to guidance to learn more about these scholarship opportunities:
UPCOMING EVENT: 9th Grade Parent Evening
Date: November 19th
Time: 7 PM
Location: High School Exhibition Room
9th Grade Parent Evening is a chance for you to meet your student's guidance counselor and learn more Hull High School! We will discuss HHS policies and requirements, higher education requirements, and much more!
***We had originally planned this as a combined 9th and 10th grade parent evening. However, we have decided to split the events and will hold a separate evening for 10th grade parents in the spring (more on that to come a little later on). We will still welcome 10th grade parents to the 11/19 event but want to let you know in advance that if you attended last year it may be repetitive.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Parent - Teacher Conferences Information
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday,
November 13th from 1:20PM to 3:10PM and Monday, November 18th
from 5:30PM to 8:30PM.
To set up appointments please email Fran Troy at ftroy@town.hull.ma.us.
In your email please let Fran know which day you would like to book
appointments and which teachers you would like to meet. If you do not
have access to email, please call Fran at 781-925-3000 x1112. Requests
for appointments will be handled in the order in which they are received.
Thank you.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
A Message from the Nantasket Hull Rotary Club
FROM: Nantasket Hull Rotary Club
CONTACT: Susan Aborn 617-448-9977 or
Email: saborn@pmclog.com
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The Nantasket Hull Rotary is planning the return of the HULL Telephone Book, which has not been produced since 2007.
Plans are underway for an updated phone book with all, important local information within the pages of the book.
The Nantasket Hull Rotary Club is holding a CONTESTto select the image that will be placed on the cover of the book. The image may be a photograph, an artistic drawing or illustration or a computer generated image.
The winner will receive credit and recognition within the phone book and will also be awarded a ¼ page message or advertisement in the phone book.
The Rotary will accept images for submission to this CONTEST up until November 22 at which time no further entries will be accepted.
The images MAY be submitted as follows.
• PDF (Press Quality- 300dpi, .125" bleeds, CMYK)
• Adobe indesign CS4 or lower
• 300 dpi JPG (high quality, 300dpi, CMYK)
NOTE: We do NOT accept the following: Quark, Pagemaker, coreldraw, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher. Artwork created in these programs must be converted to a press-quality PDF.
• 300 dpi at 100% scale for CMYK or greyscale images
Any art submitted by the artist shall be at the risk of the artist. When providing photographs or artwork, we recommend submitting copies, rather than originals, as we cannot guarantee their return.
The winner of the CONTEST will be announced at the January 15 meeting of the Rotary Club. Go towww.nantaskethullrotary.com for further details.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Senior Parent College Application Night
Below the cut is the PowerPoint we presented at Senior Parent Evening. If you were unable to attend, please review the information and let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks so much to those of you who attended! We hope you feel better prepared to tackle the college application process!
Thanks so much to those of you who attended! We hope you feel better prepared to tackle the college application process!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
PSAT Testing Tomorrow, School for Seniors begins at 10:30
PSAT and ReadiStep Testing
Wednesday, October 16th @HHS
On Wednesday all students in grades 9-11 will sit for College Board testing from 7:25 - 10:45 in the morning. All freshmen will be taking the College Board's ReadiStep Test, which is the age appropriate assessment to prepare students for the SAT. During the same testing period, all sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT. These tests are provided free of charge to all HHS students and they represent a great opportunity for all of our students to become more proficient on the SAT.
Seniors will not be in school on Wednesday morning. They will report to the gymnasium at 10:30 on Wednesday. They will sit for their senior class photo at that time before being dismissed to classes at 10:45.
The "school day" will begin at 10:45 and all students will attend their D, E, F, and G period classes. Lunch will be served.
All students will need calculators for their test and we have a limited supply to lend. So please be sure your student comes to the test prepared to do their best.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A Request from the PTO
First of all, let me say “Thank You.” With town and school budgets struggling, the
parents and members of the Hull community have enabled the Hull PTO to provide
academic and co-curricular opportunities for the children. Thanks to your participation in our events,
fundraisers, and activities, the Hull PTO is able to be a support system to the
students and teachers of our community.
For that, we are grateful and want you to know that your efforts do not
go unnoticed.
The good news is we are providing
thousands of dollars in support to the school system to ensure important
programs and projects are available. While
we cannot list them all, below is a sample of the projects the PTO is proud to
have supported this past school year:
Arts Alive Day Hull
High School Advisory Day
Huntington Theater Field Trips Jacobs Express Day
Jacobs Service Week Visit to Senior
Center Little Mermaid Production
Museum of Science School Program Plimouth Plantation Field
Power of One Anti-Bullying Program Teacher Appreciation Meals
Turkey Trot Amelia
Earnhardt Historical Perspectives Show
Captain John’s Floating Classroom Trip Baseball Literature Trip to Fenway
Franklin Park Field Trip Grad Night
These great opportunities would not be
available without your support. As we
head into the 2013 – 2014 school year, we need your help to ensure we can
continue to provide great learning opportunities for the kids of Hull. In recent years, demand for support from the
PTO has grown, while fundraising has been increasingly difficult, leaving us
with more requests and fewer resources.
To ensure we can help make these and many more programs available, we
are asking for your support. Please
consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Hull PTO
as we head back to school.
Your gift of $20, $50, $100, or more
will help ensure the children of Hull continue to learn and grow, and give back
to this great community in which we live.
To make your gift, please send your check made out to the Hull PTO, P.O. Box 56, Hull, MA 02045 or
make a donation online at www.hullpto.org.
Thank you for all that you do for the
children of Hull. Your commitment is
greatly appreciated and all of us at the PTO know that we could not do any of
this without you.
With Warm Appreciation,
Melissa Harper, Hull PTO Treasurer
Monday, October 7, 2013
Homecoming Week News and Schedule
Homecoming 2013 News and Schedule
Homecoming Court Announced
Homecoming 2013 got off to a smashing start last week when the senior class nominated the homecoming court. The ten students named to the court found out during afternoon announcements on Thursday and will be photographed today by Mr. Lindington. Congratulations goes out to the following court members and their families:
Stella Willis
Joanna Larsen
Alaina Bennett
Cassidy Dahill
Sarah Condo
John Marcinkewich
Marco Caparrotta
Kevin DeCoste
Sean Hauter
Jacen Kurciviez
We will get photos of the court up as soon as they become available.
Homecoming Schedule
Spirit Week
Monday: Bring Back 2004 Day (Red Sox Theme)
Tuesday: Twins Day
Wednesday: Pink Out (Breast Cancer Awareness Theme)
Thursday: Neon Day
Friday: Blue and Gold Day
Homecoming Game
Friday: Special 6:00PM Kickoff vs. Carver
The homecoming court will be presented at halftime.
We welcome all community members and alumni to join us in celebrating homecoming at "the Gut" on Friday night.
Homecoming Dance
Friday: Directly following the conclusion of the football game. 8PM-11PM in the HHS gymnasium.
King and Queen crowned at 10PM.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
New Scholarships
Ithaca College Park Scholar Awards
Award: Covers full cost of attendance at Ithaca College (approximately $53,000 per year)
Deadline: You must complete your Ithaca College application by January 2, 2014; Your Park Scholar application must be completed by January 15, 2014.
For more information visit www.ithaca.edu/parkscholars
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award Program
Award: range from $1000 - $10,000
Deadline: December 17, 2013
JCI Senate Scholarship
Award: $1000
Deadline: January 11, 2014
Award: Covers full cost of attendance at Ithaca College (approximately $53,000 per year)
- A student applying to Ithaca College for entry in the fall of 2014
- Must be majoring in one of the following fields: Cinema and Photography; Communication Management and Design; Documentary Studies and Production; Emerging Media; Film, Photography and Visual Arts; Integrated Marketing Communications; Journalism; Television-Radio.
Deadline: You must complete your Ithaca College application by January 2, 2014; Your Park Scholar application must be completed by January 15, 2014.
For more information visit www.ithaca.edu/parkscholars
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award Program
Award: range from $1000 - $10,000
- A graduating high school senior who owns and operates his/her own small business
- Student must enter their freshman year at an accredited two- or four-year university, college or vocational/technical institute during the fall of 2014
Deadline: December 17, 2013
JCI Senate Scholarship
Award: $1000
- Graduating Senior
- Must fill out the application, which includes a personal statement.
Deadline: January 11, 2014
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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