The Hull High School Blog was created to provide students, parents, and community members with immediate access to news and information from Hull High School.

Hull High School is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The 2012 Grad Night Committee is in search of adult volunteers to chaperone Grad Night on Saturday, June 2nd, 2012. This night is an exciting and fun night for the graduating class of 2012. To make this night susseccful, we need many volunteers. You can volunteer for as little as one hour or stay the entire night (10:00 p.m.- 6:00 a.m.). To volunteer, please call Sharon Striglio @ 781-925-1151 or email her at Thank you for your time to provide a safe environment for the seniors to celebrate!
Seats Still Available for Quiz Night!
Saturday, March 31st 7-11pm
Hull Knights of Columbus Hall440 Nantasket Ave.
Prizes for the winners-
and the losers!
All Proceeds to Benefit Hull High
School Co-Curricular Activities:
School Co-Curricular Activities:
PHI Mock Trial
Join us for a great time,
and help support HHS
$25 per person or
$175 for a table (8 person)
Each table is encouraged to bring
their own refreshments for the players
at their table. A prize will be awarded
to the table with the best spread!
Cash Bar
See the Hull High School
Website for game details!
Call Sharon Striglio at
the Memorial MiddleSchool
925-2040 x. 1106
for more information
and to purchase tickets.
PHI Mock Trial
Join us for a great time,
and help support HHS
$25 per person or
$175 for a table (8 person)
Each table is encouraged to bring
their own refreshments for the players
at their table. A prize will be awarded
to the table with the best spread!
Cash Bar
See the Hull High School
Website for game details!
Call Sharon Striglio at
the Memorial MiddleSchool
925-2040 x. 1106
for more information
and to purchase tickets.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sophomore Guidance Project
During the month of February the sophomore students spent a couple weeks working on a project with the guidance counselors. They took a personality profile and career interest survey, completed research on a career of their choice, and made a poster about a college. If you are interested in viewing the results of your son/daughter's personality profile, please send an email to his/her guidance counselor. The report is accessible online and may offer some great insight into your student's learning style, as well as some of their strengths and blindspots.
The personality profile is a shorter version of the Myers & Briggs test, which is most commonly used to help people assess what career they might be best suited for based on their personality type. According to Myer's & Briggs, we all fall into one of sixteen personality types. Here is a link to some more information on the test itself and the specific personality types: Myers & Briggs.
The sophomores are assigned to their counselor based on last name. Here is how they are broken down, along with email addresses should you like to view the report:
The personality profile is a shorter version of the Myers & Briggs test, which is most commonly used to help people assess what career they might be best suited for based on their personality type. According to Myer's & Briggs, we all fall into one of sixteen personality types. Here is a link to some more information on the test itself and the specific personality types: Myers & Briggs.
The sophomores are assigned to their counselor based on last name. Here is how they are broken down, along with email addresses should you like to view the report:
- Students whose last name begins with A - L are assigned to Jamie Vaughan,
- Students whose last name begins with M - Z are assigned to Maureen Kelliher,
Monday, March 26, 2012
Dunphy to shoot free throws at Boston Garden
On Sunday, April 8, Hull High School student Paul Dunphy will be competing at the TD Garden. Dunphy will represent the South Section in the Red Auerbach Foundation/Massachusetts Basketball Coaches Association Free Throw Shooting Contest. The contest is held during pre-game of the Celtics game against the Philadelphia 76'ers. Paul will compete against free throw shooters from the West, Central and North Sections for the title of State Free Throw Champion. Good Luck, Paul!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Spring Practices start today
Today is the first day of practices for Spring Sports:
Boys' Lacrosse - 3:00 at Dust Bowl
Girls' Lacrosse - 2:30 at Dust Bowl
Track - 2:15 Bus to Cohasset
Softball - 2:45 at L Street
Baseball - 3:00 at L Street
Go Pirates!
Boys' Lacrosse - 3:00 at Dust Bowl
Girls' Lacrosse - 2:30 at Dust Bowl
Track - 2:15 Bus to Cohasset
Softball - 2:45 at L Street
Baseball - 3:00 at L Street
Go Pirates!
ELA MCAS (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) March 20th - 22nd
This is a reminder to all parents and guardians of current sophomores, that the administration of the English Language Arts MCAS begins tomorrow.
Students will be testing during periods A,B, and C. Those students who need additional time will be provided it.
It is of the utmost importance that students are present on MCAS administration days. Earning a passing score on each of the three MCAS tests (ELA, Mathematics, and Science) is mandatory in order to receive a high school diploma.
Please advise your student to get proper rest and eat a nutritious breakfast before sitting for their MCAS tests this week and beyond.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Junior Parent Evening & SAT Registration
Thank you so much to all the parents and students who came out last Thursday for Junior Parent Evening! Hopefully you found the information useful and are ready to begin that college search.
For anyone who could not make it, we will be sending home a copy of the information packet we handed out. The kids will be given this during tomorrow's (3/14) Advisory period. The students are being instructed to bring the packet home to their parents, so please be on the look out for it! This packet has an access code to Family Connection, our application management system that will help facilitiate you in the college applicatoin process. Please email your child's counselor if you have any questions.
Also in Advisory, all juniors will recieve a copy of their College Board username and password. They will need this in order to register for the SATs, which they do online. The vast majority of students created a College Board account last year when we returned their PSAT scores. It is VERY important that they do not create a second account. The UN/PW they receive tomorrow will give them access to the account they created last year. Please keep this in a safe place as it will be used often over the next year!
Students can begin registering for the May and June SATs at any time. We say the sooner the better! The registration deadline for May is April 6th. The deadline for the June test is May 8th. Registration takes place at
For anyone who could not make it, we will be sending home a copy of the information packet we handed out. The kids will be given this during tomorrow's (3/14) Advisory period. The students are being instructed to bring the packet home to their parents, so please be on the look out for it! This packet has an access code to Family Connection, our application management system that will help facilitiate you in the college applicatoin process. Please email your child's counselor if you have any questions.
Also in Advisory, all juniors will recieve a copy of their College Board username and password. They will need this in order to register for the SATs, which they do online. The vast majority of students created a College Board account last year when we returned their PSAT scores. It is VERY important that they do not create a second account. The UN/PW they receive tomorrow will give them access to the account they created last year. Please keep this in a safe place as it will be used often over the next year!
Students can begin registering for the May and June SATs at any time. We say the sooner the better! The registration deadline for May is April 6th. The deadline for the June test is May 8th. Registration takes place at
Monday, March 12, 2012
Hull High on Nickelodeon
Hull High School will be featured in an upcoming Nick News with Linda Ellerbee. The show will air on March 18th at 9PM on Nickelodeon
Hull High School will be featured in an upcoming Nick News with Linda Ellerbee. The show will air on March 18th at 9PM on Nickelodeon
Hull Theatre Arts Presents "Curtains"
Hull Theatre Arts
Friday, March 16, 2012 at 7:30
Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 1:30 and 7:30
Joseph C. Doniger Auditorium
Hull High School
Available online at,or
visit the theatre office Monday - Thursday from 6:15 - 8:30,or
at the door (if available).
School Council Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30 PM
We hope to see you at our March School Council meeting - tonight (3/12) at 6:30 PM in the library. We will be discussing:
1. Quiz Night
2. The 2012-2013 Program of Studies
1. Quiz Night
2. The 2012-2013 Program of Studies
Friday, March 9, 2012
Mr. Devine's Parent Letter (March 7, 2012)
March 7, 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As I write this letter, it is sixty degrees outside and the wind is howling. This past week, diplomas for the Class of 2012 arrived at HHS. As I drove to the Memorial School this afternoon for a meeting, I saw many of our baseball players out on the L Street fields throwing the ball around. It seems hard to believe that it is only two weeks until spring, but it seems like every day there is a reminder that spring is nearly here. As always, there is a great deal happening here at Hull High School . Here are a few things of which you should be aware.
Staff Announcements
For most of you, the first person you see when you enter Hull High School , and the first person you hear when you call us, is Mrs. Karen Powers. After 17 years of service to Hull High School , Karen is retiring next week. Although she will be greatly missed (who will proofread all these letters that I type!?), I know that we all wish her many years of health, happiness, and peace as she rejoins her family in Missouri. Our new office secretary is Mrs. Lisa Dalton. Lisa was born and raised in Dublin , Ireland , and has been a Hull resident for the past six years. Lisa’s first day is Wednesday, March 14th, and I know that she will become a welcome and valued part of our learning community.
Progress Reports
Term 3 progress reports were sent home this week for all high school students. Please take the time to look at this report with your student(s). Please remember that we are only halfway through the term and there can be a significant change in your child’s grade between now and the end of the term. Stay in contact with your student’s teachers and help your student get the best grades that they can possibly earn.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month. These students have been selected by their teachers in recognition of their dedication, interest and hard work in their classes. They are:
Internship Brittany Jenkins
Media Meaghan Dunn
Art Isabella Fonseca
Social Studies Veronice Lopes
Media Meaghan Dunn
Art Isabella Fonseca
Social Studies Veronice Lopes
Wellness / PE Alex Barkas
Foreign Language Morgan Leeber
Foreign Language Morgan Leeber
Science Amber Carpenter
Academic Support Haley Dunlap
Academic Support Haley Dunlap
Math Christopher Meagher
English Flavio Andrade
English Flavio Andrade
Music Caitlin Haight
Student – Athlete Lauren Geary
Student – Athlete Lauren Geary
Late Bus
As many of you know, we offer a late bus for our students every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, as well as every other Monday. Although on most days there is room to spare on the bus, on some days there are not enough seats to safely accommodate all the students desiring to take the bus home at 3:30 PM. Starting next week, and running through April vacation, on Tuesdays and Thursdays a second late bus will come to the school by 3:40 PM. On the other days that a late bus is offered, once the bus reaches its capacity, students will need to make other arrangements to get home. The town bus does pick up at Pemberton Pier 10 minutes before the hour. The cost of the town bus is $.60. Parents and guardians are reminded that we are not obligated to provide late buses, but we provide one in order to allow our students to stay after school for extra academic help and co-curricular activities. However, there may be days that your child wants to ride the late bus but will not be able to do so.
Hull High School Theatre Arts
On March 16th and 17th, Hull High School Theatre Arts will present Curtains, a comedic musical murder-mystery. On Friday the show starts at 7:30 PM and on Saturday there are two shows: 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased by calling 925-8801, or by going to the Hull High School website. Come and watch a great show, and cheer on our student-actors, including nine seniors in their last HHS show.
Quiz Night
We will be hosting our second annual Quiz Night on March 31st at the Hull Knights of Columbus Hall. Tables of eight are $175 and there are prizes for the table that earns the most points, as well as for the table that earns the least. All proceeds go to our co-curricular activities, including athletics, drama, PHI, TALK, Mock Trial and Student Government. Please contact Sharon Striglio at 925-2040 x. 1106 for more information and to purchase a table.
Spring Sports
Here is some important information regarding the start of spring sports on March 19th:
- All student-athletes must have a physical dated within the last 13 months.
- The school participation paperwork and waiver forms are available on the Athletic Department website. Additionally, paperwork is available for pick-up and drop-off during lunches from Friday, March 9 through Tuesday, March 13. All forms and fees must be returned prior to any athletic participation. All paperwork must be dropped to Jim Quatromoni in lunches on Monday or Tuesday. Failure to do this will result in a delay of your child's athletic participation.
- Fee Schedule:
Sport 1: $250
Sport 2: $175
Sport 3: $150 - This year we have decided to replace the Athletic Open House for all sports, with individual parent, student-athlete and coach meetings. Attendance at these meetings is mandatory to ensure that your child’s athletic participation is not delayed. Failure to attend these meetings will result in a delay of your child’s athletic participation.
- Parent, student-athlete and coach meetings will be Tuesday, March 13 as scheduled:
Track 5:30 PM Exhibition Room
Boys' Lacrosse 6:00 PM Cafeteria
Girls' Lacrosse 6:30 PM Exhibition Room
Softball 7:00 PM Cafeteria
Baseball 7:30 PM Exhibition Room
So, enjoy the longer days and the warmer weather. As always, I welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Michael F. Devine
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Hull High School Scholarship Requests
March 1, 2012
Dear Friend of Hull High School ,
“Although more Americans are getting help from scholarships and tax breaks, the net cost of college is eating up a higher share of the typical family's income in 2011, according to a report released Wednesday. The sticker price of studying and living on campus at the average public university rose 5.4% for in-state students, or about $1,100, to $21,447 this fall, the College Board estimated. The chief cause of that increase was a dramatic spike in tuition and fees at hundreds of public universities. Tuition at the average public university jumped 8.3% to $8,244. The sticker price of living and studying for a year at a typical private college rose 4.3% to $42,224 this year.” -
Tuition at public colleges increasing by 8.3%. Unfortunately, the amount of financial aid offered to our students has not increased at this same level. In fact, many governmental scholarship and loan programs are giving substantially less to students, due to severe budget cuts. Our students need your help more than ever.
I know that many of us are facing difficult financial situations in our own lives, but I am asking you to consider helping a 2012 Hull High School graduate earn a college degree. This assistance can take several forms:
· You can establish a scholarship in the name of loved one. You can choose the recipient yourself or ask that the Hull High School faculty choose the recipient based on the criteria you chose. This scholarship can be in any amount and can be endowed by you for as many years as you choose.
· You can give a one-time financial award in any amount to a Hull High School student. As with an established scholarship, you can choose the recipient yourself or ask that the Hull High School faculty choose the recipient based on the criteria you chose.
· You can give any amount to the Hull High School General Scholarship Fund. The Hull High School faculty will award several scholarships, the amount to be determined by the generosity of the Hull community.
If you have contributed before, on behalf of Hull High School , I give you my sincere thanks. Through your generosity, you have made a significant difference in the life of a Hull High School graduate. If you have not given before, I ask that you consider giving this year.
If you would like to contribute to the general scholarship fund, you may send a check, made out to Hull High School (please put “Scholarship Fund” in the memo line), to Mrs. Karen Powers at Hull High School .
The generosity of the people of Hull , and the surrounding communities, continues to amaze me. Your support has allowed so many Hull High School graduates to achieve their dreams of earning a college degree. Thank you for making a difference in their lives.
With Sincere Thanks,
Michael Devine
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